Massivecraft Is Corrupt

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Jun 6, 2013
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Have you ever heard of something called a democracy? Yea it's something massivecraft clearly lacks.
At the moment massivecraft is a dictatorship and it has been from the start. With people like monmarty, th3_drunk_monk (who btw probably has diabetes irl) and most of the rest of the staff.
A player called Athorian got his forum account banned just for simply sending a player Suzzie a message with the content 'I don't think you should be friends with staff as it gives you an unfair advantage when applying for staff' and next thing his forum account got banned. Now if that was a normal player who dosen't ******** then things would be different. As you obviously have discovered massivecraft is the kind of server where the people who are willing to lower themselves to ************** are the people who flourish on the server. The staff does not give two hells about pvpers or the pvp community, it's always the goody too shoes kind of the server that get in the staffs good books, the kind of people who backseat moderate and cry and winge. Them ********* roleplayers who hog the tavern and shout 'hey buddy! you're disrupting roleplay' the second you walk in. I know I'm right but obviously my opinion will be cenored, this thread will be locked as usual because the staff don't like the hard truth when it hits them in the face.
Also I can't help but notice how the staff ban blindlessly. A player called tomzy2k10 was banned for hacking, now for all I know the guy could be hacking but how is anyone suppost to know when the evidence is kept locked up. Also the server has a history of admin abuse and banning blindlessly so it's highly possible that he was banned falsly. Also I skyped him a day or two later about it, he said he didn't. I pvped him on a different kitpvp server he didn't really look like a hacker to me. The staff will automatically read this and think 'OH, hes trying to trick us into believing he dosen't hack' the staff always misread things and misinterpret everything. They say they value their player base, they say that they will keep their distances between players so no friendships between staff, it actually says it on the website, but when monmarty is confrontd with this information he hides behind lies, and tries to lie his way out the scummy fucka.
I know I'll get shit from all kinds of people, but remember at least I'm the one who will stand out and say the truth. I do not *********, however one thing I have learnt on this server is that you must ************ in order to get unbanned even if you didn't commit the crime you were banned for.
Also I've come to realize whats the point is trying to ********* to get unbanned when I can play the server anytime I want in a different location?
Massivecrap is simply CORRUPT!


peace out losers - Haljakmad/Athorian/kalmintas/Israliani
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Actually I censored the thread a little. Constant references to fellatio is age inappropriate for a family friendly server.
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