Massive Armour Removal : Refunds Are Not Enough

What should the refund be?

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Apr 7, 2013
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Since massive armour came out i payed on average of 15 silver apiece on this amour.
FhFdoom spent 25-20 silver apiece.
most of my frinds payed an average of 17 silver apiece.
This refund is NOT ENOUGH, i cannot express this more.
I will not accept this amount of money i want my monies worth back.
Sorry is this sounds like a complaint because IT IS.
Bumping the refunding price to 15 is fair in all certainty, please take this into account.
with best of love
Be glad we're getting anything, considering how OP these armors are.

What you lost due to trading among players is not a concern of the server.
It's how much armor there is in the MassiveCraft Server is the problem. It could have been more if there was less pieces of armor on the Server
As Silver said, Buyer's remorse.

We are not responsible for what you spend your money on. Additionally, we could have chosen not to refund you at all. Cayorion spent time out of his scedule to code a plugin that specifically refunds massive armor pieces from scratch.
As Silver said, Buyer's remorse.

We are not responsible for what you spend your money on. Additionally, we could have chosen not to refund you at all. Cayorion spent time out of his scedule to code a plugin that specifically refunds massive armor pieces from scratch.

Fine seeing as i cant do anything about it -.-, in'll just have to deal with it :P
Well this is like an incident in tf2 when I sold something worth 3 dollars for only 30 cents, thanks to me derping up typing in the price. I can't really ask for a refund, because the person already got the item, spend their money, and now it is entirely gone from my potential reach. I can't really agree with silver enough on this one.
I got a full set of massive armor for free. 1 piece from voting, two gifted, and I traded another piece I got from voting for the last one I needed. I have no buyer's remorse, because I was patient and didn't jump to buy any pieces when I knew there was a huge change of the armor just being flat-out removed.

It was very nice of Cayorion to take the time to code that plugin so we could receive anything. Be happy the armor just didn't vanish into thin air.
You *could* have gotten all of the armor for free, Cay put his time into coding the 10s return, you should just accept that instead of no return.
This is one of those reasons why I want a "Get off the forums" rate...
People complaining about a graciously given gift being taken away and replaced with something as good.
SHAME on you.
Your answer is very uneducated, the server is about THE PLAYERS, now i dont want to hear from you.
Indeed the server /is/ about players. In fact I cannot agree enough that the server is about players. However because it's about players, much of the server other than the server structure is based around player opinion/actions.

The economy on Massivecraft is influenced by players. Prices are raised and lowered based on what players believe something is worth. People sold Massive Armor for what they did because they believed it was worth the price they bought/sold it for, not a server-wide constant that was laid down my administration.
As Silver said, Buyer's remorse.

We are not responsible for what you spend your money on. Additionally, we could have chosen not to refund you at all. Cayorion spent time out of his scedule to code a plugin that specifically refunds massive armor pieces from scratch.
can you explain how the refund thing works? I'm curious.
Okay, I have three things to say.

First: How the heck did you not see this coming? There were like a DOZEN threads on the Massivecraft forums complaining about this, most of them had a relatively large amount of forum members supporting it.

Second: As said before, the staff could have simply removed all of the armor without paying you guys. Count yourself lucky that this refund system even exists.

Third: Feel free to prove me wrong if what I'm saying is complete BS, but to me it looks like the staff are killing two birds with one stone in this one. First off, they're obviously removing Massive Armor, but there's also the economy you have to consider. Recently there's been a few threads complaining about the Massivecraft Economy, about how much a single silver buys. Well, with this new refund system the staff are basically adding a few thousand silver into the economy, lowering the overall value of silver and overall driving up how much things cost.

Those are my two cents.
Fine seeing as i cant do anything about it -.-, in'll just have to deal with it :P
Well if they dont do anything to nerf axes then there will become less peices of armour :D
Your answer is very uneducated, the server is about THE PLAYERS, now i dont want to hear from you.
Excuse my language, but people exactly like you piss me off. Yes, they shouldn't have implemented Massive Armour in the first place as it would turn into anger, especially if they left it out there for too long. But your post so far in this thread are nothing but stupid, offensive and pathetic.

What you are trying to do, I believe on this thread, is get the attention of staff and PERSUADE them into refunding you more money. Congratulations, you got attention well, but you then slapped everyone in the face by demanding and insulting others who ACTUALLY SPENT their time to even respond to your rude responses.

Finally realising you were hated in a matter of hours, you failed to turn the subject by somewhat backing out AND then talking about another complaint you had ....

I'm sorry but please ...

  1. I find it quite dumb to buy something you had the chance of getting for free.
  2. If you had gotten it for free, by voting, you could have actually made a profit by getting the refund of 10 silver.
So... by that reasoning, had you just been patient and kept on voting, you might have actually made some money, instead of losing some. As many before me have said, your lucky you even got a refund. pokyug

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