Massivecraft: Opposite Universe


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
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The Crown Isle, Regalia

As the title so boldly suggests; I'd like to know what your character would be doing in their respective opposite universe! It could be opposite gender, personality type, etc. Maybe they made different choices that would have developed them in a different manner. Whichever the way, lemme hear it!


Obviously, the standard is 'opposite' and it's a universe thing so you could include how their relationships toward other characters would be if they would have made the same choices... The possibilities are just about endless in my opinion ^.^


Simply consider their upbringining in the case of, say... They grew up as the opposite gender: How did this affect their life story and who they became before entering Regalia? Did they date, hate or love different characters? Continue asking these questions ^^


Le Tags:


(Just a few)
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Madeleine Amalao
Instead of staying in Fendarfelle until she was 64, she moved to Regalia with her brother when he was 24 and she was 27. There, they continued to study stone magic, and she also learned to read and write properly with the help of Lucas. Because her bond with her brother became so strong, as the Usque started to take action, and the Lucas joined the Jin Tao, she joined with him. Therefore, she grew a hatred for Myrnin, Ryoko, Bram -- even if they were childhood friends -- Whitlock and any other 'Poss Loyalist'. She gained a friendship with Aedhlynne and the people in the Usque, having a bit in common with hating the same people. She'd also probably be more wary with who she slept with, it being only the people she trusted, such as the Usque and Jin Tao people, or any supporters, or even anyone who wasn't involved with either the Poss, Tao, or Usque.
Whitlock Carswell

Whitlock's father wouldn't have died. Instead, his mother did which likely would have ceased his training in fire magic, as well as blocked him from taking his families ships for his trips around the world to discover more about life. A higher exposure to his sisters after the death of his mother was required for the time of mourning... Further cementing the femininity gained from just existing around them... He didn't travel, nor did he learn fire magic and after the tragic loss of his mother he had no means or desire to travel. Still, for the sake of things, he travelled to Regalia once he realised that life is too short to hide away and cry... No, he had to be better than that. It was here where he met the kind but curt nobility... Finding them to be of great company whilst he developed his thoughts. He'd come to the conclusion that in order to gain a steady life, he should attempt to join an Ithanian family... Which? Who knows. As long as he could be of service to Regalia, things would be fine. Whitlock had encounters with Jin-Tao members; Nydral, Lucas, Madeleine, Sophie Perrot, etc. However, these occurred above ground and bearing little content... It was enough to spur interest in the sewers but not enough to go down due to his feminized and need-to-be safe state which he gained from befriending nobility and nobility are his friends so he wouldn't dare betray them.

In short, he missed out on a lot, he didn't meet with people because of his persona and allowed his mind to be flooded with Unionism... In order to be accepted.

Josko: Josko would turn into Joskette the female version of him. She would be skillful, crafty, ruthless and actually have people skills.
She left her village at the earliest age she could do go adventuring. She went into a brief period of slavery for about 2 days before she grabbed the guard by his leg and dragged him towards her and knocked him out against his cage stealing the keys and escaping.
She then escaped Jorrhildr on a boat and after three days voyaging as a deck hand she got into an argument with the captain and ended up throwing them over board and watching them getting devoured by sharks. There was a new vote which made Joskette captain of the ship.
She become a pirate queen over a few years of destroying trade ships of all kind and quickly became public enemy number one of Regalia for the amount of gold she had plundered off their boats and people brutally killed and eaten.
Renowned all across the land and sea. Anyone who saw the flag of her iconic ship "The Sweet Release" knew they were done for and once captured where either killed, taken as crew members or put into slavery.
After 4 years of terrorizing the seas she thought about her parents and small village and of what she had become. Boy wouldn't they be proud. They never liked her. They always favored her nasty brother. She decided to set sail for the far north of Jorrhildr to show up her parents and her pathetic little brother. The crew would not be happy with this. It was cold up there but Joskette's heart was colder so they decided to follow her orders and off they went.
When they arrived and docked for land and took the short journey on land to the small village they found it in ruins. Everything was burnt and broken. Not a living soul was around and a small smile formed on her face.
So she went on with her plundering and killing. Slowly forming a small navy of brigands and bandits and other kinds of unscrupulous people.
She would capture towns and leave them dry of everything. Pillage trade ships and capture people. The usual. But she never touched regalia. She knew they were too powerful.
Until one day she heard news of an Ur who had become a high noble in regalia. Going by the name of Josko. Her brother.

tune in next week for another episode of "The Pirate Queen"
Amnestria Naeneiros: I was thinking that there would be one thing that changed in her life, in this universe, her little brother wasn't killed in a mugging. Now tbh this is quite recent when you think about it, when she was 53, so 3 years ago. From there I believe that she would continue with her mischievous ways, and continue along with her studies of Ellon magic. But instead of her Ellon changing to a deer, it stayed as that ever independant otter. She would continue pickpocketing and pranking people. After a while I think the young Shendar would probably head to Regalia with her brother, and instead of only occasionally visiting the sewers, it'd be her regular hang out spot when she wasn't pickpocketing some random people on the surface. She would blow off Naev, and probably try to pickpocket him, instead of becoming friends with him. In summary, her life would stay as it was before her brother died, just her and her sibling against the world. With some other people's wallets and some people after them for pranking them of course.

Oh yeah, YO @Hutydan CHECK THIS OUTT
Hm, interesting... Ohboi, here we go

  • Morgana Keyberos: She'd not have left Daendroque. She would instead stay there and care for her family. Sheeee wouldn't have missed the bit of her tongue, but she would had focused more on her studies (probably learning Ellon and light magic instead of shadow and hex). And finally, she would not have half of her children, making her relatively innocent, she'd only arrive regalia when her family choose to flee Daendroque (as opposed to her previously doing so at own will). Her meeting with Ikram would be unlikely, since she'd probably be married to Elanil's father (a shendar she met at her home land, if not a completely different person in a freaky sort of arranged marriage). In other words, she'd be a innocent little sheep, following the faith of estale.

  • Saria Aerendyll: She'd most likely had left the family, and lose her surname. Becoming a wild sewer-deweller, for she'd not care about her family's image (in fact, she may very well want to destroy it). Her kindness would fade away, making her a cruel, manipulative woman.Long story short, her rapier would be stained with the blood of innocents, and anyone's if they stand in her path. Her goal would be to conquer anything and everything she can lay her hands on, making her greedy (possibly greed possessed, who knows). In other words, she'd be a corrupted sewer dweller pirate lady with a thirst for blood and gold.

Only listing those two for now, since they've always been opposites~
@SpoopMelon , @SilentSpooks , @InktoberGlow ,@AnyoneInterested
Katthe Gwaeth'orn would have stayed with Bell, alongside her other siblings Hiswe and Daero as they too, would not had been given away. In this universe, she would be the polar to her current; a manipulative, isolated Bone mage most likely, who only walked the sewers, and spoke to very few. She would have no association with the Nenyarina, nor would she be as close to any of the Heiwynns as she is. She would have the name of Katthe Ailemer as, in this world, Bell would have not been disowned. Her parents would remember her and she'd probably live with her father, Halafarin. Bell would still have been possessed, though by an Existling of Liberty rather than a Voidling of Greed. Kat would most likely only talk to Hal, Bell, Daero and Hiswe at most, staying in the comfortable Ailemer estate and simply reading books and practicing magic, and she wouldn't be nearly as cheerful. Though, she wouldn't have experienced as much trauma as she has in this universe, as she wouldn't make ties and for the most part, wouldn't go outside. Confined to the safety of home, over time, she would grow farther away from her immediate family, especially as Bell spent little time around them and more around Tsaer, Daero and Hiswe, and Halafarin would do daily patrols, leaving her on her own. She would probably have a much more moody demeanour, and be much more serious than she is now. She wouldn't have dyed her hair black either, so it would still be a chocolate brown, and she would be much more poised, being a noble. Daero and Hiswe would be the only ones who would be really close to her, being her half-siblings after all. Though, there was still a gap, as they had different fathers and they spent time with their godfather (Helix) an awful lot, once again leaving her to usually be with Hal, though, he was a Violet. Alaia would not have taken any part in her life, nor Niantha, or Sinaht, Zaos nor Adja. So many of the people she was close to in the current universe wouldn't have even heard of her. Despite her noble status, all of her time now would be spent in the sewers. Most likely reported as missing, she would full time use the name Nyioucheil Lithorn Arie, the full version of her Alias, Nyioucheil. She might have joined Usque or Jin-Tao in this time, finally getting into the gang part of the city. This would cause her to make herself more open, more normal. However, this would not have been long lasted as she would have a distaste for hurting others, and the Nenyarina conflict had started. As hard as she would try, she couldn't bring herself to hurt them. The seedling incident, all of that, would just cause her to leave.
She hated it.
She wouldn't stand it.
Not even if she was completely different.

"Nobody changes in this world."
Conf Ede Ladveer: Now Connie Ede Ladveer

Where Conf's parentage was not confirmed until after the Lord's death, Connie's was. She grew up as Etosian low-nobility, tutored as such. She would be a devout Unionist (where as Conf is something of a mix, believing in most of the gods but following none), skilled more so in the arts of speaking than the blade- though some self defense lessons would be thrown in there. After her father died, since she is the youngest of her siblings, she would have ventured out, moving to Regalia in the hopes of marrying the son of a more influential noble there. Where Conf served as a mercenary and pirate, then rebel and revolutionary, for several years, Connie lead a life of mostly political intrigue, becoming well versed in the political climate of Regalia, and the other nobles, slowly seeking to rise in influence.
Churel wouldn't have been bitten and turned into a Chyga. He would've just stayed on his parent's farm and maybe worked with his sister when she opened a tavern nearby. So, certainly not the vampiric hexer that exists today.

Now Jude's the interesting one:
  • In opposite of being male, he's a female.
  • I guess her name is Julia?
  • Instead of learning Lightning magic, she's learn Stone. Opposing Lightning's speed to Stone's bulk and heaviness.
  • She would've been raised by her mother instead of Mesa, and been Julia Keyberos instead of Sezzrit.
  • Opposed to Jude's quiet, meek, and modest personality, Julia would be loud, defiant, and quite a whore.
Screw this imma do some of my other chars.

Marianne Delheim: In a polar opposite universe, she would've been born as a boy named Marcel. Marcel would've been born without as much deficiency and actually managed to break out of slavery along with his elf friend. And after that, be brought to her tribe. They wouldn't accept the boy as much due to the fact he is half-ailor. But soon enough he would've molded into their society and become one with them. He wouldn't have came to Regalia or met Phon in the first place, cutting off much of the trouble he would've gotten himself into.

Ribbon: The mild-mannered Lacuna wouldn't have known Regalia even existed until later in life. She would've lived a perfectly normal life in the town of Archensid. She'd probably get a mundane job as a shopkeeper and use her coy visage to befriend some guys and pull them against each others fighting for her. Eventually finding a husband rich enough she could wallow in all his coins for the rest of her life. And jump to the next when something happens. She'd probably end up as a Chyga or a completely average woman

Tessa: Switched into a boy named Terence. He would've grew as a hedonistic young man whose only purpose in life is to surround himself with party and pretty girls - just like his father. He would've stayed home in Kingsfield and be the hole that leaks the family money out of its safe. The other siblings would be rather exasperated but they wouldn't do anything, just let him live his life and put some lid on his expenditures.

Lionel: Instead of being a commoner child who bear noble traits he would've been born to the Von Greif family, but without any of their traits. He would have never truly fit in and would spend his life as a rather low person in anyone's perception. Probably ending up leading a small workforce as some sort of manager in a remote branch. And the guy would eventually ditch his family name seeing as it did him more harm than good, resign from his work, and go somewhere else where he could grow.

Sasha: Sasha would not have been born as a giant like he did, instead he would be a rather normal-sized person and classed as a hunter instead of a warrior. He would've watched his friends go off to battle the vampiric Urs never to be seen again, and eventually the threat would've reached his tribe. He would fight along with the others but would end up being one of the first to get killed - being on the frontline of the defense.

Nicolas: Nothing would've changed, instead this time he would be the Talking Tuna instead of the Delusional fisherman.
Katthe Gwaeth'orn would have stayed with Bell, alongside her other siblings Hiswe and Daero as they too, would not had been given away. In this universe, she would be the polar to her current; a manipulative, isolated Bone mage most likely, who only walked the sewers, and spoke to very few. She would have no association with the Nenyarina, nor would she be as close to any of the Heiwynns as she is. She would have the name of Katthe Ailemer as, in this world, Bell would have not been disowned. Her parents would remember her and she'd probably live with her father, Halafarin. Bell would still have been possessed, though by an Existling of Liberty rather than a Voidling of Greed. Kat would most likely only talk to Hal, Bell, Daero and Hiswe at most, staying in the comfortable Ailemer estate and simply reading books and practicing magic, and she wouldn't be nearly as cheerful. Though, she wouldn't have experienced as much trauma as she has in this universe, as she wouldn't make ties and for the most part, wouldn't go outside. Confined to the safety of home, over time, she would grow farther away from her immediate family, especially as Bell spent little time around them and more around Tsaer, Daero and Hiswe, and Halafarin would do daily patrols, leaving her on her own. She would probably have a much more moody demeanour, and be much more serious than she is now. She wouldn't have dyed her hair black either, so it would still be a chocolate brown, and she would be much more poised, being a noble. Daero and Hiswe would be the only ones who would be really close to her, being her half-siblings after all. Though, there was still a gap, as they had different fathers and they spent time with their godfather (Helix) an awful lot, once again leaving her to usually be with Hal, though, he was a Violet. Alaia would not have taken any part in her life, nor Niantha, or Sinaht, Zaos nor Adja. So many of the people she was close to in the current universe wouldn't have even heard of her. Despite her noble status, all of her time now would be spent in the sewers. Most likely reported as missing, she would full time use the name Nyioucheil Lithorn Arie, the full version of her Alias, Nyioucheil. She might have joined Usque or Jin-Tao in this time, finally getting into the gang part of the city. This would cause her to make herself more open, more normal. However, this would not have been long lasted as she would have a distaste for hurting others, and the Nenyarina conflict had started. As hard as she would try, she couldn't bring herself to hurt them. The seedling incident, all of that, would just cause her to leave.
She hated it.
She wouldn't stand it.
Not even if she was completely different.

"Nobody changes in this world."
Very well thought out ^^

It's interesting, too, would you play them in this state or do you get much more enjoyment out of their current self? o.o
Screw this imma do some of my other chars.

Marianne Delheim: In a polar opposite universe, she would've been born as a boy named Marcel. Marcel would've been born without as much deficiency and actually managed to break out of slavery along with his elf friend. And after that, be brought to her tribe. They wouldn't accept the boy as much due to the fact he is half-ailor. But soon enough he would've molded into their society and become one with them. He wouldn't have came to Regalia or met Phon in the first place, cutting off much of the trouble he would've gotten himself into.

Ribbon: The mild-mannered Lacuna wouldn't have known Regalia even existed until later in life. She would've lived a perfectly normal life in the town of Archensid. She'd probably get a mundane job as a shopkeeper and use her coy visage to befriend some guys and pull them against each others fighting for her. Eventually finding a husband rich enough she could wallow in all his coins for the rest of her life. And jump to the next when something happens. She'd probably end up as a Chyga or a completely average woman

Tessa: Switched into a boy named Terence. He would've grew as a hedonistic young man whose only purpose in life is to surround himself with party and pretty girls - just like his father. He would've stayed home in Kingsfield and be the hole that leaks the family money out of its safe. The other siblings would be rather exasperated but they wouldn't do anything, just let him live his life and put some lid on his expenditures.

Lionel: Instead of being a commoner child who bear noble traits he would've been born to the Von Greif family, but without any of their traits. He would have never truly fit in and would spend his life as a rather low person in anyone's perception. Probably ending up leading a small workforce as some sort of manager in a remote branch. And the guy would eventually ditch his family name seeing as it did him more harm than good, resign from his work, and go somewhere else where he could grow.

Sasha: Sasha would not have been born as a giant like he did, instead he would be a rather normal-sized person and classed as a hunter instead of a warrior. He would've watched his friends go off to battle the vampiric Urs never to be seen again, and eventually the threat would've reached his tribe. He would fight along with the others but would end up being one of the first to get killed - being on the frontline of the defense.

Nicolas: Nothing would've changed, instead this time he would be the Talking Tuna instead of the Delusional fisherman.

Rapid fire, nice use of genderbending to determine course of action, too!
Asterion Fellmirr: Aster's story starts much the same, a Yanar is born in 211 to a small community on the westmost Sun Isle. At the age of 15 they decide to identify as female and begin study in Evergrowth. Taking the name Asteria, or Aster for short they spent the next few years among family and friends. But the woods grew dull, the old barks never change, and as most Yanar from this community do Asteria decided to venture out to find adventure. Traveling to the capital of the Sun Isles she set up a small craft as a perfumist. After many small adventures everything changed one fateful night. She met an Isldar among the wine fields. At first he was cold, distant, but over time they grew upon each other. They wed, and soon they had their first child. However something was wrong. Frozen lonliness began to claim the Isldar's health. Desperate not to have the child grow without a father she took the first ship she could to the far north with her new family. They spent good years together, but the landscape was cold and unforgiving, and Asteria's mind took the same distant coldness. However, after many more years and 3 new Yanar children (Bellis, Cesmina and Abulion), what life had given, it took away. Aster's children left for adventure, the same way she did. None returned. And despite more years spent together the Isldar's failing health finally took his life. Alone in the bitter landscape Asteria gave in to despair. Her heart grew cold, her mind cynical. Eventually her memory loss drew close. Despite her still built up grief, she decided to travel to Regalia to try to enjoy her last few years. She was critical, unkind and generally an all around cranky grandma, bitter over all she had lost. Within a month she had converted to Unionism to try to escape the hopelessness that comes from the Faith of Estel. She met another Yanar, Niantha Merrit, who she also tried to convert to Unionism. Sadly, after some time in the city she was caught for magic use and with no hope to fall back on and nothing left to live for her frail body gave in to death in The Spire. She never met Mina nor Bellis. The Nenyarina was never founded. Niantha very well may still have been with Ztril and other small changes.
Asterion Fellmirr: Aster's story starts much the same, a Yanar is born in 211 to a small community on the westmost Sun Isle. At the age of 15 they decide to identify as female and begin study in Evergrowth. Taking the name Asteria, or Aster for short they spent the next few years among family and friends. But the woods grew dull, the old barks never change, and as most Yanar from this community do Asteria decided to venture out to find adventure. Traveling to the capital of the Sun Isles she set up a small craft as a perfumist. After many small adventures everything changed one fateful night. She met an Isldar among the wine fields. At first he was cold, distant, but over time they grew upon each other. They wed, and soon they had their first child. However something was wrong. Frozen lonliness began to claim the Isldar's health. Desperate not to have the child grow without a father she took the first ship she could to the far north with her new family. They spent good years together, but the landscape was cold and unforgiving, and Asteria's mind took the same distant coldness. However, after many more years and 3 new Yanar children (Bellis, Cesmina and Abulion), what life had given, it took away. Aster's children left for adventure, the same way she did. None returned. And despite more years spent together the Isldar's failing health finally took his life. Alone in the bitter landscape Asteria gave in to despair. Her heart grew cold, her mind cynical. Eventually her memory loss drew close. Despite her still built up grief, she decided to travel to Regalia to try to enjoy her last few years. She was critical, unkind and generally an all around cranky grandma, bitter over all she had lost. Within a month she had converted to Unionism to try to escape the hopelessness that comes from the Faith of Estel. She met another Yanar, Niantha Merrit, who she also tried to convert to Unionism. Sadly, after some time in the city she was caught for magic use and with no hope to fall back on and nothing left to live for her frail body gave in to death in The Spire. She never met Mina nor Bellis. The Nenyarina was never founded. Niantha very well may still have been with Ztril and other small changes.

This is... A sad and depressing block of text. I AM SO GLAD THIS IS THE REALITY THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
Alinar would be a female void worshiper called ali
Jones would be a female unionist and pretty much real alinar but female.
Naya would be a male void worshiper.
Periwinkle: She would've identified as a male, turn against her childish Lampar family to side with Rashaq and end up helping in poisoning them all with berries. She'd stay in her homeland, and probably be mentally abusive to her only Rashaq lover. She might also be a blood mage, and use that on people too, just for the fun of it.

Makaha Mareva: Makaha is a cold blooded warrior. Huge with royal blue skin thicker than her weak mother's, she cares about others, but doesn't want to appear weak. So, she abuses everyone, and if she finds any of her "friends" hurt, she worsens their wounds just to hear them scream, before taking a good bite out of them and then leave them for dead. However, she holds a secret guilt for that. Makaha would instead be an Erethreal mage (for whatever opposite reason) rather than a thieving little Shadow Mage.

Kahtar Naesandoral: Cool-headed, laid back Avanthar becomes emotional wreck. Probably extremely dramatic, and craves attention as a tiny man-child. He hates Cielothar, and finds them ugly for how big and strong and not-passive they are in this opposite world.

Maui Mareva: Maui is a big, strong, and close-minded monster. If this bully happens upon anything out of the norm, he punishes them with violence. Gifts are an offense, resulting in the destruction of the gift and the harm of the giver. Maui would not be a Primal Mage in this version.
My characters would basically be running the underworld. Dusk would be some dark cloaked terrorist, who's not afraid to straight up execute someone on a street in broad daylight. He'd go to all the top parties, all the social events and be a mingled of the people, but also destroy anyone in his way. He'd basically be the Kingpin/Wilson Fisk of Regalia with a team of murderous mages and assassins behind him. Ziskala Scilz the outcast prince of his tribe who would poison the water supply without a second thought. Taxus Baccata, a Yanar rogue with a flare for long range murder. Feng Bushou, a pirate if the skies. Finally Yin Bei, a gorilla like Wulomg just waiting to go al hulk on anything and everything.
Periwinkle: She would've identified as a male, turn against her childish Lampar family to side with Rashaq and end up helping in poisoning them all with berries. She'd stay in her homeland, and probably be mentally abusive to her only Rashaq lover. She might also be a blood mage, and use that on people too, just for the fun of it.

Fuck I'm late to the party. Doesn't matter

Bram Eversnow: Of course, his life would have been a lot different. He wouldn't have had a brother to begin with, leaving him as an only child to an abusive father and mother. His parents would have never died, to that he would have never learnt Light Magic to begin with, and instead turns into someone practiced to fight with weaponry. He would've been someone that rarely goes outside, leading to that he would have never met his childhood friends in the first place. Bram would've fled from his parents at the age of sixteen, to Regalia to build a better life there. That better life idea didn't work out. He would venture in the sewers not to help people, but slaughter them without any mercy, like they aren't people, but an object. His sympathy would make place for hatred towards anyone and everyone, shedding blood just for the fun of it. All of this because of his parents, and his inner demons haunting him to that very day. Though, every death he causes will tear at him, like he looses a piece of himself everytime he sees another body drop to the floor. The few friends he made eventually leave him, and at the last of his life, he commits suicide at the age of 45, ashamed of himself, ashamed at what he had caused upon others.
Inverse Lyuna Elysea: Oh my... Well there someone you probably don't desire to encounter. In essence, you would have a Shendar akin to Hannibal Lector...
Alenlor Hambard's family would of never moved to regalia, thus their house would of never burnt down He would of never met roshi to.
Noelle: Hmm..well if Noelle's life was the opposite it would be;

He was born with the name Noah Hath, with a younger sister by the name of Kylie Hath. His family would have safely arrived in Regalia and nothing would have destroyed their ship. Noah's father would die of old age and pass his shop down to him, his mother helping take care of the shop till she as well died of old age or sickness. Kylie would probably become a violet guard and Noah would be a merchant with an alcohol addiction. Noah would probably marry a ailor woman and have three children that lived long lives until Noah died when Freya Lo took over Regalia, his children escaping to the countryside with their aunt and mother.