Note: The title is in no way a fact or most likely not true, it is just a way of expressing how I feel for MassiveCraft lately.
Currently, there has been a lot commotion and it seems to be, at the moment, Fighters V.S. Roleplayers.
MassiveCraft was my first faction server to actually stay on when I joined the server, this was 1 year and 2 weeks ago (from 13/10/2013). There were a few reasons why I stayed.
- The server had a nice community.
- It seem well structured and organized.
I've noticed that all the role-players on this server are newer to the server than PvPers, a reason for this is that MassiveCraft wasn't seriously a role-play server in the past, the word "Role-Play" wasn't mentioned at all.
Within the last 4 months, MassiveCraft has had an absolute evolution in role-play, starting firstly when Regalia was released.
Since then, I've been forced to PvP on different servers, due to how unsupported it was on MassiveCraft.
What I am trying to say is:
-You have to give us fighters a chance.
-Let us suggest, let those suggestions at least be acknowledged.