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Medical Unity: Sawbones/alchemia Announcement


Technologic Witch Doctor
Staff member
Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score

Monday 6th August 306AC

It is with great pleasure that the Crown City Sawbones announces that we and The Alchemia Order will be closing our doors as of Wednesday to form a new combined charter on behalf of the Medical Union of Regalia.

For too long our division has caused the general populace to suffer, but suffer no longer--for now we will be united in provided quality medical care within the Regalian Park district.

Thank you all for your patronage and trust in the Sawbones and Alchemia. I, Jocelyn von Duerr, hope to continue to serve my home, and Empire of Regalia with free medical care to its people.


With Spirit's blessings,
Dr. Jocelyn von Duerr of the Crown City Sawbones

Madame Nadina Haaven of The Alchemia Order
Winifred wondered if she should get a messy signature too, since that was the doctorly trend.
Cu'anlloa would read over this with his crimson and black gaze, before giving a small smile. The tall Saivale Kathar Brood muttering in Imperial Elven, "Was gonna try and get into the Alchemia...but this is even better...more co-workers."
Julienne Peirgarten studied the announcement, a grin coming on her features, "More the better, ehh?" she released a huff of laughter, moving away from the notice board. Excitement!
Julienne Peirgarten studied the announcement, a grin coming on her features, "More the better, ehh?" she released a huff of laughter, moving away from the notice board. Excitement!
Silyoran Haaven pat Juli's head, isldar bab's always right here. "Yes, more is always better. More flower victims. Mhm."
Camilla tilted her head at the notice, tapping a hand on her thigh. Though soon she departed - singing a merry tune.