Amontaar Mechanics Overview

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Bottomless Pit Supervisor
Staff member
May 9, 2018
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This post discusses Mechanics and Systems that will be in use during DM'd Amontaar Events.

Action Dice Rolls
During non-combat encounters, characters can generally make any action without needing to roll a dice for it, as long as that action is not Contested or particularly Dangerous. When a character wants to do something that is especially Difficult or Treacherous, the DM may declare that action requires a Roll. The player rolls a number of d6 relative to their Point Investment, listed below:
  • 0 Point Investment: 2d6, take the lowest.
  • 1-2 Point Investment: 2d6, take the highest.
  • 3-5 Point Investment: 3d6, take the highest
  • 6-7 Point Investment: 4d6, take the highest.
The Player chooses what Stat they want to use for what Action, but certain Stats may be less effective for certain actions (for example, if you need to push a large boulder out of the way, rolling for Intelligence may be less effective than rolling for Strength).
  • 1-3: The Character fails to complete the task.
  • 4-5: The Character completes the task, but at a cost.
  • 6: The Character completes the task.
Chance Dice Rolls
During non-combat encounters, when characters want to do something that is not covered by an Action Dice Roll, a Chance Roll is required. Chance rolls are for things that are not particularly dangerous, but are unclear in what they will actually do/mean, or involve things like gathering information. When making a Chance Roll (the DM will ask for it) use the Action Dice roll as usual, but with a different outcome:
  • 1-3: Poor result/outcome
  • 4-5: Expected or Average result/outcome
  • 6: Good result/outcome
  • 6,6: Excellent result/outcome
Healing Potions
This Mechanic will only be used in some events, per DM discretion. The DM will say at the beginning of the event whether or not this Mechanic is active. If they do not say so, it is not. Characters have access to a number of "Healing Potions," that they can use on others, but never on themselves. Choose an Ability that is off Cooldown, and has a Cooldown longer than or equal to 1 Hour. Put it on Cooldown, and grant an Ally +2HP. This uses an Action, and has a range of Melee Range. The same Character can only use up to a maximum of 2 Healing Potions (for the duration of the event), regardless of Cooldowns.

AC System
All monsters and NPCs have an AC, or Armor Class. Rather than rolling defense against a Player Character's Attack, if the Attack meets or exceeds that number, it hits. ACs may sometimes be hidden.

Any Character from a registered Family in the Aristocracy System has some leeway to attempt to use their familial wealth to respond to problems. Keep in mind that Amontaar is not a closed environment, and that the consequences of things done in Amontaar may follow a family back to Regalia if they are not careful with their choices and their spending. Just as much as it is possible to become rich off of the back of this conflict, it is also possible to go bankrupt, and the Nobility must be careful not to overdraw their pockets. While wealth will never completely solve a problem, it can open doors that would otherwise be closed. Any use of wealth will be noted by the attending DM, and multiple uses will begin to add up, quicker for some types of Family than for others.

Story Advantages
Every Character is from somewhere. They have intimate knowledge of their culture and religion that they were raised in, friendships with the people they grew up around, and connections that may go back decades. Naturally, because of how a Roleplay environment works, it is impossible to constantly keep all of these things into account. However, a DM will likely often avail themselves of knowledge about your Character to provide you with unique information that they would know, but you, their Player, might not be aware of OOCly. From branches of Knighthood to Heritage origin to Religious belonging, clearly expressing a theme or multiple themes will allow a DM to more easily keep them in account.
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