Preserved Sheet Matias ‘marcus’ Tinkerton

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Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
Full Name: Matias "Marcus" Tinkerton

Age: 22

Gender: Male.

Race: Wildlands Ailor.


Preferred Weapon: Fists or daggers, dirk styles preferred. Main weapon is his special made crysteel dagger (Thanks Husky hope your high school is gentle)

Total points:


Fighting instinct: with a background in pit fights and other related sport, he has been able to retain a few fighting instincts despite his amnesia.

Point allocation:

22 age + 5 Racial = 27 total.

+ 7 Unarmed Combat (from proficiency points)

+ 10 Perception Training

+ 4 Athletic Training

+ 6 Linguistic Training

Body Shape Calculation:

Athletic Training: 4 x 2 8

Unarmed: 7 x 2 14

Total: 26

Body Shape: Ripped Body Type

Body Fat: Low Body Fat


Fluent Language:

Common (from parents)

Faraddi (From points)


Adapted to street life: He is able to live on meager means, and though he can't quite recall, he feels just fine being minimalist.

Shelter seeker: Having a semi-homeless childhood, Matias has gathered simple perception skills that better help him find good shelter in the Regalian alleys, or in the sewer should he venture down. This skill also helps him tell when others have made living spaces of random locations.

Overly-Analytical: Marcus often keys in on people. He watches their tics and their body language, he gauges their personality and used his small basis of knowledge of how people act psychologically to often analyze others. He often does this unconsciously, and often to the shock of himself when he calls people out or realizes he learned something about someone that wasn't ever explicit, often shocking the subject who he often shares the details with.

Describe your character's position in Regalia. Why are they there?

Matias is frankly unsure why he's in Regalia, and even then only remembers his name as Marcus, a name he gave himself after being orphaned. He is set up a little, living very frugally, spending only ⅕ of what he earns at most per week, within only two months he has built up quite a savings.

How long have they been there?

Matias is new to Regalia, only having arrived two months ago. He is unfamiliar with Regalia, sticking usually to Oldtown, the docks, and the Nestled Nook

What is their occupation and living situation?

Matias works at the docks, fishing and bringing shipments in off ships. It's earns him little so he works to smuggle in a few things in for some extra coin, so long as the items are not truly haneous. He recently bought a home near the Blind Basilisk, but often only goes over to rest. He has no friends to invite over anyways.

Describe your character's upbringing. Where were they born, to whom? How many siblings do they have? What about their extended family/noble family?

Matias is from Dormin, and the youngest of four children. An orphan from age 8, he grew up in town raised by various people as his merchant brothers did not want him.

Matias was born in Dormin, and while up until age eight he fared well with his parents in their home, upon the death of his father in a mining accident and the death of his mother at the hands of a very handsy mercenary, he then took to living on the streets as an orphan. His siblings, of which the next oldest was 18 years his senior, refused to take him in and he took to living in the streets with a distrust of many at the young age. To help survive, he learned fighting and generally balanced a life going to church and hanging around the town's shops and vending stollen wares from thieves and participating in paid fights once he was of age. This hard life has made up the past 14 years of his life and has left him a secret allfaith who practices only the Unionist faith, and a tad bit paranoid. He is the youngest of four children born of Mara Corne and William Tinkerton. The family name itself was created when his ancestors came to Dormin early in its creation as tradesmen to the miners. While William was not the oldest of his siblings, he thus took up work as a miner. Matias due to the orphaning only knows of his siblings who are all traders in various cities of Dormin, and have not spoken to him in so long that Matias even without his amnesia would not recognize them today.

Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.

While he had a rough life before his arrival, Matias did not pay the black market tradesmen to bring him to Regalia to continue the same life. While he does not doubt that his life will get any easier, he is hopeful that things will go well in Regalia, and, with hardly any memory, he pushes away his paranoia and wishes to simply find good friends who are good people. In the short term though, all that he prefers to have is one meal a day, honest work, and to be happy with his life.

Eye Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Black, flecked with grey

Hair Style: Lightly kept, shaggy hair

Skin Color: Lightly tanned

Clothing: He wears clothing that fits loosely. Most often, for work, he wears plain white shirts and brown pants. Often which such he will be wearing a signature red leather jacket with his other work clothes.

Height: 5'9" or 177cm

Weight: 167lbs or 72.6kg

Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.

Matias has a smallish head, with a wide forehead that sits above black eyebrows and pretty normal eyes, other than their odd color that doesn't actually mean anything other than a genetic mutation. He has no freckles and instead surprisingly clear skin for one who often sweats on the job. His only scars on his head are covered by his thick hair, a scar on the right side of his head from an old pit fight.

Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.

Standing at 5'9", Matias is only barely above the average height of his fellow Ailor. His athletic body and slightly broad yet slim shape make him look prime as a guard, but has him better bred to be a laborer or explorer with his lack of skill set in regards to war or guard combat. His musculature does well when shown off and there is only light fat along his gut, making his stomach more flat that show his abs, and collected around his thighs and hips as he rather than having a usual silhouette of most prizefighters, instead has that of a normal person, albeit wider in his larger frame. Relatively hairless save for a bit starting from his groin and on his legs, the several thin scars along his body and a few on his arms show faintly white on his tanned skin, should one stop to notice it. Namely, he has one scar on his left bicep, and three scars from cuts along his dominant eight arm that collect around the forearm. On his body are scars of slashes around his chest, with both scars of blade fights on his back that go along with scars from past floggings or whippings whenever captured by guards back in Dormir.

Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.

Matias generally wears work clothes or otherwise simple designs, disliking many ornate jackets or cloaks. He rather then, wears clothes that don't get in the way of work and aren't too bothersome. He enjoys any warmer colors, white, and black. Cool colors are not generally his style, unless they are those easily found in nature. Generally so as to not spend much, he avoids purple or any other colors whose dye is hard to come by. His only jewelry is not wearable, it is his steel dagger that was his first gift from a local Qadir shopkeeper who half raised him. This dagger with it's black hilt and silver pommel often sits inside its sheath under his pants, hidden should he ever need to use it, usually only to pry open crates, prepare meats if he cleans it first, or for cutting through ropes and other things to access certain areas.

Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter?

Matias speaks a strict and proper Common, and of which only a slight bit of Ceardian accent creeps in when agitated or likewise excited. When speaking Faraddi this accent also comes up, but because his Faraddi is so rough he often is hard understood anyways. Odd then, his tone is often neutral and non-confrontational with a smooth speed to it. His stutter only comes with a slightly low pitch and when he is nervous, a break from his usual normal pitch that he half forces so that he can be heard well.

Personality and Abilities

How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

As a simple person, Matias shows happiness and contented ness as commonly as most, he smiles easily, is generally agreeable with people, and is nice to others. If he's truly happy, he might become dreamy, but such is rare so most often his happiness leads to generosity to share such feelings with others through gifting or otherwise.

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

Matias does not respond well to fear, and rather than show fear would show anger as it builds in him. Often though, he is agreeable regardless of any mood other than anger or fear and will calm down if the circumstances do not bring on intense fear or pure terror.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

Matias approaches stress with strong determination to fix whatever is causing stress, yet at the same time often grows uncertain and withdrawn, so as to actually think of ways to alleviate said stress.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?

Matias views law as something that while sometimes tedious should often still be followed. Somewhat confounding is his general feeling that the authorities should be few and instead entrust law and order to be kept by the public. He personally sees power as a corrupting force that can turn the weak minded into those easily willing to abuse such power for whatever selfish goals.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

While he knows little of races other than assimilated Qadir and a bit of Faraddi culture along with Essalonian and general Ailor culture, he tries to be accepting of other races so long as they are likewise assimilated into Regalian culture. While often ignorant to them, he tries to be inclusive once educated.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

Matias, only knowing Dorminian and thus general Essalonian cultures, only knows of the separate Unionist faiths, but growing up he thought simply and philosophically thought that generally while he put his faith in the Emperor and his ancestors, that possibly any other faith or possibly all are correct. This philosophy though leaves him at odds with many and is a head-spinner when one considers all the possible religions practiced. He then is uncertain, an allfaith in thought but a Unionist in practice and faith, it is hard for him to place his entire faith towards anything. The only faith he outright wil not condone is Void faith.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

Matias generally doesn't know much about them and thus remains distrusting of it, only knowing the Unionist belief that magic should be squashed along with the void and its worshipers. To him, generally unseen is uncared about, so long as it's not a major event he's hearing about. He's less cautious about light magic but thinks it could be used in bad intent sometimes, say to keep people alive for torture or if terrorists healed their fellows after attacks.

How does your character feel towards their family?

To Matias, he has no blood family anymore, they died with his parents. To him, the old Qadir trader, Saraddi, was a surrogate grandfather and his only family he really had after his orphaning.

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

Matias is most proud of his ability to survive. To him, simply living is a success when he has grown up orphaned and half alone all his life. He knows this simple fact might change as Regalia changes his perspective, but for now he's most proud to say that he is simply alive.

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

Matias is not really motivated to go forward, only to continue on as he is and should things get better then so he will rejoice, this motivation is simply known as his will to live and see what life offers. He is in fact naturally curious, so to learn new things or meet new people is his biggest motivator and excitement of life.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?

Matias' biggest insecurity is his fear of abandonment and self consciousness with being accepted. While he will not lie about himself, he may force himself to be uncomfortable simply to have company.

What is your character's biggest fear?

Abandonment and heavy police forces. Matias has unresolved issues with his childhood and the deaths of his parents. His fear of police force relates to his previous work in the underground and said orphaning. Matias is very irrational about abandonment and generally can become hysteric when learning of secret police or running into heavily armed or densely collected militant or police forces.


+ Clingy - Having grown up mostly alone, Matias will cling to those who have made lasting impressions on him as he might see them as mentors or compatriots even when those persons do not feel the same way.

+ Randomly distrustful - Despite rather high perception when gauging people and the environment, Matias' issues with his childhood sometimes leads him to have a strong distrust in friends or associates, and often for the most rediculous reasons. This weakness hurts his relationships and often he can not resolve it easily.


+ Food - A newfound love, Matias loves the diversity of food in Regalia and has a curiosity to try new foods and food combinations. To try various foods for cheap brings him wonder and joy, and he is quick to document places he particularly likes.

+ People - Put simply, Matias enjoys companionship and being social. It's simply something he enjoys, meeting new people and hearing their stories or doing activities with them. To him it's part of bringing himself enjoyment as well as a lazy way to get over boredom.

+ Working/Exercise - Matias really enjoys being physical. To him, staying in shape is no longer a necessity for fleeing any underground dealings and being well for a fight, it is something to help him stay in mental shape as well as he doesn't have to worry about illness or likewise. Working gives him purpose along with simply taking up his time, but should that not suffice he is also always one for exercise to clear the mind and leave the bewildering effect of soreness yet enjoyment. The only thing is, to him fighting and other not quite usual things for body conditioning is also considered exercise to him.


+ Biggots - To Matias, biggots are the willingly ignorant. Thus, he quite well hates them and their unwillingness to learn. They bewilder him and disgust him, as he simply cannot understand how people simply choose to not become learned, and to at least understand others even if they do not accept them.

+ Laziness - Matias dislikes boredom, but dislikes laziness even more. He wishes to always learn more or to always have purpose, and thus he tries not to be too lazy and dislikes others when he sees Laziness in them, especially true sloth. It's a pet peeve that simply when seen pisses him off.


+ Saraddi Farqh (deceased) - Qadir tradesman between the Qadir of town and offering exotic or high quality goods from both Farah'deen or Regalia

~ Relation: surrogate grandfather.

Matias met Farqh originally when venturing around the merchant's quarter of his bustling town a few weeks after his parent's death and his fleeing from the family friends who took him in. Farqh was a mentor to Matias as he taught him not the Qadir culture of his own but that of Essalonia and the Ailor while trying to stay nonbiased in his retelling. This storytelling and education of his culture led Matias to see Farqh as a mentor and grandfather as years passed and the old man helped care for Matias, often giving the boy items he needed at a huge discount or for free. The old man helped Matias be who he is today and gave him his boots and dagger, for that Matias is forevee thankful to this old dead Qadir.

Micah Boone - Pit fighter in the town of Silver Keg. Relatively unknown and quiet individual.

~ Relation: Best friend.

Matias met this man as a first rival and compatriot in the pit fights. Both being orphans, the older Micah made an impression on Matias and they soon became blood brothers through a pact to care for each other. As Micah aged he was able to move and become a frontier trader, and implored Matias to take to his own sentiments to leave for somewhere new. It was actually through this pressure given by Micah that Matias quit being so shady and took to honest work before leaving to Regalia.

Life Story (Required)

0-1 years: Matias born, father works as a miner and helps Matias' next oldest sibling gather capital to move away and become a trader.

1-7 years: Matias raised by both parents as they aged, his mother beautiful but nearing middle life along with his father. They both care for him and make sure he is just as well as many other families at the edge of town where they live.

7-8 years: Father dies in mining accident, mother becomes slightly despondent and struggles to care for Matias as she cannot find a job and is too old to look for a new husband.

8 years: Matias' mother killed in attempted rape, taken in by family friends before he runs away upon hearing his older siblings do not want to care for him.

8-12 years: Matias lives homeless around the merchant's quarter, met and partially raised by Saraddi Farqh and used by some merchants to be a fence among each other.

13-19 years: Matias grows and participates regularly in pit fights and dealing in stolen goods. Also sometimes works as a laborer for merchants, moving around various stock.

19-21 years: works to stop dealing in the underground other than pit fights, learns fishing and does more hard labor, saves up to leave for Regalia.

22 years: around his birthday, pays some smugglers to get him into Regalia cheaper than most other ways. Sees something he shouldn't and is consequently attacked. Arrives a few months later in Regalia on a different ship and with amnesia that leads to a loss of memories but not physical skills.

22 years on: comes to Regalia, working as a shady dock worker. He spent most days frequenting the Nook Inn, lives on the streets until upon meeting an assassin and the child she had adopted, he decided to better his life and be a more honest person.

(Submitted on mobile)
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+ 8 Perception Training (7 from culture, 1 from points)
It's a flat +10 bonus to perception!

Faraddi (learned bits of in childhood from Qadir shopkeeper)
Should have some linguistics points to reflect this, even if the character is still in theory learning it.


Adapted to street life: He is able to live on meager means, and though he can't quite recall, he feels just fine being minimalist.

Shelter seeker: Having a semi-homeless childhood, Matias has gathered simple perception skills that better help him find good shelter in the Regalian alleys, or in the sewer should he venture down. This skill also helps him tell when others have made living spaces of random locations.

Dirty business: While not many memories can be recalled by Matias, he has a learned sense of underworld business and thus can often figure locations for people who trade in the black market and danger and chance for profit in such dealings. Moreso, he has a sense to be cautious of seedy areas and is keen to notice and try to avoid them unless he need to venture through or trade.

As a simple person, Matias shows happiness and contented ness as commonly as most, he smiles easily, is generally agreeable with people, and is nice to others.
Try to keep a minimum of two sentences per question!

Choose your Character Alignment

Choose your Character Personality Type

Answer based on the Personality Types defined on This Page (for example: The Architect, The Logician, The Commander, etc. You may expand with more comments if you like on this point.)

Choose your Character's Religion

4 Unionist

6 Allfaith

(This leads him to be unable to have any faith abilities as he has no single conviction)
Only one personality option or the other, given you're on phone, the core options may suit you better!

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)

+ Clingy - Having grown up mostly alone, Matias will cling to those who have made lasting impressions on him as he might see them as mentors or compatriots even when those persons do not feel the same way.

+ Randomly distrustful - Despite rather high perception when gauging people and the environment, Matias' issues with his childhood sometimes leads him to have a strong distrust in friends or associates, and often for the most rediculous reasons. This weakness hurts his relationships and often he can not resolve it easily.


+ Food - A newfound love, Matias loves the diversity of food in Regalia and has a curiosity to try new foods and food combinations. To try various foods for cheap brings him wonder and joy, and he is quick to document places he particularly likes.

+ People - Put simply, Matias enjoys companionship and being social. It's simply something he enjoys, meeting new people and hearing their stories or doing activities with them. To him it's part of bringing himself enjoyment as well as a lazy way to get over boredom.

+ Working/Exercise - Matias really enjoys being physical. To him, staying in shape is no longer a necessity for fleeing any underground dealings and being well for a fight, it is something to help him stay in mental shape as well as he doesn't have to worry about illness or likewise. Working gives him purpose along with simply taking up his time, but should that not suffice he is also always one for exercise to clear the mind and leave the bewildering effect of soreness yet enjoyment. The only thing is, to him fighting and other not quite usual things for body conditioning is also considered exercise to him.


+ Biggots - To Matias, biggots are the willingly ignorant. Thus, he quite well hates them and their unwillingness to learn. They bewilder him and disgust him, as he simply cannot understand how people simply choose to not become learned, and to at least understand others even if they do not accept them.

+ Laziness - Matias dislikes boredom, but dislikes laziness even more. He wishes to always learn more or to always have purpose, and thus he tries not to be too lazy and dislikes others when he sees Laziness in them, especially true sloth. It's a pet peeve that simply when seen pisses him off.


+ Saraddi Farqh (deceased) - Qadir tradesman between the Qadir of town and offering exotic or high quality goods from both Farah'deen or Regalia

~ Relation: surrogate grandfather.

Matias met Farqh originally when venturing around the merchant's quarter of his bustling town a few weeks after his parent's death and his fleeing from the family friends who took him in. Farqh was a mentor to Matias as he taught him not the Qadir culture of his own but that of Essalonia and the Ailor while trying to stay nonbiased in his retelling. This storytelling and education of his culture led Matias to see Farqh as a mentor and grandfather as years passed and the old man helped care for Matias, often giving the boy items he needed at a huge discount or for free. The old man helped Matias be who he is today and gave him his boots and dagger, for that Matias is forevee thankful to this old dead Qadir.

Micah Boone - Pit fighter in the town of Silver Keg. Relatively unknown and quiet individual.

~ Relation: Best friend.

Matias met this man as a first rival and compatriot in the pit fights. Both being orphans, the older Micah made an impression on Matias and they soon became blood brothers through a pact to care for each other. As Micah aged he was able to move and become a frontier trader, and implored Matias to take to his own sentiments to leave for somewhere new. It was actually through this pressure given by Micah that Matias quit being so shady and took to honest work before leaving to Regalia.
These should be under a spoiler!

Hi, so first off this is the first installment of Matias's Character Application. Heads up: he's had an accident and had amnesia. I plan to make another application two months after the possible acceptance of this application as he becomes a proper new Regalian Citizen.
I would recommend keeping this application rather than making new ones as that would clutter the system and just edit this pre-existing one as you go unless the changes are so great it would warrant it but ultimately up to you! All you have to do is just edit this one and tag me whenever you're ready for a re-review!

On a closing note, for being written on a mobile it's rather well done! Most issues are only minor by comparison barring some errors that would probably need to be fixed on the PC. Be sure to tag me and highlight edits when you're done!
@Caelamus I updated it, putting new things in orange color and so on. Thanks for the tips as well as pointing out where I was stupid.
How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

As a simple person, Matias shows happiness and contented ness as commonly as most, he smiles easily, is generally agreeable with people, and is nice to others.
Add another sentence please!

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

Matias generally doesn't know much about them and thus remains distrusting of it, only knowing the Unionist belief that magic should be squashed along with the void and its worshipers.
Another sentence here!