Preserved Sheet Martial Le Seur

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Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Martial Le Seur

Basic Information

Full Name: Martial Rene Le Seur

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Ithanian Ailor

Languages: D'Ithanian, Common

Main Ambition: A sense of security and happiness in his new home, Regalia. He simply wishes to come to Regalia and live the rest of his life in peace (to a certain degree).

Special Permission: Nobility

Visual Information

Eye Color
: Hunter Green

Hair Color: Chocolate

Hairstyle: Messy but seemingly straightened

Skin Color: Medium

Clothing: White shirt, short woolly cape, light brown pants, fancy brown shoes

Height: 5'8

Weight: 161 pounds

Body Build: Fit and relatively muscular

Weapon of Choice: Sabre, longbow

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

Polite: Martial is naturally polite and kind when meeting new people. This helps with setting good impressions on new people. He takes after his mother in this trait because she was always kindhearted and well mannered. Even if he meets a rude individual, he will still attempt to be cheerful and cordial.

Indecisive: When given vital decisions to make, Martial usually takes a good amount of time to make a decision. This leaves him frustrated and angry. He developed this trait because he was rarely faced with large decisions throughout his life. He often leaves some decisions to his most trusted friends/family.

Comforting: Martial is very comforting when friends and family are in distress. This trait strengthens his bonds with people. He developed this trait after comforting his mother countless times in his early life. He will sometimes conceal his own pain to keep others from experiencing heartache.

Forgetful: Martial doesn't have a very strong memory. This makes him tend to forget certain people he meets and also forget certain things he has been told. This is why he tries his hardest to remember things important to himself.

Accepting: Martial is not one to judge someone based on appearance or behavior. Another aspect of this trait is that he doesn't take verbal insults harshly. He has gotten this trait from meeting a variety of people throughout his life. This trait has gained him a lot of respect among people he meets. This trait will be set aside if he is treated very poorly.

Gullible: Because he is not used to being fed lies, Martial is quite gullible. This trait has slowly developed as Martial has always been upright to. This characteristic can potentially lead him into dangerous situations. Martial can only detect lies if they are obviously deception.


Charismatic: Martial is talented at setting good impressions on new individuals he meets. This is because of his strong charisma. This trait derives from Martial greeting many people and slowly picking up tips and learning how to set a good impression.

Down to Earth: Martial is very in touch with himself. He is not concealed with his feelings. When he says he will be there for you, he will be there for you. Martial is also not one to falsely uphold a friendship. He is a very honest, caring person. This strength stemmed from Martial never wishing to make the relationship between his mother and him too complicated.

Quick Feet: Martial has light feet and can quickly re position himself and move around. This assists him in combat. He can occasionally hit enemies from the side because of this strength. This strength comes from Martial always having to run errands for his ill mother. During there runs for errands, he would have to travel through crowded streets, evading street-goers by moving side to side.


Quick Temper: Martial has a quick temper. If someone deceives him, he becomes a bit angry ones he figures he has been tricked. This is because he usually invests too much trust into each person. This weakness began to show when Marital got older because the lies began to get bigger.

Overprotective: Martial has a massive amount of love for his family and cherishes them greatly. Sadly, sometimes this leads to him excessively protecting them and guarding them. This is mostly for his twin cousins, who he spends a lot of time with. This trait comes from Martial's gratefulness that his cousins let him join them in Regalia, making his life much better.

Martial will occasionally get distracted if he is deeply uninterested. He is often found in a world of his own, drifting away from reality. This does not help in certain social situations. He has acquired this weakness from always finding "other things" more interesting.

Vision: Martial does not have completely perfect eye vision. This begin to show when he was about 10 years old. This makes him lack judgement in combat. He could potentially wear glasses, but he chooses not to.



Justice: Martial has a large amount of respect for people associated with the law and eventually would like to join them.

Nature: Martial has always been fond of nature and frequently gets caught up admiring it. He often will be found distracted by nature.

His cousins: As you may imagine, Martial loves his cousins. But Martial truly cherishes his cousins because they have accepted him and allowed him to fit into their life so easily. Martial has a lot of respect for his cousins.


Samuel Le Seur: Everyone knows Samuel Le Seur as Roman Le Seur's son and most people may even believe Samuel Le Seur is an only child. Martial Le Seur has gotten little recognition and envies his brother for the amount of fame he receives.

Wine: The Le Seurs are known for their fantastic wine. Ironically, Martial hates wine. He strongly dislikes the taste of it, although he will still promote it to others.

Ur: Martial believes that Ur are simply disgusting. He thinks of them as wild animals, and for this he is a bit racist.

Life Story

Childhood (Age 1-12): Martial was born on September 26, 283. In Martial's very early life, he rarely saw his father, Roman. When Martial was about 7, he began to see his father more and more frequently. Martial's father taught him how to use a bow. It seemed like Martial and Roman were forming a strong relationship before Roman disappeared one night when Martial was 10. This left Martial heart-broken but that feeling slowly turned to hatred. He told himself that if his father ever came back he wouldn't treat him the same. He Martial was left alone to be with his mother. Martial and his mother developed a tight bond. His mother began to fall sick many times and Martial would have to always be there with her.

Adolescence (Age 13-17): Martial decided to start an apprenticeship as a blacksmith. He was amazing by the weapons and tools forged by the blacksmith. He made good friends with the blacksmith and his son. Soon after, though, the blacksmith and his son left Ithania. They put the forge up for sale. A bad-tempered, ill-manned widower bought it. The man was extremely rude to Martial. Martial now had no apprenticeship. Martial then decided to join a military school. He joined Lycée de la Rousette for 3 years before leaving to prepare to travel out of Ithania. During his time at military school, he developed his combat style. Martial fights very defensively, waiting for his opponent to tire out before dealing heavy strikes.

Adulthood (Age 18-21): When Martial turned 18 he got news of his father's death. Roman went out hunting, slipped into a lake, and supposedly drowned. At first he was still rather angry with his father, so he cared very little. A few months had passed before Martial began to remember all of his childhood memories, especially with Roman. When he looks back on these memories, he begins to feel slightly depressed, and actually miss his father.

Martial and his mother now had no friends or family left for them. Around this time Martial began to get back into contact with his cousins. He felt close to his cousins because they were his only family that kept in contact with him. Martial loved each one of them dearly and began to want to see them again. They spoke highly of Regalia. Martial talked with his mother and they agreed a move to Regalia would be for the best. They packed their things and traveled to Regalia, where they now reside.
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Just a piece of advice, you need a combat strength and weakness.
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Added a combat strength and weakness in blue.
I will be peer reviewing this application!
Personality Traits
  • You've got a fantastic start here, but for extra detail (and a bit of fun - if you like writing), I recommend you add one sentence to each of your traits.
  • Firstly, I recommend you add at least one sentence to each of your strengths, just to expand on Martial's character even more.
  • 'First impressions' isn't a strength, it's sort of a branching off characteristic from charismatic. However, I'd like to also add that this is a shaky strength to begin with. You can't really go out and say that your character is good at first impressions, as you don't know what other characters think of Martial when they first meet him. I personally recommend that you switch this out for 'charismatic.'
  • The strength 'good with relationships' is really unnecessary, given that you already mention he is polite and comforting in his personality traits. For ease of reading, I recommend you remove this.
  • Great start on these, all I'd say is just add another sentence of detail to each weakness.
  • You mention in Martial's life story that he has attended Lycée de la Rousette. However, there seems to be a lack of information on Martial's combat abilities. I strongly recommend that you add a combat skills/style paragraph, for extra expansion (and extra fun) to be added to this character.
Great start! Shoot me a tag if you want another look-over.
  • Removed strength "Good with Relationships."
  • Changed "First Impressions" to "Charismatic."
  • Added on to strengths.
  • Added on to weaknesses.
  • Added about Martial's combat style in the life story.


Nice work! The only thing that I would recommend is adding more detail about his vision weakness. Is he cross-eyed? Does he need glasses? What exactly is the issue with his vision?

Overall, you've done some good work here.
I am reviewing this sheet!

Remove naive and replace it with different personality/mental weakness. Naive is so rarely played upon it's a copout.

Tag me when you're done

Review In-Progress!