Archived Mcmmo Combat Needs Fixing!!!

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To be good you must have had to been bad.
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Recently in game I have found that axes armor destruction is WAY!!! to overpowered… So when I brought up the idea in general chat I had a lot of negative support from people who have these Overpowered axe stats. What I am suggesting is that we Debuff axes and put a cap on their armor damage or we buff the outer three combat skills such as swords, Archery, and Unarmed. Also if you have none thing good to say in the comment section about me the DON"T SAY IT AT ALL.
  • If you have ever been in game and do /mctop axes you will see that the top person at the moment has 3422 axes now try it with /mctop archery 1552 try /mctop unarmed 1281 /mctop swords 1818. Why is it that axes is nearly twice as much in skill level as every outer skill. Well the reason why is that it is a capless skill meaning you can keep on training it and it will always get better yet for all the outer skills if you were to keep on training them they will just cap after you hit a certain level.
  • If you have ever been a pvp fight with any of the /mctop axes people you will know you estimated time you will live will most likely be around 6 seconds before you die in godarmor.
  • Some guy brought this up to me and said "Bmchow if you have high archery then archery is better then axes" well yes it can be but did you forget that they DeBuffed Bows like a lot and also unarmed has a 50% arrow deflect chance so saying you hit the guy 1/2 times that hit will just bounce off of them.
  • Also another thing was brought up to me "Bmchow swords Counter-strike ability can deflect damage taken back at the enemie" well this is true but if you were blocking with a sword you still have to take reduced damage yet your armor will really soon break and you will die before you can defect enough blows back at the person to kill them.
  • Finally was also told that "Chow unarmed can disarm there axes" That is true but all good pvpers /mctop axes Preaty much has 100% Iron Grip Chance so umm saying that you have 50% disarm chance Good luck taking something away from them.
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I think pvp needs to get more variety. Yeah sure, before you say "We have skull splitter, serrated strikes and stuff Scr00b" You need to realize that the majority of people use axes. Why use another skill when you can train the best one? Thats the problem. Also unless you had a shield, in medieval times a good archer could be the most feared opponent. In massivecraft the person with the highest axes is the most feared (Or just most powerful, you get the point?) I'm going for buffing swords/axes. Not unarmed, because if your fighting a warrior in full armor, your fists are not gonna save your life unless you disarm your opponent then use their weapon, which is also unlikely
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