Archived Massivemobs

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Staff member
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Canada, Alberta
So recently the massivemobs have been introduced to all faction,survival continents. and many report having lots of lag. i am her eto complain about massivemobs. it was great to have them in fenderfell, but in all world this is cause ing big amount of lag. I recommandthat you either remove them, or fix them. but ewither way do something about them. i ahve my renderdistance to 2 chunk, all animatoin off(optifine) and still my ping is at ~80 milliseconds. and usually it was way higher.

i hope you understand our pain and do something to help us.

have a great day

Sir Robert Daragon
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I looked at the TPS log and it seems that the average TPS is actually improving in the past days.


How does using settings in Optifine change your ping or connection strength to the server?
i will say that having Massivemobs enabled in every survival world is maybe a little bit too "much"? in my personal opinion i don't like Massivemobs that much, i usually prefer normal mobs... i feel like players should have an option to choose if they would like to play in a survival world with Massivemobs or not... and not force them to have it..

there is many players who aren't the biggest fan of Massivemobs, maybe enable it in more worlds but still have some worlds with only normal mobs, giving our playerbase the option to choose if they want to play with them or not.
I love massivemobs, but looking at this thread, I had an idea. Wouldn't it be awesome for there to be biomes/zones for massivemobs, so that they only ever spawn in certain areas, and never leave their zones? idk just a thought....
I love massivemobs, but looking at this thread, I had an idea. Wouldn't it be awesome for there to be biomes/zones for massivemobs, so that they only ever spawn in certain areas, and never leave their zones? idk just a thought....
Or have certain Massivemobs spawn in certain biomes, maybe? Idunno. I personally don't care bout the whole massivemobs in all worlds thing and just kinda chill in Regalia.
There is no connection between frames per second/optifine and massivemobs, other than there just being a few more entities too load, which isn't too big of a deal. Additionally, there's absolutely 0 connection between ping and fps. So basically, no offense, but you don't know what you're talking about.
and can someone please increase the chance of money drops from them, ive been in my darkroom since 8 30 in the morning and have only made 2 regals
and can someone please increase the chance of money drops from them, ive been in my darkroom since 8 30 in the morning and have only made 2 regals
It was decreased because it was causing ridiculous amounts of inflation. Still, if you only made 2r, you're doing something wrong.
With all due respect but I believe i am talking for more people than just myself when i say... "Please do not enable Massivemobs in all worlds" i personaly love the idea behind Massivemobs and the efford the Staff has done by making Massivemobs less laggy and all the work behind the Massivelag plugin.

But please, This is what i will say is a little bit over the edge.. the last week has been crucial... i've recieved more lag and more tps problems than i've ever had, some players loves Massivemobs and it's a wonderful idea but please let the playerbase on the server choose if they actually want to play with Massivemobs or not, enable them in more world but please do not enable them in all worlds.

Ithania was the world with less TPS problems, PvP'ing after the changes has made me walk away from my screen a few times.... because my potions is not even landing anymore and people are experiencing the same...

Not only is it a problem with all the Tps, but all the name tags that Massivemobs is creating is actually making PvP even harder, i can't follow a guy anymore because i'm having 50 name tags all over my screen, i'm getting confused and he slips away..

please enable Massivemobs in more worlds, have it enabled in more worlds than Fendar, but please.. allow us to have atleast one of our favorite PvP worlds without..
I still remember me and everyone complaining about Races first buffs XD it was hilarious that Orcs didn't had a buff for using axes in combat.

Anyways... People will always complain about new things. That is one hell of a argument. Altho I still agree with @Cythyan. Ithania, the pvp world, has become laggy.
The only thing I learned from this post is that Sir_Daragon is good at spelling.