Preserved Application Maude Crowley

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Jan 18, 2019
Reaction score

Maude Crowley // Kamilah Al-Barakat

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Maude Crowley (Original Name: Kamilah Al-Barakat)
  • Age: 34
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Quadir
  • Sexuality: Questionable
Skill Information

Total Points: 34 Proficiency Points due to age of 34 years.

  • +10 Rogue Training (from Culture Bonus)
  • +10 Finecraft Arts (from Culture Bonus)
  • +5 Finecraft Arts (from Proficiency Points)
  • +6 Linguistic Knowledge (from Proficiency Points)
  • +9 Statesman Knowledge (from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Magical (Artifactism) Knowledge (from Proficiency Points)
  • +5 Heavy Bow Combat (from Proficiency Points)
  • +4 Athletic Training (from Proficiency Points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: (5x2) Heavy Bow Combat + ( (4x2) Athletic Training x 2) = 18 Physical Stat
  • Heavy Bow Combat & Athletic Training have been doubled according to the Proficiency wiki page
  • Bodyshape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low
  • Faraddi (taught by parents)
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • New-Regalian (learned from Linguistics Knowledge)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Heterochromia (Genetic Mutation): While Maude's right eye is dark brown with a hint of white-grey color towards the iris, the other eye is the opposite, grey-white with a hint of brown towards the inner ring
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Cedar Brown/Grey-White
  • Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
  • Hair Style: Mostly long, open hair reaching slightly over her chest, often times she wears it in a loose, somewhat messy bun
  • Skin Color: Dark
  • Clothing: Is known to wear formal clothing, but mostly prefers to stick to simple, loose dresses similar to traditional styles from Farah'deen
  • Height: 167cm
  • Misc: Maude has Vitiligo, specifically her lower arms and hands. Her arms/hands are spotted with patches of pale skin, resulting in a somewhat extraordinary pattern.

Personality and Abilities
  • Maude often times seems a bit mentally absent, daydreaming one could say. That being one of her most concise characteristics, she is known to zone out. If that is because of an attention disorder or because she tends to get lost in thoughts, is not really known. Usually Maude is known to display impeccable manners, especially in a noble context, likely due to her vocational history. Maude always tries to behave a collected, calm and elegant. Depending on mood or circumstances Maude has been percieved as especially seductive, towards men and women.
  • The Qadir often emits an unwavering confidence towards the outside, though in reality she often feels anxious, almost paranoid on the inside. Always somewhat worrying about something, trying to think of everything that could go wrong later attempting to prepare for that. She despises not being in control of situations or simply being uncertain about circumstances or facts. Unpredictability makes her especially anxious, so to say.
  • Though her family is not considered noble, she holds family honor and reputation very high. While her father mostly acts distant, her mother has always been loving and caring towards her. Maude, towards family especially, is known to behave immensely empathetic and caring (almost over-bearing that is), though sometimes struggling to show or express actual affection. Towards friends her behaviour doesn't differ much from her "professional" behaviour. She is used to maintain non-platonic and non-romantic relationships, mostly due to her activity as an embassador and counselor back in Farah'deen through her family. She takes a long time to warm up to people, once she is, she can be much more cheerful, laid back and sometimes even a bit mischievous and suggestive, a total contrast to her usual behaviour.
  • Maude has a very pragmatic and centrist view. She is focussed on direct circumstances and tries to push aside sentimental variables. While she believes that harmony is technically possible, the by default rotten nature of some people prevents that. Noone is ever completely pure. Her alignment can be summarized with something between "True Neutral" and "Neutral Good". Even she has to admit, some achievements require sacrifice and what is evil and what is not depends on circumstances and point of view.
Life Story
(Full Life Story in Spoiler)
Maude was born in Farah'deen to a non-noble family of high status. Her family, as many others in Farah'deen, practices the Arts of Finecraft, more specifically engineering, like her father, who is considered a master engineer and a pioneer of engineering (though Maude can argue with that). Engineering runs in her father's family while her mother's side is most known for their work as embassadors and counsellors to noble houses, in the military or trading companies. With both sides now joined, Maude was born into a family with many expectations. The craft of engineering was one of the few things that her and her father could bond over, from very young years Maude watched her father in his workshop for hours. She learned from him while keeping him company to the point somewhere in her teenage years where she started to work independently. Maude always was fascinated by crossbows and similar adaptations, she started tinkering on pre-bought heavy crossbows, attempting to modify them, with moderate to high success. Soon that would develop from messing around into a hobby. From just tinkering she started to practice her skill in marksmanship, at some point even participating in tournaments back at home.
Her mother taught her all she knows about etiquette, politics, warfare and economics and was the main reason why Maude chose the work as an embassador as her primary vocational profession. As a young adult Maude slowly started to independently participate in the family business as an embassador and counsellor, in her case, acting as a communicator between noble families or working as a counsellor, bookkeeper or secretary for high-status figures in Farah'deen while keeping engineering as sort of a professional hobby. When in her late twenties, Maude, by that time still carrying her actual name Kamilah, decided to move out of Farah'deen and settle in Corontium to work there and expand her horizon. After working for a while and learning to fluently speak the languages needed, Maude changed her name to the current "Maude Crowley" in an effort to adapt and make her name more approachable for westeners.

[ . . . ]

Tabular Life Story
0 to 10
  • Born in Korbamakora in the year 273 into House Baraket, a non-noble house of high status
  • Her mother's name is Inshah and her father's is Abdul
  • Inshah is Abdul's second wife, meaning the only blood related sibling Kamilah has is one of her brothers. The other siblings are much older and were born by Abdul's previous wife a few years before he married Inshah, which gave birth to Kamilah and her brother Aitunç.
  • Maude's Family is quite large. She has three sisters and two brothers and many relatives.
  • Kamilah was a quiet and calm child. She often stuck around her quite distant father while he was practicing his profession as a masterful engineer. Her mother taught her manners and etiquette from a very young age
  • Her mother's side of the family are mostly working as renowned embassadors and counsellors in politcs, warfare and economics.
  • Engineering runs in her father's side of the family, which mostly consists of engineers in various fields.

10 to 17

  • In Kamilah's teenage years she had a very mischievous phase, as a result to a very strict family with many expectations and competition among the siblings
  • Though rebellious, Kamilah started accompanying her mother who by that time worked as an embassador, communicating between various noble houses. Through her mother Kamilah learned about politics, economy and general counselling work.
  • Her proficiency with engineering steadily improved, she started working more independently and accompanying her father to clients or into different workshops and fairs.
  • Though having great lecturers among the staff of her family, Kamilah never stuck to one profession, one "job" she would see as her calling. She worked dually in engineering and counselling, with a slight focus on counselling.

17 to 24

  • Kamilah was now tinkering and learning independently, still spending much time with her father in his workshop
  • She developed an interest in heavy firearms, crossbows, and started tinkering with them. Soon that would develop into the hobby of practicing marksmanship-related sports.
  • Kamilah started to participate in her mother's family business and started counselling locally and even some closer cities and estates, collecting viable vocational experiences
  • Besides being taught at home, the young Qadir enrolled in a university to take classes in linguistics, mathematics, warfare and economics.

24 to 32

  • Kamilah was recognized by her mother as a fully trained embassador and councillor. The adult Qadir now worked autonomous with her own clients. She started managing politics, counselling with warfare and combat-related strategy in songaskian noble families and groups within the Songaskian Empire as a neutral party. During this time she learned Sofaal.
  • Now being endorsed by her father as a full-blown adept engineer, Kamilah started practicing her professional hobby of engineering as a side-job. Though she had mastered the basics, there still is much to learn.

32 to 35

  • At the age of 33 Kamilah made the decision to travel to Corontium to work in the Regalian Empire
  • When arriving on foreign grounds she started with minor counselling work. Her family here was essentially unheard of, and so was the reputation and credibility that her own and her family's name provided.
  • After some regalians seemed to have problems remembering her name and then correctly pronouncing she started using what she believes is a "measure to adapt to western society", another name, that being "Maude Crowley", with moderate success at making her more approachable
  • In an effort to advance her own academic knowledge, she enrolled in a regalian university and proceeded to learned the New-Reaglian language and partwise some of it's dialects, speaking those languages and dialecs skillfully and without a thick accent still is somewhat of a challenge
  • Slowly making somewhat of a name for herself, she started working with regalian nobility, still new to the region-specific customs and ways of the regalian nobility.
Last edited:
Heyo this is a Peer Review, meaning it is not determining whether your application is accepted. That said, here is the following that I noticed may have to be changed:

  • Body Shape - You have 26 Physical Stat yet opted for Athletic when the wiki states that 25 through 29 Stat is Ripped. I'm not sure that you absolutely have to change it but it seems better to me that we align it more to what the current proficiency system is. This leads me to the next bullet point-
  • Body Fat - Your body fat is low when Extreme Low Fat is recommended for Ripped. Again, not saying you absolutely have to change it but if you change your body shape to ripped then I suggest going with what is recommended.
  • Life Story - It is advisable to perhaps place the full Life Story ina spoiler for those who wish to read it and instead bullet point the major moments like so:
Life Story - Birth and Childhood 0-12
  • Born in {insert City}, on the continent of Farah'deen in the year {take the current year and subtract how old she is}* to {insert parent names}.
  • Was a quiet baby and didn't cry much to her parent's relief.
  • Started speaking Faraddi with her parents around 5 to 6 years old.
  • Engaged herself in learning what her father was teaching her.
Teenage Years 13-19
  • {Insert stuff}
  • {Insert stuff}
  • {Insert stuff}
ETC, until you reach the present. Try to keep the bullet points to perhaps 5; This is meant to just relay the big information for Staff. They couldn't possibly read an amazing 1,000+ word Life Story and try to vet others at the same time! Overall this is an interesting character and the whole app looks much better than my first one! I know you applied to House Howlester and I will help process that, but I'd like to wait until this application is approved before we talk. I can't wait to roleplay with you and I hope you have a MassiveDay!
Heyo this is a Peer Review, meaning it is not determining whether your application is accepted. That said, here is the following that I noticed may have to be changed:

  • Body Shape - You have 26 Physical Stat yet opted for Athletic when the wiki states that 25 through 29 Stat is Ripped. I'm not sure that you absolutely have to change it but it seems better to me that we align it more to what the current proficiency system is. This leads me to the next bullet point-
  • Body Fat - Your body fat is low when Extreme Low Fat is recommended for Ripped. Again, not saying you absolutely have to change it but if you change your body shape to ripped then I suggest going with what is recommended.
  • Life Story - It is advisable to perhaps place the full Life Story ina spoiler for those who wish to read it and instead bullet point the major moments like so:
Life Story - Birth and Childhood 0-12
  • Born in {insert City}, on the continent of Farah'deen in the year {take the current year and subtract how old she is}* to {insert parent names}.
  • Was a quiet baby and didn't cry much to her parent's relief.
  • Started speaking Faraddi with her parents around 5 to 6 years old.
  • Engaged herself in learning what her father was teaching her.
Teenage Years 13-19
  • {Insert stuff}
  • {Insert stuff}
  • {Insert stuff}
ETC, until you reach the present. Try to keep the bullet points to perhaps 5; This is meant to just relay the big information for Staff. They couldn't possibly read an amazing 1,000+ word Life Story and try to vet others at the same time! Overall this is an interesting character and the whole app looks much better than my first one! I know you applied to House Howlester and I will help process that, but I'd like to wait until this application is approved before we talk. I can't wait to roleplay with you and I hope you have a MassiveDay!

I appreciate your help a lot! I will follow your advice and update the sheet.

Body shape and fat with 26 is ripped and extremely low fat, yes. However its supposed to be the upper cap and I chose to go one tier lower each because I didnt exactly want to roleplay a clone of Zarya. Keep it a little feminine, you know.
Character sheet has been updated:

-Adjusted Body shape
-Spoilered the full life story
-Added a Tabular version of the Lifestory
S'up there! I'll be claiming this for staff review! You can expect a reply soon.
Hello there, it's review time!

My review:

Basic Information

  • Race: Small edit, but the race is spelled Qadir rather than Quadir.
Skill Information
  • Total Points: For your Magical Knowledge, state which Info branch Maude specializes in. You can find the list on our Wiki page: Knowledge Proficiency Category.
  • Body Shape: Your physical stat total is off since the Athletic Points were multiplied by two twice. It should've been (5x2) Heavy Bow Combat + (4x2) Athletic Points = 18.
    • Body Shape: This will bring his build down to athletic.
  • Linguistic Knowledge: In order to access an extra language through linguistic prof. points, you need +6 linguistic proficiency points.
  • Languages: Your character is allowed to know the dominant language of both parents only by default, so please remove the Sofaal unless you'd like to devote more proficiency points towards an extra language.
Other than those few bumps, wonderful application! Tag me when the changes are made!
Changes marked in red:

-Adjusted Physical Stat
-Adjusted Body Shape
-Took one Prof. Point from Statesman Knowledge and put it into Linguistics
-Removed Sofaal from language List
-Defined Magic Knowledge to Artifactism
-Buffed out some grammar mistakes

Changes marked in red:

-Adjusted Physical Stat
-Adjusted Body Shape
-Took one Prof. Point from Statesman Knowledge and put it into Linguistics
-Removed Sofaal from language List
-Defined Magic Knowledge to Artifactism
-Buffed out some grammar mistakes

Looks great! Approved!