Archived Massivetime On The Forums

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Apple Banana Sock
May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Mount Aristoma
Since so many people wonder what time it is according to the servers, I think it would be a good idea to have the official time somewhere on the forums and the site. This way, it's easy to arrange meetings and events without having to list the times on the post, along with the fact that houses might not be lost as often if someone doesn't have autorenew on.

Perhaps in the top bar aligned to the left, or on the portal page would be a good spot?

"The current time is 7:33 MCT."
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This was suggested before, it got a lot of support, but people also stated it was just for lazy people who didn't want to convert time. I like this idea and having a clock on the forums that showed it would be really helpful.
+1 support
Why don't you just use UTC. Also to the BuyRegions signs. That might be hard not even Cayorion knows which timezone they use. But that could be changed idk.
Just take a time and make that 0 and then go up to 24... with a timer on either the website, the forum, the wiki, or in game (could use /time to view it) you'd be able to use this completely made up time system for your own purposes.
Yes- Just choose a timezone that'll work for most of us and set it as "MassiveTime- XX:XX" At the top of the forums page or something. 1+
Every hour it could be broadcast what time it is on the server. In Regula you hear bells then it says in the chat.
Why don't you just use UTC. Also to the BuyRegions signs. That might be hard not even Cayorion knows which timezone they use. But that could be changed idk.
The server I found out through house watching is set to the central time zone in the US. Although I feel that UTC would be very helpful if it were set to that, keeping the same time we currently have would work just as fine, too, although I'm not entirely sure how daylight savings time will throw a wrench into everything.


As Mecharic said, going from 0 to 24 would work perfectly.

Every hour it could be broadcast what time it is on the server. In Regula you hear bells then it says in the chat.
Although this may make the game more realistic in a way, I feel that the chimes and the chat notice wouldn't be necessary... It takes up room in chat, and it might be 14 MCT, night in Regalia, and it would chime, which wouldn't make too much sense. I'm not entirely sure on how time passes in Aloria, considering that there are many days in a year, and other factors, but MassiveCraftTime seems to only be relevant to buying houses/arranging events. I don't think it's used in RP?
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