Some memorable moments from Silver and a few others;
(Referring to the man who just attacked him) "His heart is empty and cold. Speaking of which, so is my glass. WAITER!" -Silver Albatross
(After a song about how great he is) "Sounds like you wanna get in my pants." "Not your pants. Your ship." -Alex Kade and Silver Albatross, during Silver's interview for the Laridae.
"Hehehehahehehahahahahhua." (or something to that effect) -Yani Cydin, confessing his insanity
"Calm your ass before I knock you on it." -Silver Albatross
"I can't tell you what I think of your insults, but I can tell you where to shove them." -Silver Albatross
Another event I would quote if I could remember it is when Luthien told Silver she loved him or something, trying to drink him, but he was like "Yeah, cool," and kept talking to the uninterested Cornelia Alriena.