Preserved Sheet Mathias Cailloux

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Tomato Boy
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score


"I thought of angels choking on their halos, get them drunk on rose water.
See how dirty I can get them, pulling out their fragile teeth and clip their tiny wings."


Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Mathias Quentin Cailloux
  • Age: Forty-Three
    • Born March 23rd, 263 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
    • Leutz-Vixe - Ithanian Influence
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Weapon of Choice: Dagger & Alchemical Concoctions
Basic Information (Expansion)

Outdated Information

  • Mathias has been stuck in Regalia because of his somewhat poor economic choices. With basically being bankrupt he's trying to earn his way out of the city, but he has started to realize that he might be in a good position. He's already been in the city for more than two decades, so a change in location might be too drastic of a change for him. His current occupation, being under service of the Hammers, has allowed him to settle in a more suitable home that is far better than the one he stayed in for the past few years.
  • His upbringing didn't include any other children, and as far as he knows he doesn't have any younger siblings running about since he's cut off contact from the rest of his family. He was born and raised in the outskirts of the capital of Brissiaud, Vieux-Provence. The Cailloux House had the money to back up their education and business, but their home was rather humble in regards to such status, but Mathias believes that the religious undertones that family held was the main reason, as well as the expensive occupation, as to why they didn't partake in debaucherous spending. As for the rest of his family they were fairly absent in his life. He only met distant relatives through odd circumstances and maybe a reunion here or there, or when a fair was hosted once a blue moon.
  • Besides earning the respect of his pupil, Taliandra, he's focused on achieving prestige through his service in the Hightower Guard. Mathias is also currently worried about paying the debt he owes to the Die Akademie von Kaiseman for Tali's education. Otherwise he's stuck in a monotonous cycle as to whether he should act and find someone to replace the young half breed, or if he should cut all other ties and try to gain her companionship once more.
Skill Information (Required)
  • Proficiency Points: 43 points
  • Combat Proficiencies:
    • +10 Fast Blades Combat Skill (+10 from Points)
  • Body Proficiencies:
    • +15 Rogue Training (+10 from Points, +5 from Ailor Boost)
  • Science Proficiencies:
    • +20 Alchemy Sciences (+20 from Points)
    • +10 Food & Drink Sciences (+10 from Leutz-Vixe)
    • +13 Medical Sciences (+10 from Ailor Boost, +3 from Points)
  • Languages:
    • Leutz-Vixe (Fluent)
    • Common (Fluent)
  • Body Shape:
    • Physical Stat: 10 Points
      • +10 from Fast Blades Combat Skill
    • Body Shape: Toned
    • Body Fat: Average
  • Special Traits
    • Alais Vampirism
      • Crimson Silence
      • Crimson Hostage
      • Crimson Guiding
      • Crimson Guile



Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Light Gray-Blue
  • Hair Color: Ashy Blonde with some gray
  • Hair Style: Short with a slight fringe.
  • Skin Color: Warm Beige
  • Clothing: Coats and vests that cover him well.
  • Height: 5'9" or 175cm
  • Body Build: Toned
Visual Information (Expansion)

Outdated Information

  • For Mathias' head it has a general oval shape to it. With that he has a pair of deep-set eyes that seem to have a slight pinch to them along the far edges of the shape. As for his forehead it is a prominent feature of his head that adds further expression of the deep-seated eyes. His eyebrows are well kept and rarely have a wild look to them. In turn his natural expression is one of slight reluctance, curiosity, and a faint bit of naivety. He doesn't have a tendency to show off anger or irritation and rather has a patient look when put in situations when those emotions arise. His facial hair switches from being completely shaved, stubble, or a light beard. After years of alchemical work he's come to the conclusion it'd be too dangerous to have anymore hair than this. With the amount of stress and age the tufts of his hair have begun to grow with a gray tone to them with patches of his hair showing this growing pattern.
  • As for his body it's rather average despite his combat training. His studies in alchemy and current work at hightower level out how much he exercises both practices and his body. Otherwise for the rest of his body it's pretty much unschathed except for his hands and maybe for an odd scar here or there. His hands have serious scarring from burns received years back. The scars retain a nasty mix of pink and white.
  • With how young he left home Mathias' accent and voice has changed compared to the average voice of Brissiaud. Over there years his accent has developed to fit Regalia's diction and has in turn removed a large portion of his Leutz-Vixe tendencies. Though, based off of his articulation of words his accent is still somewhat apparent despite his clear diction with common. His voice itself is in a rather medium ranger and doesn't sway up and down all that often.



Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Character Alignment | Lawful Evil
    • To him there's nothing wrong about the idea of societal norms. These norms are what has kept him ahead of the game against others. Within those limits he's willing to do whatever he wants or needs to do so that he can still come out on top. That is why he sticks to many of the norms so that he's not easily pointed out for these tendencies. If he fits the general attitude of his community then it is unlikely he'll be excommunicated for these misdeeds. As of recent he has discovered that there's nothing too beneath him that he isn't willing to do to outperform others. If he's able to succeed then he'll do what he has to so that he can.
  • Character Personality | INTJ
    • It took many years for Mathias to understand that living based off of his emotions would bring him to his downfall, and therefore he's reigned in his feelings so that he could better circumnavigate his surroundings. Despite this he's not emotionless or a shut-in and in fact he enjoys the presence of company, but he finds the most comfort in his life when he's in solitude. After all it allows him to work his way mentally through what he's currently going through. His foresight however is a part of his downfall as his arrogance in his abilities will fool him into planning for one straight plan once he's settled on it.
  • Character Religion | Passively Religious
    • Religion as of itself has never been a suitable gig for Mathias. He's followed the dogma of evangelists with a particular taste of what he believed was best for him whilst throwing at the rest without a second thought. It only felt like portions of Unionism consisted of truth, and those are the portions he really stuck to. With his current mindset however he doesn't devoutly follow the faith, but he still holds some of its beliefs because of habit. Overall if you were to rank his devotion to his faith it would be around a 3 or 4 out of 10.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
Outdated Information
Previous Personality Outline

  • Outside Perspective - Peculiar Paragon - Most perceptions of Mathias either begin with him being seen as a virtuous man who follows order with the utmost justice. He upholds the ideology of the religious, militaristic state he lives in. Whenever he's working he can be seen using diligence and is on top of his work. On other occasions he's an unusual person that may send off the wrong type of vibe to most people. Work is turned into a wild test, horseplay, and a disrespected practice that makes him into an ill-mannered scholar. His unconventional ideology at times can make him seem like a complete hypocrite when compared to what he states he stands for. This mix adds a layer of awkwardness to the older man as it makes him out as an indecisive creep. If any of these negative traits are pointed out he'll become extremely defensive in attempts to save the bit of confidence and face he has left.
  • Internal Perspective - Restless Shade - Despite the effort he has put into his work he still believes that there is room for him to reach a higher goal. He always expects the best from him and is often confident in his abilities in accomplishment whatever he has in mind. Although, his high expectations have produced a very self-critical outlook he has on himself. If he does not achieve something that he has set out for then he'll belittle his attempts. Mathias doesn't share any fatalistic ideologies, so he believes that it is fully up to his own ambition as to what outcome he'll face. So in turn what drives him is this longing to achieve what he believes is what he deserves, and he is rather determined to pursue this, but so far his confidence has wavered. All of this searching has left him disturbed. He's definitely not what he believes he once was. In fact, he believes that he is a shadow of his true self and that he has lost what made up his identity. Now he is anxious of those around him that might notice this facade, one of patience and strength, he has built up over the past few years to hide this fear. In the end he's pretty much just a wimp that can't let others know his true intentions, and this is what prevents him from making any meaningful, empathetic relationships with anyone.
  • Familial Perspective - Possessive Snake - Even whenever it comes to those he finds to find solitude in he is still secretive of his true emotions. He envisions himself as a tact friend who tries his best to please whoever he finds the most comforting, but in fact he does all of this out of selfish greed. In reality he is fearful of what his friends, and family if they were involved, would think of him. Their judgement in the end is the opinion that is of the utmost importance to him. Often times he'll further close off his true emotions as a way to protect the fragile image of himself that he tries to portray to these people. Mathias therefore does everything he can to please these few individuals and is willing to go to great lengths to accomplish such. Those that suffer through this can easily notice his possessive tendencies and there are plenty of warning signs to show this, but so few have been able to earn this esteemed, or at least that's what he would call it, position.
  • Moral Perspective - Greedy Altruist - The most general statement that could sum out Mathias' morals is that he is greedy. This greed is supported through an arbitrary ideology that is based off of his needs, or the needs of those that have an importance to him. His moral compass points in different directions depending on the circumstance, but it always has the underlying idea that however he reacts is in some form going to help him. He's willing to do bad or good in anyway. This is limited in how much of his well-being he has to sacrifice and the potential reward he'll get out of it. So far he's more so willing to follow the rules of society because of the possibilities of being closed off from it or the possibility of being killed because of his actions. He doesn't necessarily enjoy the idea of doing terrible things to people. In fact, he'd rather play a passive role instead of having to do something bad to others. If the option is the most effective then that is when he'll do something deemed as evil.
  • Physical Insecurities: An anxiety that has built up in Mathias is the fear of his feeble state compared to those around him. He's not necessarily weak, but he's far from being the perfect combatant. Though this is less so in his abilities and more so the judgement may have on them. This fear has also developed with his scarred hands. If either of these are brought up he could be sent in a spiral of crippled self-confidence and doubt. He also becomes enraged by the fact, not against others, but instead against himself. He is willing to push himself past those around him in hopes to achieve some sort of recognition that he's not incapable because of these things, but they may often land him in a troubling situation that he truly can't handle. Or it may lead him to making dumb decisions and tear at the relationship that he has with those that he potentially envies for their superior performance and bodies.
  • Possessive Sensitivity: A weakness that sets in his closest relationships is his dependency upon them that drives him to an unstable state of mind when they are threatened, or are at a risk of ending. This leaves Mathias in a crazed state as to where he doesn't necessarily mind the risk of his actions. He doesn't care if he smothers the person he wishes to keep or harms someone else in response, but as long as he believes it will keep his relationship strong then he will do it. This might mean he'll try to harm the other relationships this person has, or he'll drive way his other relationships in sole focus on this key relationship. His possessive nature easily makes him out as a creep because of how driven he is to do such things.
  • Gloves: A way of hiding the deformities on his hands has always been one of the thoughts on his mind. A solution for this is to have them covered with the use of gloves. His attire has always included a pair of gloves ever since the accident. He's become accustomed to it and has been able to transition to having to wear the gloves almost all day and all night. This fondness of gloves might seem peculiar, but most of his work would involved them naturally, so surely it wouldn't look that odd. The only person as of right now that knows of this quirks origins is Taliandra, and it would have to take a very close and special person to have this information spread to more people. Otherwise he'll just never bring up his use of gloves, or try to pass the conversation along to avoid the topic. After all if he did disclose information it would be a threat to him if the information was passed along.
  • Young & Poor: A soft-spot that Mathias has formed over the years has been centered around both the young and the poor. This tendency stems from the relationship he's been able to grow between him and the slum folk, as well as the relationship he formed between him and Taliandra. Whenever he interacts with anyone of this nature he sees a little bit of his student's wild and ill-mannered tendencies in them, so he'll respect them more so because of nostalgia and respect to Taliandra rather than to them as people.
  • Cooking: With having set off to live in Regalia at an early age he wasn't able to have the constant attention and tutoring from his parents. This meant that Mathias had to pick up certain tricks of the trade with some of the common aspects in life. One of these aspects that he has found exceptional use for is cooking. He doesn't know how to cook pastries or any of that childish food, but he does know how to make the most common of foods. In fact, he is fairly good at it and has found a little knack for it, but he hasn't found many to show it off to because of his reluctance to serve his meals for others.
  • Poetry: A less known trick that Mathias picked up on during his early years in Regalia was the art of poetry. He wasn't much of a reader of poetry beforehand, but was entranced by some of the newest works that he stumbled upon in the Regalian libraries and areas of scholarly study. Despite his Leutz-Vixe upbringing he's come to appreciate Ithanian literature and poetry. His works of poetry mostly system from nature and observations of everyday walks of life, which seems a little far fetched given how he acts. He's mostly kept this a secret, but one day he might show his knowledge in poetry and literature.
  • "A Swan's Lament": One of the works of poetry that Mathias has become extremely fond of is the work by historian Blaise de Sainte-Pierre. It was one of the latter Ithanian poems he read during his youth and it is one of the most memorable. In fact it is one of the few poems that he can recite by memory. Despite his personal belief of it being a Jacobist work, he finds that its shift in tone and its expression of sorrow are points that can overcome this issue. Though it is a poem that he is fearful of because of its possible origins, and he is not willing to speak of it to the average person, but rather he'd speak of it to a scholarly friend or someone who loves poetry as much as he does.
  • Firebite: This is a rather obvious dislike that Mathias has. It was the cause of the scars on his hand that causes nausea and panic for him. Anytime he is requested to make it he'll either decline without explanation or work with it as if the same experience could happen once again. He'll personally rarely, if never, use the alchemical agent. And when he knows of someone that makes it or uses it he'll look down upon them unless it is being used in a constructive way, otherwise he'll be disappointed in their choice. As of right now he's pledged to himself that he would never teach anyone how to create this possibly fatal agent ever again.
  • Alcohol & Toxins: Mathias' temperate upbringing and involvement with a traumatic experience developed this dislike into what it is now. He is unfaltering in his defiance against the use of alcohol and other types of debaucherous substances out in the world. It is his believe that it is immortal to take any sort of altering substances like these. And he believes that his work will be impacted greatly if he partook in this sort of behavior. He won't go out of his way to stop others from doing what they wish, but he'll be weary when he's in their presence in a non-professional environment because of the likelihood that they'll offer a drink.
  • Taliandra Jouhari - Star Pupil - One of the few influential figures in his life is a student of his that he holds close to his heart but still holds some negative connotation to. He spent so many years with her as his pupil, and she was the main reason that he wasn't lost in his work for those years. However, as of recent the have drifted from one another and therefore their relationship has crumbled. Mathias is conflicted between deeming her still as 'family' or as someone he simply used to know.



Life Story (Required)

  • Born to Josselin Donatien Cailloux and Marguerette Delphin in the outskirts of Vieux-Provence in Brissiaud in the year 263 AC. The small family was known for their works in the sciences. For the most part they participated in the School of Medicine.
  • Family wished for Mathias to be taught in those practices and to carry on the family business. He was also taught the virtues of man as to improve his standing amongst his peers. Because of this most of his vices were kept in check and were not shown publicly, for he didn't believe that it was socially acceptable to do such.
  • His interests were soon caught by his father's work on patients and he'd soon follow in his parents footsteps with small steps towards his apprenticeship. He would mostly begin to learn the basic facets of surgery.
  • Otherwise his life was rather grim with the outside world being so gruesome. He learned quite early that it was a dog eat dog word, so this led him to showing no mercy whenever it came to any sort of competition. His main form of competition was learning the violin, which the one he owned at the time was decrepit compared to those found in the higher echelons of society.
Teenage Years:
  • As Mathias started to grow into his teenage years he was introduced to associates his father worked with. He didn't enjoy their company because of their extreme pride when it came to their work.
  • One of the associates that Mathias did take notice to was Nicolaus Yount, an alchemical scholar who was at the time selling wares from a small shop to traders, and who was studying Changeant Silkworm. His work didn't really get him anywhere, so he was stuck at his shop all of the time, which allowed Mathias to have ample time to visit him and to stray from his medical studies.
  • At the age of fifteen Mathias took apprenticeship under alchemy with the assistance of Nicolaus by being sent off to Die Akademie von Kaiseman with Nicolaus' money paying for his tuition and studies. He does meet a few people while he is there, but their pretty much irrelevant to him at the time since he'd never be too involved with them outside of his studies. This allowed him ample time for his studies and to aim high with his expectations.
  • Mathias' focus on his studies leaves out many of the cultural aspects of the city that he misses out on, and he only retains his musical background during this time. He also misses out on developing relationships with others, so he develops of sense of dread as he feels distant from others.
Early Adulthood / Current:
  • He ended up getting his full education at the academy before he settled deeper into the city. His work outside began in some of the smaller clinics around the city as he worked as an apothecary. His payment was rather as he paid the clinics to also help him tune his previous surgical training that he had received from his father. Since he didn't get an education at an actual academy he wouldn't have picked up on the other bits of knowledge that doctors knew so well. This meant that his study in surgery and alchemy slowly climbed with one another, which was the reason that it took him longer to gain an expertise in alchemy.
  • Studying led him to the more unethical side of science as he began to travel to the poor district and slum of the city. He began testing the effects of dosages of alchemical effects on the slum dwellers and so forth, but it was nothing too detrimental. He was known to some of the citizens as selling cheap, but sometimes weak aids and poisons. This eventually pushed him away from the clinic life as he shifted to fully focusing on the easy pickings that the slum had for him.
  • At the age of 27 that Mathias met one of the few people that he had an obsession with. He had met his future student, Taliandra, in those slums. He believed that her young age would give him ample time to teach her the basics and alchemy, which then would provide an extra hand in his studies and shop in the slums.
  • His other studies clogged his mind, and at the age of 29 he'd be caught in an accident pertaining to firebite. His negligence left him with scarred hands that would remain gruesome in sight for the rest of his life. Though this would not stop his studies, and would instead fuel them further as he sought to hide his failure.
  • It was after this accident that he first began some combat training from the few locals who held official schooling. He was tutored on how to use various types of small blades, but his combat training didn't take much of his life and so it'd be from the age of 30 until 39 that he would have been studying this at the same time.
Recent Events:
  • With a growing concern of violence in the slums he knew this training wouldn't be enough, so he slowly drifted his life to orient back to the city. He was able to be inducted into the Hightower guard with his alchemical expertise and minimal knowledge in combat. This in turn led to a fallout between him and Taliandra, which has left him seeking a new way to fill that void or to gain favor from her once more.
  • A recent turn of events in the middle-aged man's life have pushed him into a direction where he became a true hypocrite of his previous practices & beliefs. He's not longer a strong zealous man, and after being dismissed from the Hightower after their disbandment he found his way into the less reputable sides of Regalia. Ever since then he has suffered under the Sanguine curse after a plotted run-in.


Last edited:
Life Story:
  • You cannot have relations to nobility unless approved beforehand, sadly a Baron is a noble. Could you please change this? Someone in the upper class is allowed however.
That is really the only issue I could find. Please make the edit in red and tag me once you're done.
ecksdee my friend. I've made new edits to his age and stuff because of the alchemy update. Idk if there's anything else you'd want me to do so I just thought I'd ask for the re-review <3

edits are made in the red bb
  • You have thirty points to spend in culture as you please.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you have made the appropriate changes. @Eremophobia
Leutz-Vixe only gain tailoring proficiency if they invest 10 points into it beforehand. Please correct this. @Sebbysc
Looking for a new reviewer for this application. Minor edits made to the life story, but it should be still looked over just in case I missed lore changes. Otherwise everything else has been changed based off of the new proficiency system.
Hello I will be claiming this for staff review, expect a response within the next 48 hours, I'm a bit tired right now but will get to it soon!