Preserved Sheet Maximilian Black

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Captain Regalia
Sep 27, 2017
Reaction score
(Aesthetics Coming Soon)
Full Name: Maximilian Black

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Ailor

Sexuality: Heterosexual?

Preferred Weapon: An Ornate Rapier

Total Points: 28

  • +13 Diplomatic Case Skill
  • +12 Finance Case Skill
  • +5 Theatre arts (Hobby)
  • +5 Dancing skill (Hobby)
  • +3 Thin Blades
Body Shape:

Physical Stat: 12

Body Type: Athletic

Body Fat: Low Body Fat


  • Common (Learned at Birth)

  • Alt-Regalian (Taught by his Sister)
Mutations: Vampire (Shilot Bloodline: Inactive)
  • Vinteaar Providing
  • Vinteaar Elegance
  • Vinteaar Lingua
  • Vinteaar Drawing
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Green

  • Hair Color: Jet Black

  • Hair Style: Cut short and well kept, with small circle at the ends

  • Skin Color: lightly tanned

  • Height: 5'10
Option Two: The Core List

Choose your Character Alignment:
  • Max sits somewhere between a Neutral Good, and a Chaotic Neutral character, trying to be friendly in most scenarios, however more than willing to pull the rig from under someone to gain something he needs.
Choose your Character Personality Type:
  • Campaigner
Choose your Character's Religion:
  • Unionist (4/10)
Life Story

  • Maximilian was born on April 7th, 285 A.C as the youngest of four children to Abraham and Hannah Black. His siblings included Anheilm, Margarethe, and Damian Black.

  • When he was a child Max was obsessed with plays and the theatre, taking a trip to see the latest on in town every chance he got, and even writing snips of his own scripts, though none that ever made it more than a scene or two.

  • Through his fascination with the art of theatre Max learned many useful skill, the main two that would help him in the future however were dancing, and how to sway an audience with his words and body language.

  • A few years after his discovery of the theatre Max came to the decision that while it was something he loved to do, there was only so much good he could do for his family as a simple playwright, so when he came of age to go to school he specialized in Diplomacy, a skill that he was already partly trained in thanks to his acting experience and natural Charisma.

  • His schooling years were rather plain, getting into plenty of his fair share of mischief, though never bad enough to leave a mark or stain on his time there. When it finally came time for the man to graduate he wasted almost no time in getting to work, taking up cases and meetings for his parents around their home, and not long after abroad.

  • Max visited Regalia once when he was in his teens, spending half a year learning the culture, the people and the lifestyle of the city, before he was called off for more work from his parents.

  • After many years on the move, jumping from working hard on cases and jobs to working hard on avoiding them, Max was called by his cousins to return to Regalia, just like all his siblings had, to help the mainline family in there deeds, a summons which Max gladly accepted, as he wasted no time at all in getting there.
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