Preserved Sheet Mateo

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Local dwarf
Aug 1, 2019
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Mateo el Barrio-Bajo ahora Regalia Diaz
  • Age: 14
  • Gender: male
  • Race: Daen Ailor
  • Sexuality: Hetero
  • Preferred Weapon: Dagger
  • Increased prof: Dexterous
Inventory Information (Optional)
  • Sling
  • Dagger
  • Mother's gilded necklace
  • Tuba
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 14+5=19.
  • Throwing - 4
  • Brass instrument - 5
  • Fast blades - 10
  • Dexterous rogue skill - 10 (5 talent points, 5 from Olean bonus)
  • Stealth rogue skill - 5 (5 talent points)
  • Theatre arts - 5 (from hobby points)
  • Dancing arts - 5 (from hobby points)
Body Shape
  • 10+4+5*0,5=16 bodystat
  • Toned body shape
  • Low body fat
  • Common (From other denizens of city)
    Danedroquin (parents)
Special traits
  • Olean lineage

Visual Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Dark brown
  • Hair Style: Short unkept
  • Skin Color: Daen brown
  • Clothing: Cheap slum clothes
  • Height: 5'
Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Commander
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Atheist - he does not see reason to even bother paying lipservice like most other Daendroquin do, seeing it as hipocrisy to just use religion when it is useful and ignoring it when it is bothersome

Life Story (Required)
Mateo was born to a poor family of Daendroquin Ailor in Regalian slums. His parents were entertainers who could barely get from day to day, seeing that their lives were going to get toughter with birth of Mateo, decided that they gotta provide for family no matter what, turning to crime. So the young Mateo was growing up under ideals of achieving wealth for your family in any way necessary. His parents teached him skills of music, singing and playing on tuba, and how to be a jester and actor, but also skills of how to pickpocket, sneak and use of slings and throwing knives. Over this early years of his life he spent a lot of time playing with other slum kids outside, learning common this way
As the young Mateo has reached adolesence, times became worse. Over the time suspicion about his parent's activities grew larger, resulting in them getting less work as entertainers, meaning they had to steal more, resulting into even bigger suspicion, creating wheel that had to stop one way or another. And in this case it was when both of Mateo's parents were catched. Guards have accused that of many crimes, including some they have not commited, resulting in them getting beheaded. This has left Mateo alone, in streets of Regalian slums, one of the most dangerous areas of the world. This has led him to develop more jacobinist tendencies, seeing Regalians almost as bad as Nelfin. But since hatred doesn't fill stomach, he had to be more pragmatic with his beliefs, hiding them down deep in one cold place, not releasing them till he can do such safely. Living as pickpocketer, entertainer and pickpocketer till he reached fourteen years of age, discovering Kazoku kids, something to replace his missing family with. He became overly attached to this group, fearing the day he could lose them
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I gave him lineage and seems that Havsbris is not staff anymore