Archived Massivecraft Pvp Sub Forum Additions

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hello there!

When looking at the MassiveCraft PVP sub forum, it's clear that there are little to none sub forums for actually discussing PVP related things. The only things that exist are the forms for applying for War Declarations, and War Zones. I propose the following sub forums to add more content sharing for the PVP community.

  • PVP discussions: A sub forum dedicated to discussing anything and everything PVP related. From the best bases for fighting and defense, to potion machine designs, to trait layouts, and the sorts. A place for all pvpers to congregate and discuss pvp, run and moderated by the staff.
  • PVP related Question and Answer: The lore section has the Lore Q & A sub forum. A PVP Q & A section would be amazing! Questions could be asked about allowed traps, machines, bases, and the like.
  • Battle & War reports: A section for people to share their stories on battles.
  • PVP Announcements and Events: Here staff could post and sticky threads when changes are made to PVP related plugins. Players could also post PVP specific post, such as FubeCraft's PVP event
  • PVP Plugin feature request/changes: Here, player's could post their suggestions for changes to PVP related plugins. Staff's choice on whether or not it would be a form to fill out where player's could select the plugin they are referring too, or whether it is a free write.
These are just a few suggestions. If you have one that you would like to see that I didn't cover here, do post it!
@BenAlex144 @Wannag @Yoloorange @Joshy54100 @desert_eagle98 @YankeeGiant8013 @FubeTheMangler @wafflecash @Waminer @Assembly123
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm surprised there are no such threads already! There should definitely be one, though I assume such threads are quite prone to flame..
I asked for something like this like 4 months ago, finally someone else does xD!
Support +1
Updates on PvP related plugin changes etc. is something I've been wanting for so long T.T
I'm surprised there are no such threads already! There should definitely be one, though I assume such threads are quite prone to flame..
The nature of a community doesn't and shouldn't automatically bar them from getting a feature. Most RPers I've met unfortunately are the most pompous and arrogant people I'm aware of on MassiveCraft. With the exception of a few, I feel almost belittled and as though I don't really matter on the situation at hand when I talk to them It's almost as though they think themselves better than me in every way. And they still have more than four sections dedicated to them and them alone on the forums. See where I'm going?

When PVPers come together in an environment specifically for them, they are productive. I have 7 pages of a private forum conversation containing ideas, suggestions, and one another working and cooperating with others to back this statement up.
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There has been tons. When we band together to fix a specific issue, tons of collaboration is done. I can invite you to the forum conversation and show you if you like.

I have seen collaboration plenty of times, but I have also seen twice as much flaming and hatred between factions.
Why is this not already a thing?
Because I don't think we ever pushed for it hard enough. The RP side of things also have a lot more staff representation. 3/6 direction staff members hold a Lore 3 ranking. MonMarty is also a large figurehead for the lore side of things and I applaud him for all the amazing work he has done. With his Direction rank he has the ability and permission to create or restructure sub sections whenever he chooses. Not to mention 12 other lore staff at his side to help him.
The nature of a community doesn't and shouldn't automatically bar them from getting a feature. Most RPers I've met unfortunately are the most pompous and arrogant people I'm aware of on MassiveCraft. With the exception of a few, I feel almost belittled and as though I don't really matter on the situation at hand when I talk to them It's almost as though they think themselves better than me in every way. And they still have more than four sections dedicated to them and them alone on the forums. See where I'm going?

When PVPers come together in an environment specifically for them, they are productive. I have 7 pages of a private forum conversation containing ideas, suggestions, and one another working and cooperating with others to back this statement up.
I've seen raid ideas, empire plugin ideas go over 10 pages of great ideas, whilst I'm most certain not much role play threads about something mindful ingame has anything close to this.

This thing would open up a new world for people who want to learn pvp/teach pvp tricks, ideas of pvpers who might want some fancy stuff added with some fancy ideas in game which would be pretty cool in game.
For example, walls are useless, unless you have ender proof walls, I remember a thread about this which had really fancy ideas and medieval logic ideas.

I think a thread for pvp stuff would really help the community of pvp in Massive and even the RP community a little.
I assume such threads are quite prone to flame..
Well, the flame can say hello to my fire extinguisher. :^D

Not that there'd be any for such a lovely idea!
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I've seen raid ideas, empire plugin ideas go over 10 pages of great ideas, whilst I'm most certain not much role play threads about something mindful ingame has anything close to this.
The goal here is not to bash or call out RPers. They have something they love, and have put a lot of work into it. I just want PVPers to have the section to do the same.

This thing would open up a new world for people who want to learn pvp/teach pvp tricks, ideas of pvpers who might want some fancy stuff added with some fancy ideas in game which would be pretty cool in game.
For example, walls are useless, unless you have ender proof walls, I remember a thread about this which had really fancy ideas and medieval logic ideas.

I think a thread for pvp stuff would really help the community of pvp in Massive and even the RP community a little.
I want pvpers to have an area they can call specifically there's, or intended for their use would be better wording. Somewhere that if they want to write a post sharing their favorite trait builds and sharing them with others, than they can do that. That if they want to write a helpful guide about how to secure your base and your /f home, well then, they can do that, and help other less informed people in the process.
Those kind of walls should be illegal

Why should realistic enderpearl-proof walls be illegal? So long as they aren't just a giant ugly plain cobble/stone brick wall than there's no reason against it right? (Other than to make PvP easier.)
Why should realistic enderpearl-proof walls be illegal? So long as they aren't just a giant ugly plain cobble/stone brick wall than there's no reason against it right? (Other than to make PvP easier.)
People living in medieval times where a pearl could be used to teleport over walls would probably, realistically, create pearl-proof walls, so I'm all for this point and agree.
-Has just realized that the most realistic type of town in Aloria is either a city with giant walls or underground settlements to be bandit-proof-
Why should realistic enderpearl-proof walls be illegal? So long as they aren't just a giant ugly plain cobble/stone brick wall than there's no reason against it right? (Other than to make PvP easier.)
First cause they are ugly
And second cause the only way in is too nerd pole to get in and usually people that build those kind of walls are the first to report you for nerd polling and you get banned for it.
I know it for fact.
First cause they are ugly
And second cause the only way in is too nerd pole to get in and usually people that build those kind of walls are the first to report you for nerd polling and you get banned for it.
I know it for fact.

You're arguing a point I never made... I stated that if the walls looked good (aka, weren't ugly) than it was fine. As for nerd polling, if they go through that much effort to keep you out just leave them the f*ck alone, they obviously aren't raider-friendly xD
You're arguing a point I never made... I stated that if the walls looked good (aka, weren't ugly) than it was fine. As for nerd polling, if they go through that much effort to keep you out just leave them the f*ck alone, they obviously aren't raider-friendly xD
Old Magnanimus has super high walls. Nerd poles are essential to get over them. That base hasn't held an active faction in 6+ months. I find new nerd poles there sometimes. :D

I added nothing to this argument because it's completely off topic and has nothing to do with the original post.
Not at all. The RP section of the forums was just the reference for creation and additions to the PVP section that I based the idea off of.
That's not a convincing response, especially since the person wasn't the only one who felt that way.
That's not a convincing response, especially since the person wasn't the only one who felt that way.
It wasn't animosity or spite. It was more of an issue of equality and want of the same things, albeit tailored to fit pvpers. I don't hate rpers, contrary to popular belief that all pvpers must hate rpers or you aren't a real pvper. It's unfortunate that some of the ones I have talked to left me with a negative connotation.

Aside from those radicals like Lord_Archangel, we don't hide away in our channels and teamspeaks and gossip about the horror that is rpers as everyone believes.

But that's all been remedied now. We have these amazing sections in the MassiveCraft PVP area added on, and I thank you for that.
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Dat shade throw doe