Mattium Leaving Massivecraft.

Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, for those that don't know, My name is Matthew.
For the last year I've been growing with my place in this community of Massivecraft, starting off as a Noob to all of Mine-craft, Massivecraft was my first server.
I started in a faction called Belegost, and bunch of Greek men who were hollowing out a huge mountain to make a mine. I would of mined out that place for over 30 hours, in a row of 4 days, and I got about 300 skills. Anyway, the end result of that wasn't great, I didn't like their design.

From there, i went on a sort of quest. I joined a number of faction, watched some tutorials on building, had a look at stimulus's and spent my first 3-4 months developing my style.

After that, I developed my participation in the community. First rping in the New Regalia, then making a faction, a few actually, and being involved in events.
Finally recently, I joined the RP staff team here on the Forum.

Now, this year, though this sounds all fun, has been a struggle in reality. It's put stress on my life and I need to focus more on my career path.
But I loved Massivecraft, and what I've accomplished here. You guys have improved my knowledge, my typing speed ;), my vocabulary, and my ability to act.

But it's time for me to say goodbye. I need to get my life back on track and I can't afford to come back to this and be tempted again. I have many plans coming up so fast, and don't have the time to continue my pace on here but I couldn't slow down.

Bastian Family; will be 'officially' ran by TazeHD and Kellock93 as they know all my plans, my ideas and are able to maintain it.
I will love my account to our faction we have used to claim our manor, 'BastianProperty'.
They will upload plans and continue so all communications to do with this family need to be done with them
Welcome Valmyr to the family as our 'Rped' father and Head of Bastian Operations.
Welcome Ulpix to the family, and congrats on moving forward to making yourself more Rp Based.

My Rp staff title; This is my resignation. Thank-you MonMarty for the experience, this being one of my first leadership positions. Thank you for what you have developed.

My place in Vyrneth; Thank you SirTinkles and Th3_Drunk_Monk and Jared4242 for my time in Vyrneth. You guys accepted me, and I loved all the time in this faction the most.

Thank you to the community for all your interactions with me,

So yeah, tonight is my last night. I will be handing the Bastian Brew-house to Kellock93, transferring the Bastian Wealth to 'BastianProperty' for Kellock to look after and then I will come on maybe once everyone week to check on their leadership and keep them on track, and then leave for good.
Mattium_ Will miss you mate, you have been a good friend. Good luck with your career and future plans, I look forward to seeing you when you pop on once every so often. :)
I'll miss you Mattium, would were the best dwarf roleplayer I've ever met, and I can't believe you'll be gone, But I hope what you pursue in your life is wonderful, and there will be a time when we all have lives to pursue, I wish you best of luck, and hope I have the honor to call you "friend". Thanks so much for all your help and advice,
Lots of Hugs and Luck for your Adventures in Reality, ~Confined <3
May God bless you and be with you all your ways, Adieu mon ami, we will remember you; thank you for all your contributions to massive craft.
I appreciate your hospitality to the server. May you have high luck in the future. -NarCat
Goodbye Matt,
I didn't really know you too well, but it's really sad to see a member of this lovely community go. It was nice having you in Vyrneth and all. But, good luck and safe travels in your future! Surely your life will be full of gifts and good deeds! Farewell, friend. Have a great life!
Farewell, sir. You will be missed among the people of Massivecraft. Good luck in your future endeavors.
I'll be honest mate, I detested you when I first met you. Really did. But it was more due to your amazing dwarven building style, which outshone my own. Over time, I've come to see you as a very caring person, one of those people you meet on Massive and think "I'd be fine just chilling with this guy for an hour or two". You made being a dwarf a bit more popular, and for that I thank you. You made me push to improve my own building style through pure competition (one sided mind you) and it helped.

As for your dreams man, chase them. No matter what, and if leaving Massive is what it takes, I think you're exceedingly brave. The most difficult part about being in this community is balancing it, and "real life". I'd like to think I walk that line well, but Mattium, I know you'll achieve great things in your time. You're simply too brilliant not to.

If the day comes I have to make the same choice, I'll recall how you handled it. And you handled it very well. If, and only if, you ever come back, you and I shall have to have one last flagon of mead.

Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha, May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown.
Enjoy the pain, struggles, and beauty of this so called "Reality". You will be missed.

why you leave we like you.
Well, Matt, it's been an amazing ride, hasn't it?
You were the one of the best architects I ever met, and an amazing person. It's sad to see you go, but we know you're going to have one heck of an awesome lifetime ahead, so in that sense we are happy to see you on your way to happiness. We'll never forget that dwarven builder who rocked our world.

A Short Poem
And so the winds of change blow again,​
And seasons come and pass,​
But no matter storm or fire or flood​
Our memories will still last​
Forever in our minds and hearts,​
We'll miss you and hold you dear,​
And whenever you're sad, look back at these words​
And know that they're all sincere​

Stay awesome, and enjoy your life! Seize every day, and chase your dreams so fast your nightmares will never catch you!
... Or else.
I've never really known you, but from what I'm reading and what I've seen, damn it dude. I'm tearing up.
I wish you luck! I'm positive you'll get far. See you.

You of all people need a round of applause.
Mattium if you leave who will correct my spelling and argue pointlessly with me D:
To be honest I am actually going to miss you, you made me think and now that you leave I never got to repay you,but I hope I can thank you through this, You are a amazing role player and you actually(I think helped me get better at RP), gotta say I will truly miss you
We've certainly had our differences over time, but it's sad to see you leave. You've given the community beautiful towns and cities, as well as some wholesome Dwarven roleplay. Best of luck out there!
Oh hey, you're leaving? You were one of the first people I met on massivecraft. Well it was nice meeting you and thanks for your help early on. You are probably one of the reasons that I am still here. Fare-thee-well!
Too bad... Hope to see you whenever you pop in, 'ponytail man' ;3