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Needs Help/Review Maverick Lichen

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Jan 7, 2024
Reaction score
Northern New Hampshire
Name: Maverick Lichen.

Race/Culture: Ailor. Driski Velheim.

Age: 24.

Gender/Pronouns: Male. He/Him.

Occult: Howl Marken.

Core Concept: Maverick Lichen used to live in Norrland and recently moved to Regalia. He has made few friends. But once he is befriended, he will be loyal to the last. To the death.

Appearance Information: Maverick, in his human form, is 6'2. He used to wear different clothes, but now that he is used to the climate, he is wearing what everybody else is wearing. He has one green eye and one black. He has black hair. When in his quarter-Marken form his eyes turn an emerald green and his wolf ears and tail are out in this form. In his half-marken form, his eyes are still green, and his wolf ears and tail show as well, and now wit a wolf head that has white fangs. His claws are also out in this form. In his full-Marken form, He is no longer humanoid. His hands and feet are now giant paws with long black claws. His body is more beastial and he is covered in thick jet-black fur.

Combat Style: Hunter.

Hobbies and Talents: He has medical training because when he lived back in Norrland, there were not a lot of doctors, so Maverick learned how to do the basics all by himself. He is also very athletic. He got all of his strength from doing all of the hard work for his family. He is also very good at the guitar.


Technique Parry.
Concussive Blow.
Diving Tackle.
Steady Body.

Sheild Wall.

Medical Stance.
Medical Rescue.
Medical Revive.
Medical Barrier.

Fleet Footed.
Soft Landing.
Sharp Reflexes.
Close Save.

Common Tongue.
He also has a very thick Norrlandic accent.

Life Story/Plot Hooks:
Maverick comes from the Northernmost of Norrland where there are few people. The culture his family had though was Driski Velheim and they spoke Serdi. They spoke Serdi because Maverick's mother was from further south. His father was from Norrland but Maverick's mother taught his father to speak it. The only people he saw though were his mother and little sister Jane. Both of Maverick's parents were Marken-born so Maverick and Jane were Marken-born as well. Maverick's father left him. Jane, and their mother shortly after Jane was born, so Maverick was never prepared for when he came into his Marken form for the first time. When that time came, Jane and their mother fell victim to Maverick's Marken form. He was very dark and moody for a long time until he came to Regalia. That is when he started to find his way. He never had any romance so he knows very little about loving others that weren't his family. Maverick is now a very friendly guy and is willing to put his life on the line for others. He also likes to make other people happy by playing his guitar.
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Hey there, there are a few things that need some editing before your character sheet is good to go. I'll walk over the sections of the application point by point so it's easier to follow.

Appearance information:
  • It is recommended not to pick an eye colour for your Marken transformations that resemble another Affliction. Red eyes is closely associated with vampirism, so please change your eye colour to something else.
  • Half-Marken always have the head of a Marken, which is more than just the ears and tail. I recommend briefly describing what your character's Marken head looks like here, and what other aspects of Markenism show at this point.
  • Please note down the amount of points you've invested in each category (for a total of 14 to spend), and which packs you gained from Heritage Traits. You do not need to use them necessarily, but they're free to grab if they fit your character! As an Ailor, you gain the Familiar Disrupt pack for free, and you can pick one extra pack from any category without a pointbuy cost (but they don't give you an extra point in that category, either. Just the pack!).
  • You can only have one stance at a time. You currently have both Tank Stance and Medical Stance, please consider which one you like using most, and keep that one. If you need help coming up with a fitting arrangement of packs, let me know what you'd like your character to do (mostly in a combat situation), and I can help set up a proficiency spread with you.
  • You currently have the Combat Style Warrior selected. What this means, is that you'll likely want to invest the most points into the Strength and Constitution category, as you use these point investments to calculate your attack and defense rolls. If you decide you do not want to invest into strength and constitution based proficiency categories (or you don't care much for combat roleplay), I can make a recommendation for a different combat style depending on what you'd like your character to be doing
Life Story / Culture:
  • Maverick comes from Norrland, though you have not stated what culture he is from. The few Ailor that inhabit the region are mostly of the Velheim culture, or the Gallovian culture. Think about which culture he is from, and depending on that answer, you could also add their native language to the list aside from Common. Velheim has an expanded lore page,while it's harder to find information on the Gallovians, so I recommend picking Velheim and reading up on that lore.
I hope my explanation is clear enough, please let me know if you have any other questions!
Hey again, thank you for making the edits! I have some final comments to take into account, please reply to this message once you've taken a look at them and made the edits.

  • You've chosen the Rogue Combat Style, while you only have spent one point into Constitution. I recommend switching either to Hunter or Spy, as you have more points into the wisdom category than the constitution category.
  • Keep in mind that the moment you switch to Medical Stance, you cannot use your melee or shield abilities. If this is fine with you, you can keep it as is
  • Medical Stance is acquired for free once you point-buy any other medical pack. You currently have only spent 12 points as a result, so you can choose two more packs.

Life Story:
  • While you chose Serdi as a language, this is usually spoken by Velheim who live further South than Norrland. According to the Velheim culture map on the ailor culture page, those in Norrland are most commonly Driski Velheim. Did his parents come from a different area? Did Maverick adopt different cultural norms at some point in his life? Please elaborate on this in his life story!
Let me know if you'd like help with any of the above and we can brainstorm together