Preserved Sheet Meia Cassarina

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Jul 24, 2016
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Character Information
  • Full Name: Meissela Yllasal Cassarina
    • Used Name: Mei'cussa Cassarina | Meia Cassarina
      • Nicknames: Mei
  • Race: Isldar
    • Neutral Sect
  • Age: Seventy-Nine Years of Age
  • Sex: Female
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color: Icy Blue
  • Combat Style: Warrior
Core Concept
  • Meia loosely looks towards her Dragon Worship for guidance and hope in stressful periods of time, however, she is not a dedicated practicer of her religion.
  • Meia is a loud, charming woman who has known a lot of heartache. She definitely tries to fit outside of the Isldar stereotype and is desperate to find and reunite with the family she made after reinvesting into her underworld lifestyle.
Proficiency Information
Points: 14 - 1 Free left

  • Strength : 6
    • Melee - Technique Parry
    • Melee - Weapon Throw (free)
    • Melee - Diving Tackle
    • Melee - Shrug Off
    • Melee - Knockback Sweep
    • Athletic - Steady Body
    • Athletic - Gut Punch
  • Constitution : 4
    • Training - Rage Counter
    • Training - Rebound
    • Training - Interception
    • Training - Iron Will
  • Magic : 0
    • Radiant - Radiant Revive (Free Isldar)
  • Dexterity : 3
    • Roguery - Dirty Fighter (Free Isldar)
    • Roguery - Improvised Attack
    • Roguery - Sharp Reflexes
    • Roguery - Close Save
  • Wisdom : 0
  • Faith : 0
Race Chosen Mechanics
  • can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
  • can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
  • does not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
  • Common | Mother Figure
  • Altalar | Father
  • Sulvaley Elven | Father
  • Wai'lan | Sihai Mother Figure
Appearance Information
  • Meia's body, especially around her arms and legs is covered with contorted scars. Additionally, she has a dented scar from a severe wound from the past on her abdomen that she does not choose to hide with makeup or abilities.
  • Meia has slightly curly hair with swept bangs that is a glossy ivory color. She stands at an impressive six feet and four inches and is of a fairly tough build with some muscular definition. Her facial features are sharp and her figure is of an hourglass shape.
Life Story
  • Meia was born in Ellador to her father who was a hunter and part-time construction man. Her mother was Tullariah Cassarina, an extraordinary scientific mind who was later captured in Regalia for several counts of murder. Due to her mother's neglectful tendencies, Tullariah abandoned her small family when Meia was five years old, thus prompting Meia's father to migrate to Regalia to start a newer life.
  • Meia was taught by her mother figure and her father's partner, a Sihai who he had been seeing in secret. Meia spent a lot of her teenage years with other troubled youths which escalated when her father was killed.
  • Because of her troublesome demeanour, Meia's step-mother disowned her for some time, where Meia struggled to make ends meet with odd jobs like servant and kitchen work. Meia though found a stable living as a barmaid, though she did continue to operate in the darker corners of the city to make money.
  • Throughout her life, Meia has had too many partners and has had a number of children. All of her children passed away, however one of her daughters still lives in the care of a former friend. Meia joined an organisation where she used some of what her father taught her to develop some of her smith skills, producing some weapons in exchange for financial gain.
  • Regalia stays Meia's home though countless times she has left and revisited for family matters. Now she remains to dedicate her time to trying to establish contact with her daughter, as well as finding old friends to rekindle her former connections.
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Hi, here's my review. @Peekaboop

Wa'an | Mother Figure - fluent but not great for sophisticated or lengthy conversation
  • Unfortunately, you can (typically) only have one extra language other than Common for free, depending on which region your character grew up in.
Other than that, you're good. Tag me once you've edited & we can move on to approval, thanks.
Hi, here's my review. @Peekaboop

  • Unfortunately, you can (typically) only have one extra language other than Common for free, depending on which region your character grew up in.
Other than that, you're good. Tag me once you've edited & we can move on to approval, thanks.
All good, new I'd have an oldie in there somewhere. Changed. Thank you.
Hello. Here's my review:

-Please remove your technician point buy, or switch to artificier. Since you have investments in melee and spell point buys, this locks you out of taking technician.
-Just something to note, you do have snow's kiss which gives you an additional spell point buy if you wish to use it. You will just need to specify which one your choosing.
-As well, you do have an extra point to allocate elsewhere. If not, please specify that you have a free point.

Please make the above changes, and tag me when your finished or if you have any questions!
Hello. Here's my review:

-Please remove your technician point buy, or switch to artificier. Since you have investments in melee and spell point buys, this locks you out of taking technician.
-Just something to note, you do have snow's kiss which gives you an additional spell point buy if you wish to use it. You will just need to specify which one your choosing.
-As well, you do have an extra point to allocate elsewhere. If not, please specify that you have a free point.

Please make the above changes, and tag me when your finished or if you have any questions!
I removed the technician pack and as for the spells I do not mind not using it for now, as well as the other free points which I'll likely allocate later when I have an idea of her updated character. So changes made.