Archived Massive Texturepack

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The world cannot live without love.
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
US, California
What blocks would you like to see textured or re-textured on the massive resource pack?

Personally ,
I see the dark oak planks as too Gothic and would like to see them closer to darkness of the default texture pack.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think granite, andesite, and diorite look too similar to eachother and could probably be utilized better as some sort of pretty marble or something
I'd actually like to see animals retextured. They look too freaky. For blocks in general, I guess if they were more differentiated from each other.
never liked the armor, just always thought it didn't work for roleplay
the cobblestone is really lacking. Take a look at this building. Now that's some old cobble.

Sorry I was focusing on the vines. The cobble is in the lower left corner!
lol, this was a little unrelated but in my texturing days I made a shield model that made it look like a captain America shield and I saw these violet guards chase criminals across the city with captain America shields
I think the Armor should be re-done, but eh, thats my thought
furnace: a stone or cobblestone version would blend better with those blocks.
dispenser+dropper: a stone colored version would provide variation to the stone tile.
daylight detector: it doesn't fit anything. The bottom tile could be used for ceilings and blend with other blocks.
Crafting table: the bottom tile is useless, it could be used for ceilings and blend with other blocks.

Paintings: why the hell do we have two identical paintings? that is a waste.
The Red wool is kind of orange-y as it is now, maybe a more reddish shade would be nice.
I wouldn't mind the textures having a darker feel to them as a whole. Maybe less rounded-looking textures and more sharp feeling ones. I personally like the Conquest texture pack, which I know Massive's is partially based on, and I think the darker look and feel fits with massive more, imo.
In the vein of the Conquest discussion, re implementing some of Conquest's metadata features and connected textures would be nice for builders. Being able to set certain cobbles to say, have a large crack in them. Or, different designed iron bars for fencing. They would still look good to people without it- it would look like it does now basically- but for the people using the pack, it would add another layer of MMMMYAS to the server.

EDIT: Also yes, we need more paintings if thats even possible
I wouldn't mind the textures having a darker feel to them as a whole. Maybe less rounded-looking textures and more sharp feeling ones. I personally like the Conquest texture pack, which I know Massive's is partially based on, and I think the darker look and feel fits with massive more, imo.

I think the idea of having 3 different tones of texture packs would be nice. For example, a light toned texturepack, a normal toned, and a dark toned texturepack
I think the idea of having 3 different tones of texture packs would be nice. For example, a light toned texturepack, a normal toned, and a dark toned texturepack
Personally I think the tone is fine as is for now. The only blocks I dont really like are the Dark Oak Planks and the Birch Planks. Dark Oak feels TOO dark and too.... rich. Considering 90% of the builds on the server that will use it, IE interiors, are houses and its too dark for the inside of anything but a haunted manor, its a bit jarring.

Maybe if it was slightly lighter and had more texture to it... feels too smooth atm...

But sorry tangent over- dividing things into three versions triples the work staff have to do to update the pack every minecraft update, and some things wont look good say, if built in light when viewed in dark, etc. So sadly I dont think its really feasible.
One thing i would like is if there was a version of the massive texturepack that had vanilla hotbar and inventory. One reason i dont use it other then when im taking pictures is cuz i cant figure out what items are what.