Archived Mcmmo Cap At Level 250

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Nov 16, 2012
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Well, most of you will think that I'm suggesting this because of my Noobish MCMMO Levels. I admit. That's partially true. But hear me out. Well, the server is about RP, right? Do people have god-like abilities in RP, like destroying chain-mail in one swipe of an axe? Not usually. Can people jump from the top of a building without a scratch? I don't think so. So, does having god-like PvP abilities help with the RP aspect of the server? Not to me. That's reason one.
Yes, I get the people would normally get more trained over time, but there needs to be a lower max. If you've ever played D&D Next, the have a max ability score of 20, so that you can't become god-like. And 250 is a lot. It took me four months to get to my acrobatics at the moment.
Also, do we really want everyone focusing on grinding there MCMMO level, not improving their RP abilities? If it were up to me, the cap would be 100, but there would be no chance that that would happen.
And think about MassiveCraft newbies. They don't stand a chance in PvP, unless the hard-core grind for half a year. Then they stand a chance. A small one, but still a chance.
Please, just think about this, read my whole idea through before commenting. And if you do comment, give a reason. And a detailed, good one. Not just like, "No! My God-Powers will be ruined! I'll be killed by everyone!"
P.S. I have over 250 acrobatics.
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Note: You can easily spend an hour or two in a dark room and get 300 levels. Don't see why you are complaining about grinding for half a year when you just don't know how to train your skills.
For one thing, I don't bother to grind my skills, cause I care nothing for MCMMO.
I kinda agree with this seeing how I sometimes step out of raids/combat when I realize the person i'm going against is like an mcmmo pro. I'm just suggesting there should be SOME kind of cap, anything at least. 'Cuz c'mon, it's a bit unfair as it is ATM[DOUBLEPOST=1365531597,1365531513][/DOUBLEPOST]I don't really mind it that much, i would appreciate it though if it were a bit more balanced.
I agree with a lower overall cap. However, I also think that if people really want to waste an hour or two of their life away in a darkroom so they can become skilled at fighting in a game... who am I so say they can't? Perhaps a universal cap of 500 to try and find a medium between God-Level and Realistic-Level.
And plus, the server is about RP, not getting the most loot. Though, getting loot is fun sometimes...
Well, in rp, people have talents, some are skilled fighters, some are excellent miners, mcmmo really boosts the rp, why would it be bad if other people could kill others in a couple of hits? In my opinion that really adds to the reputation of someone.
Also, do we really want everyone focusing on grinding there MCMMO level, not improving their RP abilities? If it were up to me, the cap would be 100, but there would be no chance that that would happen.
And think about MassiveCraft newbies. They don't stand a chance in PvP, unless the hard-core grind for half a year. Then they stand a chance. A small one, but still a chance.

On another account with no mcmmo stats I was able to fight and keep up with those with very high levels so your point is invalid. MCMMO does not matter that much, the equipment you use matter much more. As well it seems as if you are saying people can't pvp and roleplay which is completely false, both add fun aspects to the server.
On another account with no mcmmo stats I was able to fight and keep up with those with very high levels so your point is invalid. MCMMO does not matter that much, the equipment you use matter much more. As well it seems as if you are saying people can't pvp and roleplay which is completely false, both add fun aspects to the server.
Agreed, also if you are a skilled MC fighter in general, you know how to shoot, when to block, how to use potions and enderpearls, you can do well. MCMMO helps, it helps a lot, but if you are a good fighter, you are a good one. If you are terrible at PvP, MCMMO won't make you a god.
Well, in rp, people have talents, some are skilled fighters, some are excellent miners, mcmmo really boosts the rp, why would it be bad if other people could kill others in a couple of hits? In my opinion that really adds to the reputation of someone.
Of course people have talents. That's why MassiveCraft does have MCMMO. The problem is, it makes some people able to kill with a un-enchanted diamond sword in 1 hit. While others can be killed with counter-attack.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

'Nuff said.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

'Nuff said.
Did you even read my post? I asked people to give a reason. -_-
I agree Imboring, there should not be a cap at 250. When i get killed by someone with higher stats, i dont complain, i go train. Just stand in a decent darkroom for a couple hours and youll for sure get 300 lvls.
I agree Imboring, there should not be a cap at 250. When i get killed by someone with higher stats, i dont complain, i go train. Just stand in a decent darkroom for a couple hours and youll for sure get 300 lvls.
Did you read my whole post? I also said that maybe, just maybe, instead of putting focus on PvP, we should put focus on RP. This is a RP server after all.
Well i dont think it would be the same with out hardcore pvp to reinforce a characters strength and abilities.
Hundreds of thousands of hours have been spent grinding XP. Most mcMMO levels cap at 1,000 and that should stay the same.
Well i dont think it would be the same with out hardcore pvp to reinforce a characters strength and abilities.
Yes. That's why I think that MCMMO should be kept. But, there are some people who have god abilities (for example, Zanip) and makes their rp character in-human and un-killable.
No cap level. If you can't fight these guys with such higher levels, get your levels up or get some skill.
Nuff said.
Not really, it is a RP server but has a lot of PvP in it. Many members choose PvP over RP and I don't think it's your place to question what they should be doing.
Yes, but think about my other points. We shouldn't have people with god-like powers.
God like or not you should just deal with it. I fight people with higher abilities a lot and it doesn't scare me at all.
You can keep saying it but MCMMO doesn't give people god-powers. It slightly enhances their PvP. Most PvP is based off f pure skill not how high your skills are.
Lol? Are you serious, PvP would be dead, also what about the top power levelers who spent ages training, the staff can't just do that ... It's like making the price of minecraft to £5. People would be enraged.
I like it. I hate when there is one guy running around your base killing every one in 1 hit. Instead you should gather some man power and actually create an army to destroy your opponent. Instead of sending in 1 guy with high mcmmo skill.
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