Archived Massivecraft Role-play Religions

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Jul 17, 2013
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So while I was applying for the Crimson Inquistion, I noticed the part where you must state your Role-Play Religion. In Massivecraft I cannot find a reliable source to clear up which Religions are official/approved and which ones are still in use or if they are outdated. If you go to the Wiki, sure there are lots of religions there, but you will not know if those are approved, official, or even in use anymore.

I wanted to suggest a place on the Forums/Website where the Religions could be listed and described and thoroughly documented in an orderly fashion. On the Wiki, the Religions page is disorganized and is also difficult to read.

[I want feedback so we can discuss and debate on this topic; please keep it clean]
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I believe the main Regalian religion is the Order of Dawn, or light. I am not entirely sure, but I know PickAccess could probably shed some light on the situation.
So while I was applying for the Crimson Inquistion, I noticed the part where you must state your Role-Play Religion. In Massivecraft I cannot find a reliable source to clear up which Religions are official/approved and which ones are still in use or if they are outdated. If you go to the Wiki, sure there are lots of religions there, but you will not know if those are approved, official, or even in use anymore.

I wanted to suggest a place on the Forums/Website where the Religions could be listed and described and thoroughly documented in an orderly fashion. On the Wiki, the Religions page is disorganized and is also difficult to read.

[I want feedback so we can discuss and debate on this topic; please keep it clean]
I and several other created the religion "Nagrecian" and posted the gods we believe in in the forums.
The MassiveCraft Wiki is just beyond repair, there is really no point in keeping it in my opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone with that statement, I don't mean it personally at all.
I can assist here, the "religion" of Regalia would be the worship of the Empireand the holy city of Regalia, seeing as how the "gods" are an old religion tha few still practice in secret.

-Algarius Gerard
I'm pretty sure the official Regalian religion is called Union.
It would be nice to have a updated list of religions and descriptions of what they stand for.
-There is Unionism (or order of Dawn whatever its called now), which is the religion of the Regalian church which involves worship of the Emperors, the dead ones of course, as deities.
-Chetism (dont know what this is about to be honest)
-Worship of Estel which is common amongst Elves
-Worship of the "old gods"
These are the biggest lore recognized religions, with Unionism being the most accepted in Regalia, if you have more questions regarding them I'd recommend post a question on the rp Q&A thread ^-^

(Edit: Oh and of course there's demon worship but I don't think Regalia would be too happy to find out you're committing such heresies :3 )
-There is Unionism (or order of Dawn whatever its called now), which is the religion of the Regalian church which involves worship of the Emperors, the dead ones of course, as deities.
-Chetism (dont know what this is about to be honest)
-Worship of Estel which is common amongst Elves
-Worship of the "old gods"
These are the biggest lore recognized religions, with Unionism being the most accepted in Regalia, if you have more questions regarding them I'd recommend post a question on the rp Q&A thread ^-^

(Edit: Oh and of course there's demon worship but I don't think Regalia would be too happy to find out you're committing such heresies :3 )

So I'm assuming followers of Chet are persecuted in Regalia? In most medieval towns people were simply not okay with other religions.
You would be right Joshy, followers of Chet are brutally persecuted in Regalia. As well to add on to the list of official Religions there was a religion that Ozgho made and another that LadyHeretic made when she was still playing, but I think Ozgho would be the best source on this.
You would be right Joshy, followers of Chet are brutally persecuted in Regalia. As well to add on to the list of official Religions there was a religion that Ozgho made and another that LadyHeretic made when she was still playing, but I think Ozgho would be the best source on this.
LadyHeretic's religion was a bastardization of LaVeyan Satanism, which she made herself figurehead of. Somewhat like Union, only focus on the individual instead of the collective, and the god was much less dead.
Waminer And that is why I dislike going to Regalia nowadays, what with the threat of having my head beaten to a pulp similar to that of a thin stew. Also, on the off chance that anyone wishes to learn anything about Chetism, I'd be happy to enlighten them upon the subject
-There is Unionism (or order of Dawn whatever its called now), which is the religion of the Regalian church which involves worship of the Emperors, the dead ones of course, as deities.
-Chetism (dont know what this is about to be honest)
-Worship of Estel which is common amongst Elves
-Worship of the "old gods"
These are the biggest lore recognized religions, with Unionism being the most accepted in Regalia, if you have more questions regarding them I'd recommend post a question on the rp Q&A thread ^-^

(Edit: Oh and of course there's demon worship but I don't think Regalia would be too happy to find out you're committing such heresies :3 )

But is there going to be some form of what the OP asked eventually in the forums or main website (i.e. a consolidated post or guide documenting all the religions and detailing what they are about)? Religion is an incredibly profound and significant influence on people, especially during the Medieval Times. I feel it has been neglected a bit in favor of politics and nobility (which arguably only matters to a handful of players on the server).

Religion, regardless of how destructive or healing it can be on the individual or collective, can be enjoyed by everyone. In Aloria, it seems to be just something that is vaguely alluded to. If the information was openly available, I think we can count on our very creative roleplayer base to do some pretty crazy and awesome things with it. Combined with the newly introduced and revamped lore on magic, new struggles, conflicts, and relationships can be formed (I really want to see a Massive rendition of the Salem Witch Trials).

As useful as the RP Q&A is, the information is disjointed and unorganized, and it can be a hassle waiting for a response. Thank you for that list, however, would it be possible for something more detailed and comprehensive in the future?
So while I was applying for the Crimson Inquistion, I noticed the part where you must state your Role-Play Religion. In Massivecraft I cannot find a reliable source to clear up which Religions are official/approved and which ones are still in use or if they are outdated. If you go to the Wiki, sure there are lots of religions there, but you will not know if those are approved, official, or even in use anymore.

I wanted to suggest a place on the Forums/Website where the Religions could be listed and described and thoroughly documented in an orderly fashion. On the Wiki, the Religions page is disorganized and is also difficult to read.

[I want feedback so we can discuss and debate on this topic; please keep it clean]

On the MassiveCraft Site, where information is on Races, some of the races state religions they commonly believe in.
The MassiveCraft Wiki is just beyond repair, there is really no point in keeping it in my opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone with that statement, I don't mean it personally at all.

Joshy, I think it could be saved if people gave half a damn about it. If not, then it aught to just be scrapped.
As to the Followers of Chet, I was the first to be spoken to by Chet himself, and as the Grand Cleric of Chet and author of the Tome of Chet (available throughout regalia from multiple followers) which outlines the story of our faith.
Questions should be directed to myself, or Tokugawryuu.
The only religions I'm familiar with are whatever that Regalian religion is called when you worship the emperors, and Chetism. Honestly religion on Massive is something that I don't pay much attention to.
Waminer And that is why I dislike going to Regalia nowadays, what with the threat of having my head beaten to a pulp similar to that of a thin stew. Also, on the off chance that anyone wishes to learn anything about Chetism, I'd be happy to enlighten them upon the subject

From a real life perspective, of course this would be a terrible prospect and nobody should have to endure it.

However from a roleplay perspective I find things like this very interesting. It is not uncommon in past empires and kingdoms to have one religion, and anybody who doesn't follow it is looked down upon and punished. It makes the medieval roleplay much more realistic and exciting. That goes for pretty much in struggle or conflict in the lore.

Frankly if massivecraft was a flowergarden in which vampires and Yanar skipped around trading flowers while the leaders of every faction had a tea party and discussed global peace, and the power figures of Regalia passed an empire-wide law of religious tolerance, I would not spend my time on the server.
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