Archived Massivecraft App

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Dec 5, 2016
Reaction score
I'm not sure if this idea has been pitched yet, but I have talked with many other players and they think its a good idea.

I know it will probably cost money and a lot of programming time. But it would be worth it. People would be able to view forums from their mobile phones without having to Google it. They could post and chat here, and you could have a link to vote so people can do it on the go too.

It would also add publicity to the server. People use there phones everyday, right? When they show their friends something, they see the Massivecraft app and are curious. (I have downloaded any apps I have seen on my friends phone for no reason and really enjoyed them.

When I'm bored on my phone I'll go through my apps to see if anything is happening on them, if there is a Massivecraft app people would be more active and keep up with the lore.

It would take time to develop, and it would take some money to put it on the app store. The staff has impeccable coders and creative minds. And when people buy premium and other accessories, you might sometimes have a surplus at the end of the month or week (I don't know how you guys handle the money the server earns other than to pay to keep it open on Minecraft and websites.)

I bet if the staff also talks about it on the server, people would donate or start buying more things on the server to help pay for it.

It may just be me, but I am on my phone a LOT. I go on forums on my phone a lot, its the way I keep up with everything. This is probably the same for others. An app would give quick access, more viewers, and add publicity.

Another suggestion for the money part, add a price to it. (99 cents or something small) People buy apps all the time, and then delete them. But this app they would buy and use, you can use the money for the server to pay for website adds and to keep the server online. And if you have a surplus, but it back into the app incase you need to add more features.

Its probably something someone has said before, but if anyone has any constructive criticism on the idea I'm open to it. Also, if the staff see's this, you don't have to do all of this, but an app would be a good way to keep Massievecraft alive.
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Do what I do now and just send a link to the home screen like I do. Basically works the same way