Preserved Sheet Masuki Mujibu

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Lizard Brainrot Sufferer
Jun 20, 2020
Reaction score
somewhere in that direction
Character Information
⤐ Full Name: Masuki Mujibu Merawat / Matzki (Nickname)
⤐ Race: Ksat-Allar
⤐ Age: 27
⤐ Gender: Male
⤐ Eye Color: Yellow, dark sclera
Core Concept
A fiercely protective, mundane soldier-caste proficient in Hadarian flavored combat styles. Masuki frequently and recklessly throws himself into harm's way for others for the safety of those close to him.

Proficiency Information
14/14 Spent
Strength | 7 | Duelist, Skirmisher, Pursuer, Brutalist, Fisticuffs, Frenzy, Demolisher
Constitution | 3 | Counterplay, Brute Force Pack
Wisdom | 0 |
Dexterity | 2 | Disguise Pack, Parkour
Magic | - |
Charisma | 2 | Mount Husbandry (Two-Claw Raptor), State Saboteur

⤐ Common (Free)
⤐ Pidato (Native)

Appearance Information
Masuki's facial features are similar to a velociraptor's, yet capable of a wide array of emotion without seeming too alien compared to humanoid expressions. His scales alternate between different shades of forest green in stripes. He sports strong muscular definition and low body fat, has yellow eyes, and fiery orange feathers running from his head to his back and around the elbows.

Life Story

⤐ Masuki was born into a small healing temple within eastern Hadar. His parents were the head priests within the temple grounds.

⤐ He was kept within the temple to be raised as its guardian. Much of his time was dedicated to learning how to defend his home from thieves and similar aggressors. His interests were much more heavily inclined towards his training with a weapon than how the temple's healers would aid those in need.

⤐Masuki found as he grew into early adulthood that there was little need to protect the benevolent grounds of his parents' temple. His interests turned to nearby settlements within walking distance, where he found and subsequently talked many a worthy sparring partner into fighting him whenever he frequently snuck away from his duties. A few experienced Ksat even taught him the fundamentals with a Longmaw Spear found in the School of Krzsallaz.

⤐ Good fortunes did not last, however. Arrogance had bolstered the Ksat's tongue, and he was left infected with vampirism after talking himself up with the wrong group of Sanguine one evening. His turning was a violent one that leave many regrets later in his life, and following it, Masuki escaped north. Hedonistic ideals eventually brought him to take a boat to Regalia on a new adventure away from Hadar.

⤐ Masuki's affliction did not hold him for very long after his arrival. The Regalian Allar quickly labelled him an outcast, but he'd found a certain stubborn bond with one in particular that refused to let him go so easily. ⤐Masuki was eventually cured, and given a chance to place his life back on the right track.

⤐He seized the opportunity. Eventually, he travelled back to Hadar to properly enroll in the School of Krzsallaz, and returned to Regalia with a better outlook on what his role as a proper Ksat should be. Masuki currently dedicates much of his time ensuring the safety of those closest to him, and works predominantly in martial or guardsman positions.
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Claimed for review.​
@fantuinn Matzki has been cured, for however long that lasts. I've updated his app a little bit, namely with these changes.
- Added little blurbs on religion since it differs greatly between cured and infected. Overall it's also explained in the backstory, but this is convenient.
- A minor point shift, highlighted in red. He's been pickpocketing a lot before being cured, I cleaned up a prof and buffed the grabby hands a bit
- Von kerle switched to inactive, ;pensive;
Hey look at that, Matzki's been infected again! Additionally:
- shield prof update freed up a few points since I toned his shielding down
- Allocated those points to another ritualism spell.
Changes in red

@fantuinn @Caelamus need a re-review. I always get confused when someone else approves my app, so I'll consider the next person to approve me the person I should be tagging. That includes any staff aspirants if you'd like to pass this app on to some new blood :eyes:
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@Lizmun I'm so sorry, what was meant to be removing ritualism in prep for the rework led to a complete touch up on the whole app, including life story edits and recent events leading to his character growth. Pretty much every category has been touched in one way or another. You may as well treat it like a whole new app.

also @dimetros your lizard is so cringe they managed to wriggle their way into Matzki's life story. Come pick Barbossa up, they smell bad.
@Estocs I am SUPEr sorry on the delay, school has swamped me with work this week, I will be reviewing this tonight and if I do not you can Strike Me Dead.
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@Estocs feel free to kill me for my transgressions. Here is your review:

Basic Information
- No issues​
Skill Information
- Under the spoiler in Von Kerle, please list what abilities he'd get from the bloodline, even if it's inactive.​
Visual Information
- No issues​
- No issues​
Life Story
- No issues​

Seeing as it's inactive vampirism, and what I'm asking is a nitpick, I'm going to approve you with trust that you'll do what I ask, and if you don't I am going to come back to bug you about it later.
@Lizmun Big prof reshuffle spurred by the lizard returning to his homeland while I was on hiatus. Recent events to reflect the changes and prof point changes highlighted in red!
@Lizmun Ëlen Soulline added following a Soulrend, currently active. Took off perception training since I don't like its primary use curb stomping peoples' stealth rp. Need a re-review <3

EDIT: Also traded Heavy Ranged for Light Ranged.
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@Lizmun I have decided that Utility Shot is less important than being able to cook and eat insects. Proficiency changes in red. (Also Matzki has been cured of Cahalism)
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It isn't pretty yet, but Matzki's app has been updated to the new format. Profs have changed, life story's been shortened, etc etc.
@Acosmism @Lizmun Considering the next person to review my app the person I should be tagging!