Archived Mcmmo Level Caps?

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Well, this idea will be shot down in a heartbeat. However, here it goes.

I've been training in my darkroom lately. I level up a fair amount. I think I'm around level 600 in axes (won't bother to check right now). While training, I always wonder one thing. When will I be done training? What level should I train to? I, personally, am not the biggest fan of MCMMO, as it puts newer players at a very severe disadvantage. However, I see its uses, as it adds a feeling of progression and something to work to.

Well, what do we work to? I know some aspects of each skill have caps at certain levels. However, what if each level had a cap, and the stats of each skill levels up faster? Now, it wouldn't be level ten or something ridiculous like that. It would be, say, level _000. Insert whatever number you wish in front of there. For now, let's just say 1000 (which is a number that is obviously too low. I think it would need to be higher).

You're training axes. Each level, you are noticably stronger. It doesn't take much to see a difference. After a lot of training, you reach level 1000. You can kill anything in one hit with your god axe. You finally head out into the PvP ranks and do very well. Everyone else is level 1000 too. There is the occasional 998 or so, but they don't seem too underpowered.

Let's look at the benefits. The PvP side of Massive would seem less frightening. You wouldn't worry about entering a tournament when you are level 3000, and the guy you're against is level 5000. There are very few people who join the PvP ranks nowadays. Most PvPers are people who were there from the start or have been there for a while. Newer players can't enter these ranks easily.

Another benefit is that PvP wouldn't just be limited to Premium members. I would love to be in PvP tournaments. However, I have no credit card to buy Premium with. I want to support the server, but can't. There are many cases like mine. If this was implemented, I may be able to get into PvP along with other RPers or new players.

Now, the downsides. A lot of people get premium due to the faster MCMMO levelling. Once some (not all) people finish levelling, they might not buy Premium in the future. This is a downside, for sure.

Another drawback is that people who trained for hours on end to reach level 5000 or so would be cut back to whatever the level cap would be. They won't be happy to see that most likely.

Over all, I'm divided on this idea. Half of me likes it, half of it knows it will never/ should never be done. I'm sure the community will represent this split as well. Some of you will love it, some of you will hate it. I don't think they'll be much of an in between. I'll put a poll up for statistics sake. I would love to see what the split would be. I'll only have three choices as opposed to my usual 6. This will probably be enough.

Please don't flame this page. René!her, whatever side you're on, half of me agrees with you.

Have a Massive day!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well, this idea will be shot down in a heartbeat. However, here it goes.
Horrible idea. Get back to the drawing board sir.

(JK. I didn't even read it. What am i doing?)

Edit: To get serious, I think your intentions are pretty good. The hard part of deciding what to do with PvP is figuring out how to please both the veterans and the newbies. This seems a bit more sided towards the newer players, so I suggest coming up with ways to please the other half of the picture to increase the amount of support for this idea.
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@Sevrish once told me that it took him about 30 minutes in the darkroom to get one more axe lvl. Try to calculate how many in real life days he would have wasted if your idea was implemented... that'd be pretty sad :/
If something like this ever would be implemented then it should be based on our current mctop, aka 5000 for everything currently (in mah opinion)
seeing im a newbie player for mcmmo wise, i support this. I do agree to the mctop thing. whoever has the highest mcmmo skill for each level, that will be the top, plus maybe 500 or so, so they can keep levling. i support and kinda dont.
banelix kent trein 3 hart pls halp
I like the idea that there is not a level cap. It makes people more competitive and some set a goal to go high then keep setting them. It gets them into it and maybe even a little addicted. There wouldn't be that top ten anymore. Because they would all just be at their max. Basically, I think this idea would defeat the latter purpose. As for newcomers having a severe disadvantage? Thats how it is for any game you play. Don't put people who spent time and effort on something in a rut because some people who just joined aren't encouraged to do the same.
[P.S. I think it has a few benefits, but over all, I cant agree.]