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Shelved Character Medea Mikil Ruya

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Jul 25, 2023
Reaction score
Right behind you
Roleplay Guilds
Regalian's Rogues, Crookback Clinic
᯽ Race/Culture: Fin'ullen, (parents were teledden and fin'ullen)
᯽ Age: One hundred sixty-three
᯽ Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
᯽ Occult: Exist
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Character Concept/No spoilers backstory summary
The Allorn Empire fell in Medea's parent's lifetime, a dead empire which haunted the young girl before her very birth. Medea was born to two mages for the very purpose of carrying on the magical legacy of her mother, who dreamed of the empire's reform. An only child, Medea was born frail and sickly, unable to speak beyond small noises, and with limited vision, combined with little to no magic potential. To her Fin'ullen father, who prided their children's strength and battle prowess, she was still the apple of his eye. Yet, Medea was her Teledden mother's great shame. Despite this, Medea's father loved his daughter to the point that, when her mother's ridicule of both him and their daughter grew too much, he fled Tal Nassäle with a three-year-old Medea.

Now without money nor prestige, Medea's father brought them to Rosendale, settling in a small, poor village, where he slowly built his estate. The Ruya family of two became incredibly wealthy, having outlasted and absorbed most of the surrounding businesses, creating a textile monopoly over a small area of Rosendale. Despite the minuscule claim to fame the Ruya family has, Medea is hardly well known within her hometown, and would have remained a mere rumour if she didn't sneak out as often as she did. Much of Medea's life was spent within her father's modest estate, reading, sewing, and of course, privately exploring the faiths of others, as there wasn't much else to do. In this time within her lonesome, Medea discovered the faith of the Estelley, and came to embrace Mana as well as another, far quieter god, as her patrons. It was only in recent years that Medea found herself engaged as a means of escape from her father's overprotective grasp, a decision which resulted in her fleeing to Regalia with a living statue, Cetas.
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Appearance Information
Fin'ullen are characterised as tall, masculine people, and Medea is anything but. Medea's attraction towards feminine aesthetics marked her as odd to her father, but it was never discouraged, which spared Medea from the overwhelming gender dysphoria she might have felt in her later years. Blessed with a doting father, Medea was given as many frilly dresses and delicate jewellery as she pleased, something she cherished and still presents herself with. Despite her femininity, Medea is still very much Fin'ullen regarding her hair, which is incredibly long, yet appears to be only shoulder-length to most. Tight, pitch black curls, are all lovingly cared for, and Medea puts a great deal of value in her hair, seeing it as her crown of sorts. Medea's hair, when relaxed, reaches down to her mid-thigh, but the richness of her hair texture hides the length.

Moving to regalia has made finding a good hair stylist very hard for Medea, as her favourite way to relax was to have someone do her hair. Now without many friends or those with the experience to style her hair type, Medea is left to mourn her unused loc jewellery.
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Quick Info for RP purposes:
Height: 5'10" ft
Weight: 152 lbs
Presentation: Feminine
Voice: Now fully mute, Medea uses Nephiltech to create a voice synthesizer, though she doesn't always use it, as at times she finds it uncomfortable.
᯽ Sexuality: Aromantic, Asexual
᯽ Appearance:
✧ Despite being middle aged for a nelfin, Medea appears to be moreso in her mid thirties.
✧ Medea has an abundance of curly black hair, however, with a 4c hair texture, her hair appears shoulder-length, when in reality a single curl could reach down to her hip.
✧ Medea is rather self-conscious of her appearence for a yet unseen reason, prompting her to cover her facewith a veil, coral, or her hair if nothing else is available
✧ She most often dresses in pastels mainly, pink, and dislikes wearing pants as she feels as though they are too masculine, the same goes for her Loelevaal, which she only wears on special occasions.
✧ Preferring ribbons and small trinkets, Medea will hide small objects and jewellery in her clothing, which results in a clinking noise when she walks, hoping to make up for her lack of a grand Fin'ulllen physique.
✧ Medea goes out of her way to wear flats, both due to it being harder to traverse in them, but also due to wishing to appear smaller and non-threatening.​
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᯽ Strength: 0/7

✧ Steady Body

✧ Free​
᯽ Constitution: 0/7

᯽ Wisdom: 7/7

✧Medical stance


✧ Medical Buff
✧ Medical Revive
✧ Medical Boulster
✧ Medical Barrier
✧ Medical Resist
✧ Medical Canteen
✧ Medical Rescue​
᯽ Intelligence: 0/7

✧ Oceanic Pack

✧ Free​
᯽ Dexterity: 0/7

᯽ Arcane/Magic: 0/14

᯽ Faith: 7/7
Mana, Ammuloa: Estelley

✧ Safety prayer
✧ Kneeling prayer​


✧ Sacred Healing
✧ Sacred Martyr
✧ Sacred Gear
✧ Sacred Siphon
✧ Sacred Judgement​
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Racial Abilities/Rp Mechanics
᯽Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
✧ Medea's Daphalar form appears as a sea angel​
᯽Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.
᯽Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
᯽Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
᯽ Fin'ullen, when using Persuasion Dice Rolls on Spirits, Arken, Arkenborn, gain +2 to their Persuasion Dice Roll, and the Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2.
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᯽ Common
᯽ Altalar
᯽ Common via Tafathul al-Qalam (Functionally Braille)
᯽ Kriv

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᯽Friendships: Awww
✧ Rider-Played by Akusazero

⚝ Her dear friend, Rider, was there for Medea just as much as Cetas was when she was reawoken. He has always been kind to her, and for that she is forever grateful.
⚝ Despite her deep admiration for her strong and powerful friend, Medea still feels as if something is off, and desperately wants to protect Rider.​

✧ Yeva-Played Played by Akusazero

⚝ Even if she is scared of knights, Medea would have no one else but Yeva as a knight at her side, he is strong and kind, everything Medea wants to be.​

✧ Quinn-Played by Akusazero

⚝ Medea finds Quinn to be a remarkable child, and she envies his intelligence
⚝ She sees him as a little brother of sorts.​

✧Myka-Played by Drahydra

⚝ Being very similar people, with very similar ideals, Medea considers Micah a good friend. And does not doubt that he would come to her aid if she needed him.
⚝ Medea would do the same for Micah of course.​
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᯽ Romantic: Asexual demi-romantic (Aro leaning) queen, it will be interesting if someone shows up here.
✧ N/A

⚝ n/a​
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᯽ Familial:
✧ Cetas Ruya-Played by MasqueOfMelody

⚝ Medea was the one who kept Avril as under control as possible when she would take over Cetas' body. However, when Cetas was in control, Medea played the role of a helpful older sister.
⚝ Cetas is Medea's sworn sibling.​
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᯽ Acquaintances: Positive-Note, just because this says positive doesn't mean the relationship is mutually positive, this is just how Medea views it.
✧ Tenfold-Played by Akusazero

⚝ Medea doesn't know him very well, but Cetas loved him very much, so she cares for him too.​

✧ Crokalla-Played by Akusazero

⚝ A strange slimy person, she liked them a lot, but can't seem to find them now.​
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᯽ Acquaintances: Negative-Note, just because this says negative doesn't mean the relationship is mutually negative, this is just how Medea views it.
✧ The Hateful-Played by Deusphage

⚝ Very rude! They called Xavier's flowers ugly, and swore at her!
⚝ She doesn't think they really understand what true hatred is.​

✧ Khayri-Played by Jouster

⚝ Also rude, he is not a good friend.
⚝ Regardless, Medea still hopes he is safe, and will look after him. He was Cetas' captain after all.​

✧ The End-Played by Gwyndo

⚝ Said some very hurtful things to her, even after Medea tried to be nice to them. Woe.​

✧ Henry The Salesman-Played by Alianon

⚝ Medea sympathises with him, but she feels like something is wrong.​
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᯽ Enemies:-Note, just because this says enemy doesn't mean the relationship is mutually aggressive, this is just how Medea views it.
✧ N/A

⚝ Medea Sacrificed her right to have enemies when she chose to follow Mana. At worst, Medea only as those she dislikes, or has complicated feelings for.​
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᯽???: Oh dear
✧ Avril-Played by MasqueOfMelody

⚝ At one point in time, Avril and Medea were engaged. Neither of them loved each other, and they knew it, but used one another in their own ways.
⚝ Medea regrets what she did to Avril, but she does not like the Yanar.
⚝ More of their relationship will be revealed in RP​
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Plot Hooks/Medea's life timeline
WARNING: Spoiler heavy
᯽ 148 AD
✧ Medea is born in Tal Nassäle to two mage parents​
᯽ 151 AD to 153 AD
✧ Medea's father flees her mother and Tal Nassäle
✧ Travelling to the Regalian empire, Medea's father settles them in an obscure Rosendale village.​
᯽ 155 AD
✧ Medea's father founds the first textile factory in Rosendale​
᯽ 186 AD
✧ Medea is introduced to the Estelley via a captured Exist arkenborn, and begins to follow the teachings of Mana​
᯽ 190 AD
✧ She begins her studies to be an Ordvaan, conscripting visitors to the village to fetch her books and scrolls on the subject of Estelley.​
᯽ 194-222 AD
✧ Caught contracting outsiders without her father's permission, Medea is isolated from her village, and confined to the Ruya estate.​
᯽ 223 AD
✧ Medea completes her studies and feels herself worthy enough to take on the title of an Ordvaan of Mana.
✧ Contacting Mana for the first time after a ritual of her own craft, Medea is told to seek Ammuloa.​
᯽ 238-263 AD
✧ Doing research into the name Ammuloa, and finding she had invited the very god of death of Estelley into her home.
✧ Medea rejects the Estelley faith out of fear, and plunges into a dissociative state.​
᯽ 264 AD
✧ Medea is granted full range of her village after being fully cooperative with her father's will, which results in her attending an autumn harvest banquet.
✧ Being emotionally vulnerable and without her inhibitions, Medea is coaxed into laying with a knight, which later starts a civil dispute between the Ruya estate and the local chapter.​
᯽ 265-291 AD
✧ Having been publicly humiliated and criticised, Medea retreats fully into the Ruya estate.
✧ Medea goes so far in isolating herself that he encourages her to find a spouse, which Medea does. A Celate, who grew ill and died four months into their engagement​
᯽ 292 AD
✧ Returning to her Estelley faith, Medea sets about finding a way to repent for her unfaithfulness to Estelley, unable to perform a kathira due to being largely the only Estelley faithful in her area.​
✧ Medea contacts Ammuloa, devoting herself to him in duel faith with Mana​
᯽ 300 AD
✧ Avril appears back in her village, and Medea takes the opportunity to befriend the yanar in the hopes of having her create a Mana Tree for her.​
᯽ 301 AD
✧ Medea's father encourages a union between Medea and Avril, who both take it as a chance to gain something from the other.
✧ The two women begin courting one another​
᯽ 310 AD
✧ Rings are exchanged between Medea and Avril as proof of their engagement.
✧ Medea finally discovers what Avril's motive was behind marrying her, and ends up becoming fully mute due to injuries gained from attempting to protect Avril's younger brother via being stabbed in the back.​
᯽311 AC
✧ Modern day (Current RP)​
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Character Principles:
᯽ Magic and Life.
✧ "I understand your fear, but I am not afraid to be blind, and to be without magic is much the same. Magic is an extension of life, and yourself, some have it, some do not, and may seek it out, similar to a lost limb. Although perhaps lost is not the best word, as many never had it to begin with."​
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᯽ For I Am the World
✧ "Where Unionism preaches the sin of creation, and Draconism that of simple goals, and simple existence, I have found neither to be true. Upon our existence, good is made inherent to us. Our capacity for good is what makes life congenitally good, and thus, people, good. Our natural state is that of neutrality, without an ability to act we have no morality. Evil is in and of itself its own state of nature, and is in many ways necessary for good to exist, a natural consequence of people enacting their will upon the world. Evil is purely man-made, and nothing can be born evil, even gods."
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᯽ Innocence
✧ "We are born innocent, and we are born good. This is our natural state. All life is inherently good, regardless of birth. This is the infallible truth of the world, which, as a devout of Mana, I shall represent. I am of the innocent, and with them, I shall remain to guide the lost. Under my hand I shall bring no harm, I have sacrificed my right to hate, and feel anger, as is the price of compassion.
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᯽ The Love of Hate
✧ Hatred comes from love. Perhaps it seems paradoxical, but, it is true. True hatred, the powerful kind, that burns, and coils, and freezes. That kind of hatred can only come from love. And we hate, deeply, for one of three reasons. The first, is that we are taught by those we love, to hate. Someone you care so deeply for, has brought you to hate in their name, and because you love them, you do. The second, is that you come to hate due to a threat to your love. Something seeks to harm something so precious and beloved to you, and that brings forth your hatred. And lastly, those who we first loved, and came to hate. Betrayal of the highest order may sow seeds of true hatred, however, hatred cannot blossom without a bed of love, for without it, it is just anger."
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Character Epithets:
᯽ The Virgin
✧ "-Parthenia focused more on marriageability and abstract concepts without strict physical requirements which would be adversely affected, but not entirely relinquished, by pre-marital sexual intercourse. For these reasons, other goddesses not eternally committed to parthenia within the Homeric Hymns are able to renew theirs through ritual or choose an appearance which implies the possession of it. Although accounts vary, the goddess of witchcraft known as Hecate has been portrayed as a virgin as well."
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᯽ The Lamb
✧ "The lamb is a commonly used symbol of innocence. In Christianity, for example, Jesus is referred to as the "Lamb of God", thus emphasizing his sinless nature. Other symbols of innocence include children, virgins, acacia branches (especially in Freemasonry), non-sexual nudity, songbirds, and the colour white."
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᯽ The High Priestess
✧ "Secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed; the woman who interests the Querent, if male; the Querent herself, if female; silence, tenacity; mystery, wisdom, science. Reversed: Passion, moral or physical ardor, conceit, surface knowledge."
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᯽ The Fallen
✧ "Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are three hundred eighty-seven million four hundred forty thousand miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate."
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Fun facts: This contains spoilers
᯽ Medea's seeing eye cane was a gift from Cetas. Cetas went out of their way to learn Common via Tafathul al-Qalam just to they could write out their pact with Medea on the cane.
᯽ Due to the nature of Ordvaan, Medea is self-declared, but goes out of her way to speak with others and learn from them.
᯽ Medea keeps a list of all those who have harmed her, and has a separate prayer for each of them.
᯽ If left unattended in The Banquet, Medea will sometimes get stuck in certain areas (trees). Thankfully, The Banquet is kind enough to help her down… most of the time.
᯽ Medea is comically bad at cooking.
᯽ The notebook Medea keeps on her is written in via a puffy ink, which solidifies seconds after writing, and is erased by chipping it off of the parchment.
᯽ Medea's images of how people look in her head are often drastically different from the actual person, often to a hilarious degree.
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Edit log
-Retconned backstory and spirit stuff
-Redid profs
-Finalised update
-Stupid dumb idiot put 'Allorn' as a language -_-
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Hello there @MasqueOfMelody . While not lore staff and just a fellow player. I noticed a small mistake in your prof reworking and wanted to point it out sooner than later. In that you both invested into Prayer point buy and Magic. Which as described on the Prayer Point Buy page itself, isn't quite possible. The character needs to be fully mundane for Prayer point buy.

Futhermore, one cannot really be primal/unaligned as a mage. If you are referrring to Aloria based magic, which is derived from religion, then that would be god magic.

Lastly, a Remnant greater spirit isn't really a race/culture. If you are referring to a spirit that invaded/possess them then that would be an Invaded Spirit from Mystech. Meaning they can't have god magic in that case. Furthermore, Remnants/revenants can only be Unbound spirits. However, that might also have been an oversight, due to you mentioning retconning spirit stuff in the change log above.

Addendum: Death-Speech is no longer a learnable language and only Ordial/Beyond Gods speak that.
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Hello there @MasqueOfMelody . While not lore staff and just a fellow player. I noticed a small mistake in your prof reworking and wanted to point it out sooner than later. In that you both invested into Prayer point buy and Magic. Which as described on the Prayer Point Buy page itself, isn't quite possible. The character needs to be fully mundane for Prayer point buy.

Futhermore, one cannot really be primal/unaligned as a mage. If you are referrring to Aloria based magic, which is derived from religion, then that would be god magic.

Lastly, a Remnant greater spirit isn't really a race/culture. If you are referring to a spirit that invaded/possess them then that would be an Invaded Spirit from Mystech. Meaning they can't have god magic in that case. Furthermore, Remnants/revenants can only be Unbound spirits. However, that might also have been an oversight, due to you mentioning retconning spirit stuff in the change log above.

Addendum: Death-Speech is no longer a learnable language and only Ordial/Beyond Gods speak that.

Yup, I know! This is just draft rework stuff, since I did this at basically one in the morning for me. I didn't want to mark this as wip, but I might change it to "reworking" lol. Thank you for pointing out the prayer/magic combo though, I would not have noticed that right away, haha.