Archived Medieval Hunger Games Mini-game

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Skyaya, the lonley Tigran
Sep 29, 2013
Reaction score
The staff could make a medieval hunger games mini game.

Rp idea:
The alliances could be made for specific races, so that the objective was to see what race was strongest that week of month.

How this could help the server:
1. I have been told that many servers that have hunger games related games have lots of players, making this would enlarge the community.
Flaws to this:
Some players would only join the server to play the Minigame. But when they get used to the server it will stop this. (I thought this was a survival server when I first joined)

2. It's just fun
I find these types of games fun to play, but instead of the original hunger games the staff could change it to fit the server more. (Make it more medieval)

Game time limit:
There should be a limit, like if the game your in ends and another starts you can't join it and you have to wait till that game is over and join the next.

Game ideas:
There should be castles built on different terrains, some ruined and some new, players would find items there.
A group assign: To each castle there should be a group that spawns in it, say the jungle castle houses group a (not actual name). The group limit should be 4-5 people.
Special places like an old war field, or a few broken down houses, these would be places where supplies would be hidden.

90+ combat skill
Still adding

Alliances: (names negotiable)
Shadows: The Shadows alliance was made for trigrams. This alliance spawns in a mushroom biome castle, they are fast and nimble. The Shadow alliance are known for their cunning, They tend to lurk in the shadows and wait for their enemy to wander into sight.
Dawn: The dawn alliance was made for humans. This alliance spawns in a plain-like biome castle. The Dawn alliance prefers to fight out in the open. Sometimes this alliance has no choice but to fight in the open when attacked due to how noticeable their castle is.
Sun: This alliance is made for Orcs, their castle spawns in a forest biome. The Sun alliance is known for their aggressiveness and stubbornness. They always fight head on leaving them weak when fighting the Shadow alliance.
Murk: This alliance is made for undead, their castle spawns in a jungle biome. The Murk alliance dwells in their caves most of the time, when night falls they creep out and ambush the other alliances. The Shadow alliance is always hunting them so the Murks have to stay away from them.
Swift: The Swift alliance was made for elves. Their castle spawns in a snow biome, like the Shadows this alliance is known for their speed and agility. Their enemy is the Rock alliance, they prefer to fight in the trees shooting arrows at their targets.
Rock: The Rock alliance was made for dwarves, their castle spawns carved into a mountain. This alliance is known for their wealth and riches, they fight as a group charging into battle together to the last dwarf. They are commonly at war with the River and the Swift alliance.
River: This alliance was made for Maiars, their castle spawns in the sea. This alliance is known for their speed in water and their unique appearance. They draw their enemy into the water and fight them their, they are allied with the Swift alliance in their never ending war with the Rocks.

If you have any ideas to add to this post in comments and I might add it to the thread.
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Isn't this like seige? I think we have an arena like this.
Yes... I'm worried the server would turn into another Hunger Games server like Kirby said. Though, if this idea was used, I think there should be a cornucopia like in the movies. And people should be put into districts, in which they are still allowed to kill those in their own district.
Perhaps clone Regalia and modify it to be used for the Hunger games world. I think if this is implemented as a mini game thing and not a main server thing it could really give some new players some incentive to play on the server.
I agree with Erdu, however I don't believe it should be advertised. More of one of those "hey guys did you know we had hunger games"
How about we make it race specific, like two of each race must join. This shouldn't be a problem with all the new races joining. Also we could hold it like an event, maybe a few times a year or once or twice a month where the Races of Aloria battle it our for the ultimate pride and bragging rights. Maybe we could have a reaping like in the books and draw peoples names. Maybe they need to have a combat skill over 100 to qualify or something? Also there could be little secret tasks or alliances that are assigned by the "game makers" to players. Ohhh, this could be fun.
Also I forgot to add, the game could be closed and reopened at certain hours, so that this won't turn into a hunger games server
How about we make it race specific, like two of each race must join. This shouldn't be a problem with all the new races joining. Also we could hold it like an event, maybe a few times a year or once or twice a month where the Races of Aloria battle it our for the ultimate pride and bragging rights. Maybe we could have a reaping like in the books and draw peoples names. Maybe they need to have a combat skill over 100 to qualify or something? Also there could be little secret tasks or alliances that are assigned by the "game makers" to players. Ohhh, this could be fun.

I like your idea much better, however I doubt the idea at all will be implemented.
How about we make it race specific, like two of each race must join. This shouldn't be a problem with all the new races joining. Also we could hold it like an event, maybe a few times a year or once or twice a month where the Races of Aloria battle it our for the ultimate pride and bragging rights. Maybe we could have a reaping like in the books and draw peoples names. Maybe they need to have a combat skill over 100 to qualify or something? Also there could be little secret tasks or alliances that are assigned by the "game makers" to players. Ohhh, this could be fun.

What would be the roleplay reason for this? The reason it happened in the real Hunger Games is because of District 13's rebellion. Besides, we don't want to roleplay based off of Hunger Games. You want original roleplay, don't you? I just don't like this idea as a whole.
I did one time play on a server a long time ago that had an infected game mode where it was basically everyone spawns in and finds a good spot to hide or wait. After a few moments, A couple people are randomly selected and become the infected, they run around trying to kill other players with only a sword (stone) and lesser armour(chain) but did more damage and were faster; meanwhile the non-infected would have greater armour (Iron) along with an Iron sword and would be normal for buffs or speed-ups (none). There was a 3-5 minute timer to try to live to the end without becoming infected. I really enjoyed it and it was always busy with 30-50 people min.
I did one time play on a server a long time ago that had an infected game mode where it was basically everyone spawns in and finds a good spot to hide or wait. After a few moments, A couple people are randomly selected and become the infected, they run around trying to kill other players with only a sword (stone) and lesser armour(chain) but did more damage and were faster; meanwhile the non-infected would have greater armour (Iron) along with an Iron sword and would be normal for buffs or speed-ups (none). There was a 3-5 minute timer to try to live to the end without becoming infected. I really enjoyed it and it was always busy with 30-50 people min.

Ooookay, and what does this have to do with the Hunger Games idea...?
Ooookay, and what does this have to do with the Hunger Games idea...?

It has nothing to do with hunger games but "If you have any ideas to add to this post in comments and I might add it to the thread." I had an idea for a game type considering this also would be a Minigame which relates to Hunger Games in a way so I posted what I thought and that's that.
I think that this could do a good job of attracting new players as well as keeping some of us entertained. There doesn't seem to be enough mini games in my opinion and as long as this didn't draw away from the rest of the server and is kept in a medieval theme, it would be a big plus for the sever overall.

Of course we'd need a good reason why everyone is running about and killing one another... any ideas?
I'm okay with this idea, just as long as we don't start adding districts and having a reaping and stuff. It has to be original stuff.
If some are worried about the server becoming a full on Hunger Games server, perhaps it could be an occasional event. Once a week perhaps? That would allow epic battles and hopefully would attract non PvPers whilst not filling the server with hardcore Hunger Games players.
What if it was more like an Assassin's Creed game? People spawn in a map of Regalia, or just one of the districts and have to try and kill each other. Rp reason: They are in a dream.
I like the idea... I just don't agree that it should be added ._.

Would love to play HG in the poor district though :D
Massivecraft and the Hunger games are both very good things.
Just not good together.
If anything, I think that a Hunger games type thing would be part of the Minigame universe, as it would make no sense RP wise in the Medieval Universe. I honestly don't see why it should be a problem putting it as a minigame. For those who say that it could make MassiveCraft a Hungergames server, Siege doesn't make Massivecraft a Kit Pvp server, so I doubt it would be that big of a deal, yet still a very fun minigame.
If anything, I think that a Hunger games type thing would be part of the Minigame universe, as it would make no sense RP wise in the Medieval Universe. I honestly don't see why it should be a problem putting it as a minigame. For those who say that it could make MassiveCraft a Hungergames server, Siege doesn't make Massivecraft a Kit Pvp server, so I doubt it would be that big of a deal, yet still a very fun minigame.

I agree, People say it's a problem for RP, Whats the RP reason for our CTF minigame in the minigame universe? I dont see one, whats the point of fighting over a wool block? The arenas, such as aqua, are somewhat like hunger games, You fight to the death in an arena. Is there an RP reason for that? Maybe, depends. But most people just go there for bragging rights against their friends. I think the hunger games idea (As long as its in the Minigame universe) is an amazing idea.

I agree, People say it's a problem for RP, Whats the RP reason for our CTF minigame in the minigame universe? I dont see one, whats the point of fighting over a wool block? The arenas, such as aqua, are somewhat like hunger games, You fight to the death in an arena. Is there an RP reason for that? Maybe, depends. But most people just go there for bragging rights against their friends. I think the hunger games idea (As long as its in the Minigame universe) is an amazing idea.


๖ۣۜWell, if you notice, the current rate of RP disturbances are somewhat small because of the server's current amount. But, say the server population grows by about 3 times. There is now 3 times more RP disturbances in theory. And, not being biased, but most RP disturbances I am seeing are by mainly a crowd of PVPers (Again, not being biased, just stating data). Hunger games would most likely drag in PVPers instead of RPers. I won't support the idea, but then again, I really don't care as to if it really is added or not, just as long as the mods and admins and trusteds can keep up with it.
This server is made to be a roleplay server with PvP aspects. If you start attracting more PvPers, the roleplay side gets thrown out the window, and Massive become just another PvP server. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, but there would be more of these unprovoked raids and roleplay disturbances, and these are bad enough without adding Hunger Games.
I did one time play on a server a long time ago that had an infected game mode where it was basically everyone spawns in and finds a good spot to hide or wait. After a few moments, A couple people are randomly selected and become the infected, they run around trying to kill other players with only a sword (stone) and lesser armour(chain) but did more damage and were faster; meanwhile the non-infected would have greater armour (Iron) along with an Iron sword and would be normal for buffs or speed-ups (none). There was a 3-5 minute timer to try to live to the end without becoming infected. I really enjoyed it and it was always busy with 30-50 people min.
I like it, I will fit your idea in if I can
I think that this could do a good job of attracting new players as well as keeping some of us entertained. There doesn't seem to be enough mini games in my opinion and as long as this didn't draw away from the rest of the server and is kept in a medieval theme, it would be a big plus for the sever overall.

Of course we'd need a good reason why everyone is running about and killing one another... any ideas?
I'm adding that, it supposed to be a competition between the races.
I like this, though I don't like all the alliances and stuff. I just want a normal Hunger Games that you can play with varying amounts of people, such as a 4 person map up to a 24 person map. And I really fail to see how adding a minigame will destroy MassiveCraft's identity and make the server only Hunger Games. :I
I like this, though I don't like all the alliances and stuff. I just want a normal Hunger Games that you can play with varying amounts of people, such as a 4 person map up to a 24 person map. And I really fail to see how adding a minigame will destroy MassiveCraft's identity and make the server only Hunger Games. :I
I'm trying to make it so It has less chance of people only playing that Minigame, alliances make it fit my rp idea
No, I have always seen Massivecraft as a place I can have fun and get away from all the mainstream HG's, Faction servers's, Prison server's ect. I like the idea, I just think it should be implemented into Massivecraft.
I personally like the idea, as long as we don't advertise it like crazy . Make it something the community can get together and play every once in awhile, kinda like those big siege/castle matches that spring up.
Honestly I would just keep this to the mini-games universe if it were added. If you make up some roleplay reason as to why we're having a Hunger Games, it'd be bound to copy the original Hunger Games books/movies.
Kirby and favoured I will make something in here that says it can't be advertised. And my rp reason is the races of Aloria are battling to see who is the strongest in that week or month.
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