Archived Max Tax Setting

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Aieralynian Kingdom
Jun 25, 2016
Reaction score
Hello. @Zacatero, @TheComputerGeek2, and I were discussing in chat why the maximum tax is set to 10, and cases where in one person factions, that makes sense, and places where it doesn't. I think that a valuable addition to factions-tax would be to set the maximum tax limit for officers to be 20, since they have greater privilege in the faction, they should pull their weight more than the less-privileged members. If, for example, I was officer in Tyberia, and had my tax set at 20, then got demoted to member, the setting would immediately drop down to 10. This is to prevent abuse and over-taxing of members.

Any staff opinions on this? This seems like it would be fairly simple to code in.
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But I don't want to pay more taxes. I pay 26r everyday. I'm spent XD
As a player, one would assume that its simply changing a number from 10 to 20 on a config document, but im sure there is more though i dont know specifically what
Probably something like:

MaxTax = 10

If officer(){

set MaxTax(20);


If leader(){

Set maxTax(30);



maxTax = 10


Btw I made up the variables here, but that is my guess on the code that would need added.

My code basically says "if you are an officer, you can be taxed 20, if you are the leader you can be tasked 30, if you are. Member you can be taxed 10,"
Probably something like:

MaxTax = 10

If officer(){

set MaxTax(20);


If leader(){

Set maxTax(30);



maxTax = 10


Btw I made up the variables here, but that is my guess on the code that would need added.

My code basically says "if you are an officer, you can be taxed 20, if you are the leader you can be tasked 30, if you are. Member you can be taxed 10,"
Yes, I kind of know java XD
Probably something like:

MaxTax = 10

If officer(){

set MaxTax(20);


If leader(){

Set maxTax(30);



maxTax = 10


Btw I made up the variables here, but that is my guess on the code that would need added.

My code basically says "if you are an officer, you can be taxed 20, if you are the leader you can be tasked 30, if you are. Member you can be taxed 10,"
It's actually more likely simpler than that and found in a config flatfile then moved into the code. That's how most of Massive's plugins worked, as do most bukkit problems in general :P point is, it'd be easy to change.

Edit: Ignore this ^^, misread op, see below post

I personally don't really see a point of doing it. I mean, the majority of factions don't utilize the ability to have 10r a day. I mean, maybe 15, but I think 20's probably a bit overkill.
Oh. Just realized this is just for officers. My guess would be that it's actually not setup like Maximus said, but rather only has a max for everyone. It'd probably be pretty easy to add, but then my above statement comes in; I don't think it's really needed. If it is added, I think it should be applied to everyone, though.
Oh. Just realized this is just for officers.
The idea had two variations

One is where its just for officers and leader

The other is that YOU can set your own tax as high as you want. So if Jes is to set my tax, he can only set it to 10, but if im setting MY OWN tax, i have the power to set it as high as i want
The idea had two variations

One is where its just for officers and leader

The other is that YOU can set your own tax as high as you want. So if Jes is to set my tax, he can only set it to 10, but if im setting MY OWN tax, i have the power to set it as high as i want
The second one would probably be a lot harder from a tech standpoint, I think. I think it'd be more practical to just straight up donate to your faction once a week or something rather than having code implemented for it.
The max tax is intentionally set to 10 to prevent faction leaders/officers from sneakily switching the tax rate to something ridiculous and sucking all the regals from their members banks.

If the tax worked in reverse (where players can set their own personal tax), it would likely not work as players may be able to simply opt out of taxes and realistically people are going to pay as little as possible and hang on to their money.

Based on the above two statements - this is an intended feature and the second option would not constitute enough benefits for the coding time - this concept is rejected.
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