Archived Massivemagic Qol Suggestion

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Mar 24, 2014
Reaction score
The current system for showing accumulator amount, mana, and academic is functional, but perhaps could be improved upon. As I was pondering this, I realized the only time I was really curious about my mana or accumulator cap was when I was actively charging my accumulator. As the plugin already has a temporary show scoreboard option, why not have the Massive Magic scoreboard show up while you are crouching and charging your accumulator, and when you stop crouching, display it for another 15~ seconds. Frankly, when I was learning the system, it seemed rather confusing, but a more intuitive command might make it easier for new players to conceptualize, and would eliminate the need for the current obtuse ("/magic settings scoreboard (Show or Hide)").
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If you have a given setting in your magic profile turned on, crouching will bring up your magic scoreboard.