Archived Massiveadds

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jan 28, 2018
Reaction score
I feel like something we should or could do is create new adds and send them out with info that will draw in players, like how we use 1.8 pvp not 1.12.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Do you mean "Ads" as in a advertisment? I believe thats what the voting is for. You vote, receive regals, and the sites advertise the server. I may be wrong though.
I feel like something we should or could do is create new adds and send them out with info that will draw in players, like how we use 1.8 pvp not 1.12.
@SpunSugar and I actually talk about this a fair bit, and we're going to be refining how this is put out hopefully in the near future. Thank you for your concerns, however, and anything else you think could improve external PR is always appreciated!
@SpunSugar and I actually talk about this a fair bit, and we're going to be refining how this is put out hopefully in the near future. Thank you for your concerns, however, and anything else you think could improve external PR is always appreciated!
I remember the very old ads displaying vast worlds and the medieval theme done in a video. Very cool and very inspiring. Maybe advertising exactly what the server has is redundant as a lot of servers have the same thing. However we can advertise similar in a way movies do, involving the viewer in the story and inviting them to become a part of it. At this point I don't believe tech ads will suffice and we must play to the human emotion and drive for adventure. Basically, the inspiring videos worked well instead of server stats. However those seem to be either absent or heavily guarded and rarely viewed.
I came from a server and they kept releasing new ads and getting more players so maybe if we do that we can get more people