Archived Massivecon (not Real Life Event :p)

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☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Kansas City, Missouri (CST)
The main point of this thread is to suggest something that will help move the server along, taking into account everyone's opinion

Warning: The following paragraph (singular) has an opinion in it. I mean no offense.

Recently, I have felt very frustrated with, as it would seem, the lack of attention to PvP and improving the general quality of it. Many PvP'ers have left the server due to this overwhelming focus on roleplay. This is a bad thing in many ways, since they aren't supporting the server by buying premium, and they aren't valued members of our community any longer.

So, in short, I propose a week of fun and productivity known as MassiveCon. This would be held in-game, on TeamSpeak, and on the forums. This would be especially useful for both players and the staff alike, since they can voice their opinion. This event would only be open to constructive criticism. Bring a negative attitude, and you get some sort of punishment. The admins would have to find a way to record ideas and combine similar ideas to make the end result of all of this useful, though, but I'm sure they're up to the task.

Each of the departments of the staff would set some major goals, with smaller sub-goals. There would be roleplay focused ideas and PvP focused ideas. I think that this would really help, since as of late I haven't seen a single idea be implemented from a post on the forums, only from a general outcry from the entire server population or a select few individuals looking for a change.

Please offer constructive feedback, it would be much appreciated!
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The Idea is interesting, but I'm slightly worried that it'll end up in a huge flame war, like a few of the other threads that were posted about pvp.
The Idea is interesting, but I'm slightly worried that it'll end up in a huge flame war, like a few of the other threads that were posted about pvp.
This idea isn't about PvP specifically, but the server in general. And people who flame would not be allowed to participate.
The thing is, it is hard to have both a fun PVP and fun RP. One needs to be focused on and the other left alone. Unless they get some staff who are dedicated to helping PVP you guys will just have to push through.
The thing is, it is hard to have both a fun PVP and fun RP. One needs to be focused on and the other left alone. Unless they get some staff who are dedicated to helping PVP you guys will just have to push through.
There already are a large number of roleplay staff, I think that a few 'PvP' staff members could be made to deal with PvP based decisions, since a lot of players think they would have much better judgement when it comes to the matter. Am I right that it doesn't make sense to have people who only roleplay judge PvP situations? And also, the server, back during the Mag and Solaris wars, had very fun PvP, and I'm assuming very fun RP as well. It can happen, I'm just trying to make push towards this goal. But, my overall goal is not to affect just PvP, but improve the server in general.
Coming from me, I was personally happy to see those players leave. While they were also a major source of premium buying, they were majorly responsible for:
  • Flaming in Global
  • Starting wars on the forums(at least, before forum staff got here)
  • Harrassing players repeatedly for not many reasons
But on to the actual topic. This is pointless, and can be set up by the PvPers and RPers themselves. Both groups can ask around themselves, post an event on the forum, and set up their own TeamSpeak channel for discussion between the two.

Yet it hasn't happened, because of one reason: The PvPers can't decide on one thing. They were barely able to decide on the removal of Massive Armor, so how would they be able to decide, as a fully functional group, on larger issues, such as McMMO configuration?

They can talk to the staff at any point. They usually will respond if you want to have a discussion with them, especially MonMarty and Thortuna. Not to mention there are often a few staff members sitting around in the Staff Work Channel that you could have a discussion with.

John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." All in all, I'd like some of the community who are getting upset by this to step up and take the responsibilities themselves instead of whining and complaining about it so that the staff have to deal with it.

~ Imboring56
Coming from me, I was personally happy to see those players leave. While they were also a major source of premium buying, they were majorly responsible for:
  • Flaming in Global
  • Starting wars on the forums(at least, before forum staff got here)
  • Harrassing players repeatedly for not many reasons
But on to the actual topic. This is pointless, and can be set up by the PvPers and RPers themselves. Both groups can ask around themselves, post an event on the forum, and set up their own TeamSpeak channel for discussion between the two.

Yet it hasn't happened, because of one reason: The PvPers can't decide on one thing. They were barely able to decide on the removal of Massive Armor, so how would they be able to decide, as a fully functional group, on larger issues, such as McMMO configuration?

They can talk to the staff at any point. They usually will respond if you want to have a discussion with them, especially MonMarty and Thortuna. Not to mention there are often a few staff members sitting around in the Staff Work Channel that you could have a discussion with.

John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." All in all, I'd like some of the community who are getting upset by this to step up and take the responsibilities themselves instead of whining and complaining about it so that the staff have to deal with it.

~ Imboring56
This is because there are a variety of opinions out there
This is because there are a variety of opinions out there

Actually sadly that's not true. Its just everyone only thinking about what benefits them the most overwhelming the few that want to help. God apples were disabled because they were OP and made axes OP as hell and PVP boring. A few months later the PVP community does not have as many fights and good loot, so they start wanting to become ridiculously OP again so the can one man an entire faction for lulz instead of having a good battle as it was a peaceful period. With this and the excess of gold, the majority of PVPers went, "Oh, this would be fun for like a week." and all made threads about enabling god apples, using arguments like "You are taking awayz our Vanilla Minecraft rights!!!" that are used by non-premiums wanting diamond armor, which they shoot down because it will make them unable to 1 man noob factions as easily. While I know there are many, many good PVPers out there, they are simply outnumbered by the others.
Actually sadly that's not true. Its just everyone only thinking about what benefits them the most overwhelming the few that want to help. God apples were disabled because they were OP and made axes OP as hell and PVP boring. A few months later the PVP community does not have as many fights and good loot, so they start wanting to become ridiculously OP again so the can one man an entire faction for lulz instead of having a good battle as it was a peaceful period. With this and the excess of gold, the majority of PVPers went, "Oh, this would be fun for like a week." and all made threads about enabling god apples, using arguments like "You are taking awayz our Vanilla Minecraft rights!!!" that are used by non-premiums wanting diamond armor, which they shoot down because it will make them unable to 1 man noob factions as easily. While I know there are many, many good PVPers out there, they are simply outnumbered by the others.
The minority of PvPers are not always the good ones
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