Archived Massivecraft Popularity

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A lost Architect of an ancient Helvetican Empire
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
One thing I've noticed over the 2 and half years I've been playing on massivecraft is that the number of players has never exceeded 300 at any given time. Now it seems like a lot to have on average during my "daytime" that there's 225 players online, however, I feel as if that is not enough. Currently, the system states it can sustain up to 800 players which is a lot. So what's happened to the Advertising, I don't feel that voting helps any although new faces trickle in once in a while. I don't exactly have an idea of any draw-ins but if you have some good ideas please share. Some of the Great Roleplaying Factions are dying out.
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As for the roleplaying factions, Kegata should be up and running not too far from now. It's going to be a pretty sick RP faction.
As for the roleplaying factions, Kegata should be up and running not too far from now. It's going to be a pretty sick RP faction.

But later on down the road, she will kneel, as Helvetica has become. Which is an issue, there just isn't enough players to sustain factions...
Its exceeded well over 300 on certain event days.
Just because there are over 200 people online doesn't mean that there are only over 200 people that get online daily. You have to put time zones into effect. There are probably 1000 people who cycle through the day on Massive because of the time zones of different players.
Just because there are over 200 people online doesn't mean that there are only over 200 people that get online daily. You have to put time zones into effect. There are probably 1000 people who cycle through the day on Massive because of the time zones of different players.

Nil, I'm usually on 6-10hours in a 24hr cycle and during my nighttime there is between 50-150 people online. That is from 11pm to 6am.
Stop preaching doom and gloom.

The server is doing fine.

Factions come and go, it's our job to help the new players, and make the server grow, and continue to be a safe and welcoming place.
Stop preaching doom and gloom.

The server is doing fine.

Factions come and go, it's our job to help the new players, and make the server grow, and continue to be a safe and welcoming place.

That's what I am getting at, what new players?
That's what I am getting at, what new players?

There are plenty of new players who join, and than quit after a few days.
The main reason for this is they feel bored or unwelcomed.
We can fix this by continuing to help out new Roleplayers and Pvpers, and helping them get their legs on the server.
I have lead factions. It is hard to find reliable people, but that is just the game. It is not a 9-5 job it is a leisure activity.

Tis true, I have personally been in several factions that no longer exist with many of the players no longer playing on Massivecraft. I find the server is very plain and dry when you first log on, maybe if as a community we could actually figure something out to spruce up the spawn, something that'll make 'em come back.

I know of one issue (I don't recall how much new players get in Regals when they join) is that it's difficult for new players, it took me several weeks until I eventually found a home in the safety of a Anti Vampire faction. I know for the longest time I had trouble figuring out which command was for what chat group. @Party_Penguin27
Tis true, I have personally been in several factions that no longer exist with many of the players no longer playing on Massivecraft. I find the server is very plain and dry when you first log on, maybe if as a community we could actually figure something out to spruce up the spawn, something that'll make 'em come back.

I know of one issue (I don't recall how much new players get in Regals when they join) is that it's difficult for new players, it took me several weeks until I eventually found a home in the safety of a Anti Vampire faction. I know for the longest time I had trouble figuring out which command was for what chat group. @Party_Penguin27

And that is why you answer any new peoples questions, no matter how silly they may be.
Also finding factions is a bit tricky, but I know @TheLoneShepherd has one targeted towards new people.
And that is why you answer any new peoples questions, no matter how silly they may be.
Also finding factions is a bit tricky, but I know @TheLoneShepherd has one targeted towards new people.

Like wise, however as soon as they join as you've stated they're gone within a couple days.. I don't see why, they nearly have free roam to do whatever within reason and being new to the server; granted a starter pack of Iron tools/armour and food (housing already made).

As for answering questions, many of them don't know the chat commands i.e g: /h: /r: etc. Plus a lot of trolls are on those chat channels: Faction hoppers, griefers, spammers so many people don't like staying in those chats for those reasons..
There should be a massivecraft show on youtube, as well as twitch streamers. However, the only thing that I could think of to stream would be pvp and though it's not horrible to have pvpers, I think growing the rp might be more beneficial in the long run.
There should be a massivecraft show on youtube, as well as twitch streamers. However, the only thing that I could think of to stream would be pvp and though it's not horrible to have pvpers, I think growing the rp might be more beneficial in the long run.

That's a great suggestion, like a little series of 5-15 minute long skits with a good story line, would surely bring rper's in.
There should be a massivecraft show on youtube...I think growing the rp might be more beneficial in the long run.
I am in fact been creating a series about our lore and depending on how the series goes, will be doing more. At the moment however, I have a horrid cold and cannot do any of the voice recording for the series.
You gotta understand this game is not like other games. To get the full enjoyment you can out of it takes a lot of effort and work which your average gamer is not looking for. They're just looking for something that can keep themselves entertained for an hour or so a day but like I said you're not gonna get a lot out of Massive with such little effort.

Massive can also be pretty intimidating too because it has a huge amount of rules and lore that if you don't take the time to learn you get somewhat shunned by the community. Hell I've been on the server nearly 8 months and I still will not spend any time in Regalia because when I do I just feel so lost and have no clue what anyone is talking about or how I am supposed to act. I just avoid it because I don't wanna get in trouble or have people act like I'm some idiot because I don't wanna memorize a huge amount of lore just to play a game.

On the PvP side the community is pretty small and again most the people that take part in it can make the community seem super intimidating because I mean who wants to fight someone that has all battle stats maxed and has a firm understanding of traits to the point where they can kill you easily with 3 hits? Again it takes a lot of time and dedication to get your stats high enough and get the gear you need so you'll have a chance in a fight and again most casual gamers are not looking for that sort of commitment and dedication. This is the CoD generation they just want something they can pick up and immediately get into it.

Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done about this problem. Everybody just has to do their part to keep the new people as hooked on Massive as we are. The way I do this is I look for those certain individuals that you can tell have the drive and commitment to get themselves beyond that initial wall that makes the game seem tedious and a little boring. Make sure those people get all the help they need to succeed and make sure to be super friendly and inviting so they feel they belong.
You gotta understand this game is not like other games. To get the full enjoyment you can out of it takes a lot of effort and work which your average gamer is not looking for. They're just looking for something that can keep themselves entertained for an hour or so a day but like I said you're not gonna get a lot out of Massive with such little effort.

Massive can also be pretty intimidating too because it has a huge amount of rules and lore that if you don't take the time to learn you get somewhat shunned by the community. Hell I've been on the server nearly 8 months and I still will not spend any time in Regalia because when I do I just feel so lost and have no clue what anyone is talking about or how I am supposed to act. I just avoid it because I don't wanna get in trouble or have people act like I'm some idiot because I don't wanna memorize a huge amount of lore just to play a game.

On the PvP side the community is pretty small and again most the people that take part in it can make the community seem super intimidating because I mean who wants to fight someone that has all battle stats maxed and has a firm understanding of traits to the point where they can kill you easily with 3 hits? Again it takes a lot of time and dedication to get your stats high enough and get the gear you need so you'll have a chance in a fight and again most casual gamers are not looking for that sort of commitment and dedication. This is the CoD generation they just want something they can pick up and immediately get into it.

Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done about this problem. Everybody just has to do their part to keep the new people as hooked on Massive as we are. The way I do this is I look for those certain individuals that you can tell have the drive and commitment to get themselves beyond that initial wall that makes the game seem tedious and a little boring. Make sure those people get all the help they need to succeed and make sure to be super friendly and inviting so they feel they belong.

It is true the Massivecraft is intimidiating, many of us are trying but there needs to be a better and easier way at keeping newer players interested :/
That's what I am getting at, what new players?
You cannot truly be serious.

I sound very rude at saying this, and I apologize for it, but you really are not looking about as far as you possibly could. Everyday, when I head to spawns and search worlds, I always am finding new players. Within the past 3 days, I have seen about 13. All of them were less than an hour old, and all of them were setting up to last a while. The advertising for MassiveCraft is perfectly fine. What is not, however, is players willing to help them.

I walked to all of them, gave them Regals to start their factions, and even gave diamond blocks to a couple of them. Some of them are still there, in fact. Dyrium has a sub-faction that less only a couple days old, the players just the same, and the first thing they did when seeing me was panic and start firing at me. They were scared that I would smack them, raid them, and take their loot. There also had been a new player that was terrified to RP with me because they heard of people downsizing those that just start and don't know enough of the lore. In fact, there is someone in my faction that is more than a year old, and she is still afraid to try and RP because of how people treat those poor at RP!

What brings in players and keeps them here isn't advertising the product, but giving the product. A show, a new item, or easier command is not what keeps them, but people willing to walk with them through every step of the way to get to the point we are at. Ever seen on TV a really cool video game? If you buy the game and it is bad or short, you lose interest after a week. A long, immerse, or fun game can keep you interested for weeks, months, or at rare cases, years.

Now, I will have to say, @Hiddenmonkey10 and @The_Shadow_King3 do have neat ideas, but again, advertising does not keep them. It brings them in for those 3-4 days.

Things that help them stay
  1. Inviting them to factions. They feel much better with people they can relate with, even if it is being an emo-hooded teen with Vampyre teeth from the future.
  2. Giving them items to help prevent them from dying. Dying sucks.
  3. Protecting them from what you can, even if that requires 'turtling' them. 'Turtling' is basically curling over them so they don't get hurt or feel uncomfortable in the time you are there. Let them crawl out of the shell when they feel comfortable.
  4. Being happy and keeping mature, if they get frustrated or you do. It won't help if you both get red in the face or pricked in the butt.
Things that don't help them stay
  1. Murdering them when they set up a new faction or wander Wilderness. PvP'rs, I'm looking at you.
  2. Insulting them and calling them stupid when they get the lore wrong. RP'rs, now I'm looking at you.
  3. Not protecting them, simply inviting them and giving them nothing to protect themselves with, build with, or even mess around with. Factions, now I'm looking at you guys.
  4. Letting them solve it for themselves. That is half the fun of it, but you push them to it, then you let them mess with it. Answer their questions, don't ignore it and continue giggling with nothing to do. Everyone, that's you guys I am talking about.
We've all done these things, including myself. But we all can change that.
@Hiddenmonkey10 @The_Shadow_King3

If you wish to look at me and point fingers at me, yes, I have done the same, but I have also made an effort to help. Moreso than a lot of normal players unfortunately have. So the issue isn't the advertising. The issue is just people not being as friendly as they should be.
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You cannot truly be serious.

I sound very rude at saying this, and I apologize for it, but you really are not looking about as far as you possibly could. Everyday, when I head to spawns and search worlds, I always am finding new players. Within the past 3 days, I have seen about 13. All of them were less than an hour old, and all of them were setting up to last a while. The advertising for MassiveCraft is perfectly fine. What is not, however, is players willing to help them.

I walked to all of them, gave them Regals to start their factions, and even gave diamond blocks to a couple of them. Some of them are still there, in fact. Dyrium has a sub-faction that less only a couple days old, the players just the same, and the first thing they did when seeing me was panic and start firing at me. They were scared that I would smack them, raid them, and take their loot. There also had been a new player that was terrified to RP with me because they heard of people downsizing those that just start and don't know enough of the lore. In fact, there is someone in my faction that is more than a year old, and she is still afraid to try and RP because of how people treat those poor at RP.

What brings in players and keeps them here isn't advertising the product, but giving the product. A show, a new item, or easier command is not what keeps them, but people willing to walk with them through every step of the way to get to the point we are at. Ever seen on TV a really cool video game? If you buy the game and it is bad or short, you lose interest after a week. A long, immerse, or fun game can keep you interested for weeks, months, or at rare cases, years.

Now, I will have to say, @Hiddenmonkey10 and @The_Shadow_King3 do have neat ideas, but again, advertising does not keep them. It brings them in for those 3-4 days.

Things that help them stay
  1. Inviting them to factions. They feel much better with people they can relate with, even if it is being an emo-hooded teen with Vampyre teeth from the future.
  2. Giving them items to help prevent them from dying. Dying sucks.
  3. Protecting them from what you can, even if that requires 'turtling' them. 'Turtling' is basically curling over them so they don't get hurt or feel uncomfortable in the time you are there. Let them crawl out of the shell when they feel comfortable.
  4. Being happy and keeping mature, if they get frustrated or you do. It won't help if you both get red in the face or pricked in the butt.
Things that don't help them stay
  1. Murdering them when they set up a new faction or wander Wilderness. PvP'rs, I'm looking at you.
  2. Insulting them and calling them stupid when they get the lore wrong. RP'rs, now I'm looking at you.
  3. Not protecting them, simply inviting them and giving them nothing to protect themselves with, build with, or even mess around with. Factions, now I'm looking at you guys.
  4. Letting them solve it for themselves. That is half the fun of it, but you push them to it, then you let them mess with it. Answer their questions, don't ignore it and continue giggling with nothing to do. Everyone, that's you guys I am talking about.
We've all done these things, including myself. But we all can change that.

If you wish to look at me and point fingers at me, yes, I have done the same, but I have also made an effort to help. Moreso than a lot of normal players unfortunately have. So the issue isn't the advertising. The issue is just people not being as friendly as they should be.

The issue with that is, a lot of us recruiting RP/PvP Factions are giving players a great start. They have shelter, tool/weapons and armour, indefinite food and expendable skill resources yet they don't and won't stay for longer than a few days.. It's much like the game I go to.. every Jan. til about early Feb. a bunch of new people show up but leave and stop going after only a week or so...
The issue with that is, a lot of us recruiting RP/PvP Factions are giving players a great start. They have shelter, tool/weapons and armour, indefinite food and expendable skill resources yet they don't and won't stay for longer than a few days.. It's much like the game I go to.. every Jan. til about early Feb. a bunch of new people show up but leave and stop going after only a week or so...
The point in my post that is big is what you failed the mention. Are you being friendly doing it, and answering all questions they ever ask? Because even if you say yes, a lot of people cannot say the same thing honestly, which is what is making all those players leave.
The point in my post that is big is what you failed the mention. Are you being friendly doing it? Because even if you say yes, a lot of people cannot say the same thing honestly, which is what is making all those players leave.

Well of course, why is that even a question.. This isn't like Log Horizon (anime) where you can enslave new members :/
Well of course, why is that even a question.. This isn't like Log Horizon (anime) where you can enslave new members :/
This is not a good thing at all if you believe that is not a viable question. It is not enslaving whatsoever, it is just people being downright unfriendly to those starting {which I apologize if I am also appearing hostile}. There will always be one player calling another dumb because they don't know the lore, or that PvP'r attacking a new player, or that faction not protecting their members. The issue currently is that there is not just that one person doing it at the moment. There are several. If you still do not see this, go about Regalia for a couple weeks and stand next to a new player. Someone will insult another person. Join people that are raiding a new faction. I guarantee they will disband, go inactive, or struggle for a while. Try and monitor other factions. They will ignore their new comers.
there once was a lot of people that played massivecraft, many of them outgrew minecraft itself, others didnt like some of the changes that were made over time, and others leave because the server is too much the same and they want change. And some people left the server due to their thoughts of "corrupt staff members". There is nothing wrong with the advirtising, the PR department and many other staff members do a good job at that, the problem is that there are too many people leaving for too may reasons. and there is nothing anyone can do about the opinion of someone else.
You cannot truly be serious.

I sound very rude at saying this, and I apologize for it, but you really are not looking about as far as you possibly could. Everyday, when I head to spawns and search worlds, I always am finding new players. Within the past 3 days, I have seen about 13. All of them were less than an hour old, and all of them were setting up to last a while. The advertising for MassiveCraft is perfectly fine. What is not, however, is players willing to help them.

I walked to all of them, gave them Regals to start their factions, and even gave diamond blocks to a couple of them. Some of them are still there, in fact. Dyrium has a sub-faction that less only a couple days old, the players just the same, and the first thing they did when seeing me was panic and start firing at me. They were scared that I would smack them, raid them, and take their loot. There also had been a new player that was terrified to RP with me because they heard of people downsizing those that just start and don't know enough of the lore. In fact, there is someone in my faction that is more than a year old, and she is still afraid to try and RP because of how people treat those poor at RP!

What brings in players and keeps them here isn't advertising the product, but giving the product. A show, a new item, or easier command is not what keeps them, but people willing to walk with them through every step of the way to get to the point we are at. Ever seen on TV a really cool video game? If you buy the game and it is bad or short, you lose interest after a week. A long, immerse, or fun game can keep you interested for weeks, months, or at rare cases, years.

Now, I will have to say, @Hiddenmonkey10 and @The_Shadow_King3 do have neat ideas, but again, advertising does not keep them. It brings them in for those 3-4 days.

Things that help them stay
  1. Inviting them to factions. They feel much better with people they can relate with, even if it is being an emo-hooded teen with Vampyre teeth from the future.
  2. Giving them items to help prevent them from dying. Dying sucks.
  3. Protecting them from what you can, even if that requires 'turtling' them. 'Turtling' is basically curling over them so they don't get hurt or feel uncomfortable in the time you are there. Let them crawl out of the shell when they feel comfortable.
  4. Being happy and keeping mature, if they get frustrated or you do. It won't help if you both get red in the face or pricked in the butt.
Things that don't help them stay
  1. Murdering them when they set up a new faction or wander Wilderness. PvP'rs, I'm looking at you.
  2. Insulting them and calling them stupid when they get the lore wrong. RP'rs, now I'm looking at you.
  3. Not protecting them, simply inviting them and giving them nothing to protect themselves with, build with, or even mess around with. Factions, now I'm looking at you guys.
  4. Letting them solve it for themselves. That is half the fun of it, but you push them to it, then you let them mess with it. Answer their questions, don't ignore it and continue giggling with nothing to do. Everyone, that's you guys I am talking about.
We've all done these things, including myself. But we all can change that.

If you wish to look at me and point fingers at me, yes, I have done the same, but I have also made an effort to help. Moreso than a lot of normal players unfortunately have. So the issue isn't the advertising. The issue is just people not being as friendly as they should be.
I totaly agree with this, there are never enough people just willing to help those new players. I personaly am trying to help some new factions with starting and setting up here:
And Many people just dont know how to start, maybe if when these new players log in for the first time they get a starter kit, and a written book called "The Massivecraft Starting Guide" that can teach these new players how to change chats, tell them to join a faction or create one, ect.

anyways ive put my 2 cents in on this matter, and i agree that more help twards the new people is needed, also because the older members of the server are leaving because of this.

there once was a lot of people that played massivecraft, many of them outgrew minecraft itself, others didnt like some of the changes that were made over time, and others leave because the server is too much the same and they want change. And some people left the server due to their thoughts of "corrupt staff members". There is nothing wrong with the advirtising, the PR department and many other staff members do a good job at that, the problem is that there are too many people leaving for too may reasons. and there is nothing anyone can do about the opinion of someone else.
There should be a massivecraft show on youtube, as well as twitch streamers. However, the only thing that I could think of to stream would be pvp and though it's not horrible to have pvpers, I think growing the rp might be more beneficial in the long run.
Or, better yet, an animated webseries showcasing lore and role-playing
This is not a good thing at all if you believe that is not a viable question. It is not enslaving whatsoever, it is just people being downright unfriendly to those starting {which I apologize if I am also appearing hostile}. There will always be one player calling another dumb because they don't know the lore, or that PvP'r attacking a new player, or that faction not protecting their members. The issue currently is that there is not just that one person doing it at the moment. There are several. If you still do not see this, go about Regalia for a couple weeks and stand next to a new player. Someone will insult another person. Join people that are raiding a new faction. I guarantee they will disband, go inactive, or struggle for a while. Try and monitor other factions. They will ignore their new comers.

I've been here for 2 1/2 years, I've seen basically all there is to see. It is true that there are just downright ignorant players, but I tend to never think about them because they may corrupt my own ideals. I've given countless resources to new players and helpful advice at what they should do and what to do if they see a nametag that they don't know.. Then they leave with all the resources given to them and slowly dwindle my supplies til even I'm "savaging for scraps."

The issue is none of these problems are being resolved..
I've been here for 2 1/2 years, I've seen basically all there is to see. It is true that there are just downright ignorant players, but I tend to never think about them because they may corrupt my own ideals. I've given countless resources to new players and helpful advice at what they should do and what to do if they see a nametag that they don't know.. Then they leave with all the resources given to them and slowly dwindle my supplies til even I'm "savaging for scraps."

The issue is none of these problems are being resolved..

By not helping"Ignorant" players you are part of the problem
By not helping"Ignorant" players you are part of the problem

I've attempted on many occasions to "purify" these child-like players and well since they have this child mentality, how do you expect to persuade them to not being mouthy and a little brat?
I've attempted on many occasions to "purify" these child-like players and well since they have this child mentality, how do you expect to persuade them to not being mouthy and a little brat?
This post right here makes you no better.
To 'purify' them, you do the worst thing possible to them. Be nice, and ignore their mean words, but know they are there.
I have also been here 2 and a half years, and experience the good and bad sides. I have as well seen basically all this server gives.
-1 Support. You have the wrong mentality. Good idea, wrong function. Try to be open-minded.
This post right here makes you no better.
To 'purify' them, you do the worst thing possible to them. Be nice, and ignore their mean words, but know they are there.
I have also been here 2 and a half years, and experience the good and bad sides. I have as well seen basically all this server gives.
-1 Support. You have the wrong mentality. Good idea, wrong function. Try to be open-minded.

I am open minded? I stated that in the first post which you must've ignored and now are abusing the rate system... You are just jumping to conclusions. You are stating that I am the ignorant one that I am not nice. Please, think before you post.

" I don't exactly have an idea of any draw-ins but if you have some good ideas please share. Some of the Great Roleplaying Factions are dying out."
Since people don't know how to read and what the intent of this post is for, as well as just spamming the rate. @MonMarty can you lock this please. This isn't going anywhere's as planned.
Since people don't know how to read and what the intent of this post is for, as well as just spamming the rate. @MonMarty can you lock this please. This isn't going anywhere's as planned.
I most certainly am not abusing the rate system, although I now see my 'disagree' rating which should be 'This is so goth' instead.. I am rating you according to how I think; I disagree with your methods, and you are not being open minded, as you completely are refusing my idea, and in turn, you say I am not thinking whatsoever. I understand disagreeing, but I pointed out legitimate arguments which are not flame whatsoever. Not only that, but I dislike your mentality because you are calling people children, mouthy, and bratty. That is the flame part, along with you claiming I jumped to conclusions and am abusing rating. I did not insult anyone whatsoever, but I pointed out flaws a lot of us had made, including myself. I most certainly did also read your above post. Please message me via mail if you continue to believe I am "jumping to conclusions and abusing the system of rating". Feel free to rate 'disagree' and 'So goth' for me, as I would understand if you did. I am done here, good day.
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