Archived Massive Mobs' Special Drops

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Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Off the Grid
Insidian Supremacy
So, I'm not exactly sure if this is a work in progress or has already been presented as an idea, but anyways...

Most of us get the occasional lored massive mob drop, like the "Broken Bone", but in all seriousness, who's gonna buy one of those off you? I mean sure, they might be sort of cool to collect, but what's the actual use of them, the market for them has to be small considering how we can just go out an kill some of the mobs in hopes of that chance of receiving the item that's going to stay in a chest for the rest of eternity until a practical use of the item appears. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the current uses for a massive mob's special drop is: selling to other players and storing inside a container until someone takes it for themselves or you eventually decide to sell it(Yes, I know that burning the items for 'lols' might be considered a use, but in all seriousness).

Now, my idea as a whole, is to add a custom crafting system to these massive mob special drops. I don't have a clue what special things could be crafted out of the drops, and honestly if anyone has some ideas feel free to share them alongside your comments. Though, if just crafting them into items sounds boring and maybe useless, then may be the more complex route could be taken that might take some coding; use the special drops to enhance specific enchants. The enchantment enhancement route might even ensure a stable market for the items, though I must say: spending 1-3 pieces of Lapis Lazulli isn't too hard nor costly.

To further expand upon the enchantment enhancement side of the idea, of putting an actual use to the special drops of the massive mobs that now inhabit most of the worlds(if not all), it'd have to be rather expensive of a crafting recipe(basically place the items around the tool/weapon of choice in a crafting table to do it) though not too expensive to discourage people from the option and using an enchantment table in hopes that it actually allows them to get the enchantment they need/want.

Of course, there's an even easier way to do this, and it basically combines both the enchantment enhancement side of the overall idea and the crafting into custom items side of the overall idea. Craft the special drops in a certain way/pattern that the result would end up as an enchanted book that could be applied to a weapon. Now, maybe not as useful sounding, though if the enchants were special like "Fire Aspect III" maybe it'd be worth our time to go out and collect those drops needed to craft that special book.

On a side note, this Idea originally sprouted from my idea of using special event/festival items to craft something even better/rarer than the items used to create it. Just another random idea to place inside of this thread, though my time might be better spent making a different thread to address that idea.

I welcome your criticism as well as additional thoughts that could be part of this idea, just be a bit constructive about your criticism. Also, like I stated earlier in this long long idea, feel free to add ideas as to what could be crafted from the special drops.
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A neat idea, but very complex. Would be far simpler if for instance Massive Mob drops could be traded in at bulk based on their rarity tiers for some more marketable lore item reward / unique player recognition at a festival booth with NPC hunters/collectors. Then you still have motivation to rack up these drops and helps their market value while not being an overly complex solution.
Broken Bone - you could make Skeleton Armor out of it, which would be pieces of a skeleton that could then be placed on an armor stand without losing the appearance. Not useful per say, but interesting. And it could be WORN as armor, but with a really low durability - so really, just as decorative armor.
A neat idea, but very complex. Would be far simpler if for instance Massive Mob drops could be traded in at bulk based on their rarity tiers for some more marketable lore item reward / unique player recognition at a festival booth with NPC hunters/collectors. Then you still have motivation to rack up these drops and helps their market value while not being an overly complex solution.

Unfortunately I don't believe this is possible. Lore items cannot be traded back in quests like regular items can (at least from my experience working with Quests). This is due to the way the unique ID codes for items work.
Unfortunately I don't believe this is possible. Lore items cannot be traded back in quests like regular items can (at least from my experience working with Quests). This is due to the way the unique ID codes for items work.
Luckily that's just an additional Idea, right? Or is the whole Idea including the enchantment enhancements and custom crafting a bust? I mean, I've seen some similar things to the enchantment enhancement done as well as the custom crafting using the custom items.
Luckily that's just an additional Idea, right? Or is the whole Idea including the enchantment enhancements and custom crafting a bust? I mean, I've seen some similar things to the enchantment enhancement done as well as the custom crafting using the custom items.

I was merely responding to that particular comment as it was suggesting using an NPC to trade in lore items which would involve quest work most likely. And from my experience in the department, that has not been able to work in the past. I'm not tech staff so I have no grounds to say what can or cannot be done regarding coding for anything though.
Broken Bone - you could make Skeleton Armor out of it, which would be pieces of a skeleton that could then be placed on an armor stand without losing the appearance. Not useful per say, but interesting. And it could be WORN as armor, but with a really low durability - so really, just as decorative armor.
That could even be used in RP. I know Crelins use bones, why wouldn't they wear a few, tied together with old rope?
Broken Bone - you could make Skeleton Armor out of it, which would be pieces of a skeleton that could then be placed on an armor stand without losing the appearance. Not useful per say, but interesting. And it could be WORN as armor, but with a really low durability - so really, just as decorative armor.

Yes that is an excellent suggestion, if it were not for your saying I would've done so myself.
Broken Bone - you could make Skeleton Armor out of it, which would be pieces of a skeleton that could then be placed on an armor stand without losing the appearance. Not useful per say, but interesting. And it could be WORN as armor, but with a really low durability - so really, just as decorative armor.
Or it could just be a quest where you find regular bones. Either way, it could just be a leather chestplate died a grey-ish white, called "Crude Bone Armor" or something.
Not to Necro(I think that's what people are starting to call this sort of thing, correct me if I'm wrong though.):

I have a bit too many "Egg Sack"s, "Rusted Blade"s, and "Cave Spider Venom"s filling up my chests. It'd be nice to at least have some sort of use for them. I mean seriously, I'm not gonna start using a stone sword just because it's a lored item that doesn't have any special properties, nor am I going to drink the spider venom or brew it into a splash potion since that gets rid of the name & lore and the potion doesn't even have extended effects. As for the snowballs lored and named to be "Egg Sack"s which are "A large ball of silk with baby spiders ready to hatch inside", at least let us craft 9 or so of those into a spider spawn egg. I mean, I can't see a real use for a spider spawn egg, but it's a logical thing to make from "Egg Sack"s, right? As for the other two items' possible crafting possibilities, maybe allow the two to be crafted together in some sort of pattern for a blade that causes the poison effect some % of the time when used.