Archived Massive Restore For The Rift.

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Well as the title says. Lets enable Massive restore for the Rift.

Since the core intention of the rift is harvesting resources, why not make that source infinite?
Right now it is becomming inceasingly to near impossible to collect desired items. Mainly conserning quartz.
By allowing a full reset of the worlds resources every week or two we can greatly increase the ammount of quartz that can be harvested. Not to mention the other available resources such as blaze rods and Netherwart.

- More harvestable Rift resources.
- More beautifull creations around the world made of quartz (yes it is a very usefull block to work with)

- Quartz and resources harvested in the Rift loose value.

If you can find more pro's or con's feel free to explain in the comments.

Important note!

If this is not possible with the Rift due to no existing backup then please let a new Rift be generated with nessesairy similarities to the current one. And ofcource with restore enabled.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm not sure but I think it already has a system like this in place but don't quote me on it. Plus getting your excavation up you can find quartz while .. excavating.
The rift is so griefed its not even worth going there, as there are so many holes that will kill you
Yeah, I seem to recall it being said that the rift resets every three months, or something along those lines.
Yeah, I seem to recall it being said that the rift resets every three months, or something along those lines.
I am 97% sure it doesn't reset, as I've had a portal to a blaze spawner that has not been removed for nearly the entire time the rift has been out.
massive restore seems like a good idea for the rift. people go there for quartz, but there is barly any left (exept on the celing) and all the holes there are just a pain in the butt to go around or over. +1 support on activating massive restore in the rift.

massive restore seems like a good idea for the rift. people go there for quartz, but there is barly any left (exept on the celing) and all the holes there are just a pain in the butt to go around or over. +1 support on activating massive restore in the rift.


I think it restores like once a year, if even that

But as of current the area is so stripmined its almost useless
massive restore seems like a good idea for the rift. people go there for quartz, but there is barly any left (exept on the celing)

that is wrong, i recently went in the nether and came out with 6-7 stacks of nether quartz ore. you just have to travel a litle bit further away from spawn and look at the right places.
At my blaze spawners there is a huge amount of easily obtainable quartz and glowstone and mine aren't even that far in. You're just not looking hard enough there is no need to put Massiverestore into effect. Just put on fireimmune and flylava and search more than 100 blocks in.
The one problem I can foresee with this is that MassiveRestore requires a copy of the original world file to function. Unless the staff have one of those they won't be able to implement MassiveRestore in the Rift.
The one problem I can foresee with this is that MassiveRestore requires a copy of the original world file to function. Unless the staff have one of those they won't be able to implement MassiveRestore in the Rift.

You might want to read the intro to this subject again. :P

I am not sure if the Nether already has a reset function. If anyone could confirm this it would be much appresiated.

For the case if it isn't...

Resources will start to run out eventualy. No matter how far you look.
Having a fresh copy would make it alot easier to find and get to the resources needed. Ofcource you still have to climbup to the quartz... But you don't need to travel thousands of blocks before finding a patch of quartz on the surface anymore. In all hounesty... I liked Kelmoria a little more for mining quartz. But that would be overkill with all the other ores...

Still... Thanku for the support so far.
Yes, this is a good idea ONLY if factions can claim in the Rift the protect portals for access, otherwise each reset is going to be a "premium PvPers kill everything that tries to get into the Rift" event.
Good idea!

Love it. I have been to the rift many times and out far enough to only find devistation and hell (hihi) in there.

Ima just tag some people. @Madus @Cayorion
I voted yes, but I want to partially retract that statement. From an economics stand point reseting just for the quartz is plain dumb. Finite resources are what drive economy. However from what i read in the small tech updates. Massive restore can now adjust mineral deposits.

So in conclusion my support is conditional. If they limit quartz and glowstone deposits every reset then I would give it +1
The Rift is a horrible place, it just doesn't go well with the rest of the worlds having amazing landscapes and variety. The Rift is just an overly griefed vanilla nether.

I wish there'd be a whole new nether world with Massiverestore, claim rights and pre-made (dakkar?) structures. These could also replace the boring old nether fortress as a source of nether bricks and blaze spawners etc.
The Rift is a horrible place, it just doesn't go well with the rest of the worlds having amazing landscapes and variety. The Rift is just an overly griefed vanilla nether.

I wish there'd be a whole new nether world with Massiverestore, claim rights and pre-made (dakkar?) structures. These could also replace the boring old nether fortress as a source of nether bricks and blaze spawners etc.

Upon listening to the requests for a new world containing nether quartz and other valuable materials, a new resource world has been created! At the request of the players, we spent time building a new world so that they would be satisfied. The portal to the new world is located in the Regalian Park.

The world will have claiming disabled, and it is only a temporary resource world, meaning that it will be removed eventually. It can be removed at any time without warning so do not store valuables or build here. Also, the expected life time of this world is one to two months, so do not plan to stay here for long. Explore it at your own risk!

The world has over stayed 10 months according to the original post.
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Yes, it is time for this guys.

Sorry - I know some of you have builds in the rift... but the indication from the staff has always been that the rift is, and I quote, "only a temporary resource world". If you've gone and made infrastructure there , sucks to be you and you probably should have seen it coming.

I do however, concede that claiming in the rift might now be advantageous... now that MassiveRestore is on the table. When the rift was first introduced, MassiveRestore didn't exist.

It is entirely possible that the staff have something a little cooler planned for the rift once Jorrhildr is complete. They're clever like that. Just when you think you've seen everything, they blow your mind with something cooler. Any hints @MonMarty ?