Preserved Sheet Mathias Nordmark

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
Mathias Nordmark


Full Name: Mathias Nordmark, "War" (Called by his allies who have fought next to him)

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Race: Colonial Alior

Sexulality: Heterosexual


Proficiency Points 35 Total Points

  • +25 Extra Heavy Combat Skill (+25 From Points)
  • +10 Athletic Training (+10 From Points)
  • +10 Religious Knowledge (+10 From Racial Bonus)
Body Stat: 50 (25 x2) Extra Heavy Combat Skill + 20 (10x2) Athletic Points = 70 Body Stat

Body Build: Strongman

Body Fat: Built Body Fat


(Common) (10/10)
(Alt-Regalian) (10/10)



Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Hairstyle: Short & Wavy

Skin Color: Dirty White

Clothing: Average Leather Coat

Height: 6 feet 5 inches





Mathias is known as a master of war, someone who is ready to fight any minute of the day. Within serving the Kingdom of Insani, he always carries his great weapon which he has named after what his weapons were meant to crave. He is also seen as a loyal and quiet man whenever he is around his leaders. He acts friendly towards strangers, but what he's really doing is studying them on how they act and talk to see if there was anything strange or wrong about him or her. He's very picky on who to trust and who not too since he's not sure who they are and/or what they do.


Mathias feels that he needs to protect his leaders with his life and will do whatever it takes to keep them from harm. He is quite strong when it comes to talking with people and fighting during a battle since he feels as though that he was born in War. The problem is that he tends to freak out when there isn't anything to do, like if he were to be bored he'd most likely begin to freak out and get angry that he had nothing to do. He feels so use to combat, that he has to do something in order to keep his mind sane.

Friends and Family

Mathias is very close towards his friends, since he doesn't have much for family ever since he had to slay them for being Sanguines after they got infected within a week. With lovers, he has never known how to feel towards them since he has never found any type of love. His friends see him otherwise, he is quite the charmer and talker when he's around his friends. Sadly, he doesn't know how his family would've thought of him since he had to kill them when they were turned into Sanguines.


Mathias a truly loyal man towards his leaders, whoever they may be. Once he finds a strong and powerful leader to serve, he shall serve them with his life and do whatever it takes to kill ANY enemy against them. He knows what is just and what is not, but he shall do whatever his leaders say as long as they are just and have a right to be destroyed. He can normally tell if they're good or evil leaders is by their speeches or words as well as their actions towards the people.

    • Drinking: He always likes to have a good drink every now and then
    • Weapons: His weapon is a masterpiece that he took off of a rogue Feer-Drakken

    • Traitors: He will slay any man or woman deemed a "Traitor" by his leaders
    • Untrained Warriors: He hates having to deal with the untrained since they're just plain annoying to him

Life Story

0-6 Years Old

Mathias's date of birth is unknown to himself, never being able to celebrate a birthday. But, he was born in the city of Jarrow from Duncan and Helen Nordmark. His father served as a Blacksmith and Ex-Military Officer who trained many people within his time within the art of Blacksmithing. His mother was also an Ex-Military Officer.

7-13 Years Old

The 7 year old child would begin to help his father quite a bit with his work, starting to work on his own pieces of metal like nails and horseshoes. He'd would also watch his father train with his greatsword, making sure to keep himself ready for a battle or war and to show what he can do. After that, he decided to train himself within the art of commanding and combat with a help of a tutor. Once he turned to the age of 10, he decided to go to Anglia in hopes of learning what his parents did and become even greater. He continued to train non-stop ever since he joined the School of Feer-Drakken, he had felt no problems with his training for the next many years. But, that wasn't always the case.

14-20 Years Old

Once he was the big 18 years old, he decided to do some teaching within a group of people in order to show his loyalty since he was almost done with his 10 years with the group. After training for another year, he gained word of a traitor that abandoned their duty as a Commander and fled from battle. Himself and 10 others decided to go after the traitor and his allies and destroy them at all costs. The traitor was named Zebulon Bohannon and he carried a masterful weapon that was passed down through his family for many generations, that very sword killed everyone but Mathias. On that day, Mathias almost saw death with his very eyes. But, he was lucky to survive due to his power combat experience. With the very blade of Zebulon, The Chaoseater, he ended the traitor and all of his allies with difficulty due to their numbers. In the end, he landed a burn upon the right side of his face to scar himself of the traitor he had slayed. When he returned, he graduated from the group at the age of 20 years old. He decided to go around Anglia to see its wonders. He continued this for 3 years until he decided to return to his home in hopes of joining his father's side in teaching the young.

21-Now Years Old

Mathias was a happy man at the age of 23 years old when he returned to his hometown. When he did so, he found nothing strange other than his home. When he arrived home, everything was darker than normal. His mother and father looked different within the shadows, not knowing what was wrong with them. He held his blade in hand while he'd slowly look towards his new enemy. His father spoke from the shadows, his mouth would be dripping with something. "Join us son...join us and you will be more powerful than everyone." Mathias's face would be shocked of what he was hearing, not sure what to do as he'd have his blade out. He finally replied after a moment of silence, "No...I won't join you." His father would begin to growl as he'd look towards his son, "Than you will die.." His father charged first, trying to claw at him but failed as Mathias swinged his blade right into his father's neck. His mother charged forth after him, clawing his armor and ending up getting killed from her son's blade. His soul felt sadness, but peace at the same time for he knew his parents were safe now and forever. After the guards got the mess sorted out, he decided to go travel around to find himself a new home. After he began to travel, he felt the destruction of losing his family. He thought long and hard of what he has done. Once he had the time to think, he decided that the people he once knew were gone and the people he killed where monsters who were using his parent's shell to get him to be turned. With that, he decided to travel for many years until he found Regalia, hoping to serve the Synod with great honor and glory with the hopes of restoring peace within himself and Regalia.

I'd like to thank @CorrosGaming for helping me get the cool details. Thanks :)
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(*Roblox hurt noise*)
nah, it wasn't liked in the slightest, will say, beware trying to indirectly emulate a character from another game, "War."
Oh good times. Grand times.
I'd keep the last name if I were you. Use it as a character development point. People dislike him because of what his name represents so he has to prove himself. Makes for a nice story, I endorse it heavily
Hello here's my review


Mathias is known as a master of war, someone who is ready to fight any minute of the day. Within serving Insani, he always carries his great weapon which he has named after what his weapons were meant to crave. He is also seen as a loyal and quiet man whenever he is around his leaders. His friends see him otherwise, he is quite the charmer and talker when he's around his friends. Sadly, he doesn't know how his family would've thought of him since he had to kill them when they were turned into Sanguines by a local Coven within his hometown.
Please focus this paragraph to revolve around how strangers view him as opposed to how he may look or how he behaves towards those who already know him such as friends or family, write this down under the third paragraph.

With strangers, he's very picky on who to trust and who not too. He acts friendly towards strangers, but what he's really doing is studying them on how they act and talk to see if there was anything strange or wrong about him or her.
Include this within the first paragraph and replace this sentence with something more geared to those already close to him, how is he towards friends? Is he very picky in regards to them? How would one befriend him?

Mathias was a happy man at the age of 23 years old when he returned to his hometown. When he did so, he found nothing strange other than his home. When he arrived home, everything was darker than normal. His mother and father looked different within the shadows, not knowing what was wrong with them. He held his blade in hand while he'd slowly look towards his new enemy. His father charged first, trying to claw at him but failed as Mathias swinged his blade right into his father's neck. His mother charged forth after him, clawing his armor and ending up getting killed from her son's blade.
Vampires are not the sort who would turn into deranged killers, there's usually certain preconditions set before they're 'feral' I'd like for you to describe more on why they were feral if at all, or consider writing this from the perspective of how life might of been after they had turned, vampires are also difficult to spot or determine with those who do not have aberration knowledge, it's unlike that he would of even of been aware one of them was a vampire until it grew too late. What were they motivations for trying to feed from him, did they try to convince him to become 'like' them to share their gift with him? Did he begrudglingly turn on his own parents? Was he aware of a cure, did he attempt to subdue them? There's a lot of potential to go into detail and how this would affect his character! He could of even of slew them only to figure out months or weeks later they could of been cured, and then have to live with it, there's a lot of juicy avenues you could take with it.

Be sure to tag me and highlight edits in blue when you're done! @EmperorPalpatine
Hello here's my review

Please focus this paragraph to revolve around how strangers view him as opposed to how he may look or how he behaves towards those who already know him such as friends or family, write this down under the third paragraph.

Include this within the first paragraph and replace this sentence with something more geared to those already close to him, how is he towards friends? Is he very picky in regards to them? How would one befriend him?

Vampires are not the sort who would turn into deranged killers, there's usually certain preconditions set before they're 'feral' I'd like for you to describe more on why they were feral if at all, or consider writing this from the perspective of how life might of been after they had turned, vampires are also difficult to spot or determine with those who do not have aberration knowledge, it's unlike that he would of even of been aware one of them was a vampire until it grew too late. What were they motivations for trying to feed from him, did they try to convince him to become 'like' them to share their gift with him? Did he begrudglingly turn on his own parents? Was he aware of a cure, did he attempt to subdue them? There's a lot of potential to go into detail and how this would affect his character! He could of even of slew them only to figure out months or weeks later they could of been cured, and then have to live with it, there's a lot of juicy avenues you could take with it.

Be sure to tag me and highlight edits in blue when you're done! @EmperorPalpatine

@Caelamus Alright, I can understand where you're coming from.. but nobody knows him at all. This is an entire different place than Regalia and nobody would know anything about him. He himself will make friends, not the other way around. He doesn't have any friends nor family. I'll change it to where the family turned feral, but otherwise I'm not changing it one bit since I like how the story is. The story isn't around his parents, it's about him.
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@Caelamus I believe I've done what I could do, if you want more details for the life story I'm not sure what I'd need to add since I believe it looks really good.
Alright, I can understand where you're coming from.. but nobody knows him at all. This is an entire different place than Regalia and nobody would know anything about him. He himself will make friends, not the other way around. He doesn't have any friends nor family.
With character applications you're meant to record all the necessary information regarding the character, even if he does not have friends yet, it isn't a matter of whether anyone would know anything about him. How does he himself make friends, how does he behave towards said friends? Has he never had a friend?

I'll change it to where the family turned feral, but otherwise I'm not changing it one bit since I like how the story is. The story isn't around his parents, it's about him.
It's a very impactful moment that does heavily weigh on him as a character, it is important to note what led up to the moment and how it affected him as a character. A character killing their own parents whether they were vampires or not is not something taken lightly, it may be worth mentioning or describing how they went feral or how the gravitas of the situation affected him, it may be worth reading through the Vampirism page to help you add more to the story and add more depth or reasons why they might of gone feral. For all intensive purposes, his parents would not seem out of the ordinary at all, vampires are not mindless bedraggled monsters, killing them would of been identical to killing them were they not infected at all to no small extent.
@EmperorPalpatine There's a lot you could do with the life story and in regards to how it'd affect him as a character, regardless of whether his parents were vampires or not, killing them wouldn't of been very different from killing them if they weren't infected. Patricide is a very defining moment and very important moment to a character that can really drive interesting roleplay and how the character reflects on matters.
With character applications you're meant to record all the necessary information regarding the character, even if he does not have friends yet, it isn't a matter of whether anyone would know anything about him. How does he himself make friends, how does he behave towards said friends? Has he never had a friend?

It's a very impactful moment that does heavily weigh on him as a character, it is important to note what led up to the moment and how it affected him as a character. A character killing their own parents whether they were vampires or not is not something taken lightly, it may be worth mentioning or describing how they went feral or how the gravitas of the situation affected him, it may be worth reading through the Vampirism page to help you add more to the story and add more depth or reasons why they might of gone feral. For all intensive purposes, his parents would not seem out of the ordinary at all, vampires are not mindless bedraggled monsters, killing them would of been identical to killing them were they not infected at all to no small extent.

I've already said that he's charming and very talkative, if that doesn't explain how he makes friends Idk what does! If this was about his parents, I would add how they were infected. Since it's about HIM and HIS side of the story, he doesn't know nor does he care since it'd just get him to want revenge!

@Caelamus I have updated the character app with the new template. My goodness this is going to be a nightmare for a while.
Proficiency Points 30 points

  • +20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 From Points)
  • +10 Marshal Knowledge Skill (+10 From Points)
  • +10 Religious Knowledge (+10 From Racial Bonus)

(Common) (10/10)
(Modern Elvish) (10/10)
(Alt-Regalian) (10/10)
Be sure to add in the new bodyshape part of the skill information template, currently he does not meet the points necessary for strongman build.
Proficiency Points 30 points

  • +20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 From Points)
  • +10 Marshal Knowledge Skill (+10 From Points)
  • +10 Religious Knowledge (+10 From Racial Bonus)

(Common) (10/10)
(Modern Elvish) (10/10)
(Alt-Regalian) (10/10)
on a closing note be sure to include the bodyshape stuff under the skill information.
Proficiency Points 30 points

  • +20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 From Points)
  • +10 Marshal Knowledge Skill (+10 From Points)
  • +10 Religious Knowledge (+10 From Racial Bonus)

(Common) (10/10)
(Modern Elvish) (10/10)
(Alt-Regalian) (10/10)
Reminder to put in the body shape under the proficiency section and add in the points, racial bonuses also do not stack with body build.
Reminder to put in the body shape under the proficiency section and add in the points, racial bonuses also do not stack with body build.
Pretty sure I just got that now and also do you think you could check out another app? The staff that originally looked at it left.