Preserved Sheet Ma'zaka Sannara Jahir

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Clearly the coolest.
Mar 16, 2018
Reaction score


Basic Information (Required)
Full Name: Ma'zaka Sannara Jahir​
  • Age: 60​
  • Gender: Male​
  • Race: Warran Varran~​
Skill Information (Required)
  • 60 Proficiency Points​
  • +40 Unarmed Combat (+10 Warran Varran, +30 Points)​
  • +40 Athletics Training (+10 Warran Varran, +30 Points)​
  • +10 Perception Training (+10 Warran Varran)​

Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 90
    Body Build: Ripped (I presume I can go lower than the maximum?)
  • Extreme Low Fat
    Languages: Zcorr, Common, Faraddi
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Emerald green​
  • Hair Color: Black and tan​
  • Hair Style: Aside from his fur, he has no extra hair.​
  • Skin Color: Fur, already detailed above.​
  • Clothing: He wears a blue shirt, with a hood over his head. The hood doesn't actually conceal anything, he simply enjoys it. He wears black shorts that give him a good range of motion, as well.​
  • Height: 6'2​

Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: He's often seen as a little cocky, and quite active--He's always moving about in some way or another. Upon first meeting him, one may think of him as hyper, which would be only partially accurate. When needed, he is dead calm and serious--Though, it's clear from the first conversation that he's a bit of a smartass. When hearing of him, they may hear of his incredible feats of acrobatics.​
  • Second Paragraph: Inside, he's pleasant and kind. He's at peace, and has made it his goal to help people, and entertain them. He sees himself as a warrior first, performer second--If there's not a fight going on, he'll be content to stand on the stage and dazzle you with feats of acrobatics and skill. He's very certain of his abilities, having honed them his entire life.​
  • Third Paragraph: Towards friends and family, he's very protective. He'll step in front of danger for them, and risk life and limb for their safety, with no regard for his own safety--And he will fight tooth and nail to guard them, against any threat. This differs because of how vicious and tenacious he can become in a fight for his family.​
  • Fourth Paragraph: His morality is, for the most part, good. He tries his best to obey the law, and be an upstanding citizen. Yet, when those close to him are threatened, he throws it all aside to fight for them. He bears sharp teeth and claws, and is far from afraid to use them. He sees the corruptness of others as something to be learned from, and to be empathized with--He firmly believes in finding out someone's reasons before making a judgement.​
Life Story (Required)
0-10: He grew up in Farah'deen, a young orphan taken in. He got into many fights, and was generally seen as a problem child. His goal was to get to Lecgaen, the battleschool that he'd heard many things about. Eventually, at ten, they sent him away in part to simply get rid of him.
10-20: At this school, he learned the arts of battle, and wasn't the greatest person with them. He got into many a fight, using his claws and natural acrobatic capabilities to lash out at his opposition. Though, he met a friend there, an Altalar. The Altalar seemed to be able to keep him under control, and in fact they soon acquired quite the friendship.
20-30: He and his friend graduated Lecgaen, and left off on their travels. He'd grown a lot as a person, his anger settled, and he decided. He was going to learn how to perform, to make people happy. As a side job, he began performances at carnivals or arenas, to win money or to win the hearts of many. He found himself excelling in this, in fact.
30-40: Ma'zaka and Alicia split paths, him going off on his own adventures. He met a tutor, who furthered his skills as a warrior and acrobat, teaching him how to further apply his art. The Varran, by this point, had felt himself weakening, but was still a vicious warrior of great power.
40-50: He fell in with a band of warriors, his claws proving to be lethal weapons. A craftsman among their forces finally made him a pair of gloves, beautifully crafted... The insides of the fingers had razors in them, not long enough to slice through the glove and to his palm when he clenched his fist, but long enough to provide a very painful grip on an opponent. The knuckles of the weapon were spiked, allowing his punches to carry greater lethality, and it had steel bracelets to add more weight to his punches.
50-60: He found these weapons to be highly adept, and eventually left the band of warriors to travel the world. He made his money in various arenas, before finding himself in Regalia... And thus, his story begins.​
Last edited:
Move text back to the left hand side.​
Skill Information:
Unarmed Wrestling is not a Varran bonus, it is from the School of Lecgaen. Adjust this.
Unarmed Wrestling also loses 5 points as you do not have the required body build.​

Make the above edits and tag me once done!
Move text back to the left hand side.​
Skill Information:
Unarmed Wrestling is not a Varran bonus, it is from the School of Lecgaen. Adjust this.
Unarmed Wrestling also loses 5 points as you do not have the required body build.​

Make the above edits and tag me once done!
Oh! Thank you very much, it was a simple mistype on my part! It's all fixed!~
Please add the addition to the new template. This is the physical stat, body shape and body fat. You can find how to calculate the physical stat on the character application template. A reminder that racial bonuses do not effect this. Do this and tag me once done!
Due to Varran lore changes, I've slightly edited Ma'zaka's sheet--Changed his proficiencies up, as well as clarified his subrace. Didn't know if it required a re-review, so I erred on the side of caution.