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Played Character Mavi "blue" Banshaar

This character is actively played.


Nov 19, 2023
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Mavi Tannor Banshaar Bel-saal
  • Nickname: Blue
  • Race / Culture: Death Isldaar/Fin'ullen
  • Age: 24
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
  • Occult: N/A
Core Concept

A blacksmith apprentice who currently works and resides in Miralond. He has come to Regalia on his master's orders, to study the smiths they have there and to gain some world experience that isn't mindless wandering.

In-Depth Backstory

Anyone who met him would say he's remarkably quiet and eerily passive but by all means a budding craftsman who approaches his work with a reverent dedication.

And anyone who knew him personally would say he's the exact opposite of most neflin social norms. Quick to anger, brash in both his care and disdain alike, and standoffish by default. As well as a dedicated apprentice who throws his passion into his craft.

Brought to an orphanage/training home at an early age, Mavi took to none of the discipline and self-control his teachers tried to instill in him. He was often in trouble for getting into fights with other students due to his quick temper and seemed to continue training only to be able to beat them better.

He managed not to be kicked out by the skin of his teeth, as he was a diligent student and rarely picked fights of his own accord. He was instead moved to a smaller class with slightly older students who wouldn't try to set him off. This was where he stayed in relative peace for the next few years and even formed a bond with some of the knights until he abruptly left for no apparent reason. This is a particular subject he's never quite explained, and his discomfort around the royal guard continues to this day.

After his sudden departure, Mavi wandered from city to city in a rather unorthodox way for most. He took odd jobs to keep himself fed and slept in barns more than a few times, and doing some things he isn't proud of in order to survive. By the time he reached Miralond, he had been quickly approaching adulthood, where his listless wandering would no longer be an acceptable stage of youth.

There, by some stroke of luck or divine intervention, he found Mjonric. A dwarven smith who had set up shop in the city. Mavi was fascinated by his work, as he had long held a fixation on metalwork, and would come by almost every day just to watch him and other smiths work. After a month of attempts to shoo him off failed, Mjonric begrudgingly allowed the young man to sit and watch him work as long as he stayed quiet.

Thus began the bond between the two. After another month Mjonric decided it was a waste to have idle hands around and had Mavi begin to earn his keep. This of course meant sweeping and errand running when Mjonric needed something or just decided he wanted Mavi to go somewhere else for an hour. But much to the man's surprise, Mavi never once complained nor did his fascination with the forge waver. He began to tell the boy tales of the Fornoss faith and dwarven history and was pleasantly surprised when he listened intently to every word.

It took another 2 years for Mjonric to officially take him on as an apprentice. Mavi takes this role incredibly seriously and treats dwarven forgery with only the highest respect as a diligent student. Mjonric decided he would no longer stand for his student staying in inns with his feeble funds or sleeping in barns, so he set him up in the storage room under the shop stairs. It's tiny with room for little more then a bed and chest but it is undeniably his.

Appearance Information

Mavi is short and stocky, with arms and back muscles built from work. He has Mavi eyes and ashy blonde hair cut to his shoulder blades that he often ties back. This hair color isn't natural to either of his heritages, so it's likely he dyes it. His ears are shorter than one would expect for someone with his heritage, simply as a genetic quirk rather then any cutting.


Common, Altalar


· Isldar can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.

· Death Isldar can Transform into the Bone Horror Shift, a hulking monster made of bones and rotting flesh, which counts as a Disguise but is obviously a Death Isldar, and a Monstrous Transformation.

· Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.

· Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.

· Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.


· Despite being half-Fin'ullen and even being capable of transforming into a Daphalar, Mavi is terrified of water and the idea of swimming. Just showers for him, thanks!

· Is very particular about organization finding it very soothing to keep his things in a particular order and to do things in a certain way. He can become incredibly aggravated if these things are meddled with.