Archived Marriage Plugin...but Not What You Think

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The Pugtato
Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
Marriage Marriage...the most enjoyable think in life...but anyways from the title, I think that marriage should be added to massivecraft, but not what you think. I have seen a plugin where you have to get a ring by crafting it, and you get to pick your gender by doing /male or /female. And they also have it where to propose you do /propose (player name) with the ring in your hand near them and they get the choice of selecting /yes or /no to accept or decline. If accepted it would broadcast on the universe saying "Gogreygo and MinecraftGirl are getting married, send them good vibes at their wedding" And mods would have to get them together and do /marry (Male Player) (Female Player) and once married, they could live happily ever after (unless one does /divorce to get a mod to divorce them)
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I could easily see bad players coming to wreck the wedding. When things are broadcasted in the universe, how do you solve the problem of the party being crashed?
I'm sorry, but I COMPLETELY expected this plugin idea to be coming from you.
This is actually the best marriage plugin I've heard of!
And would you mind posting the link to this marriage plugin? If not, then this suggestion will probably be void as I don't think Cayorion wants to take his time making a plugin for something that we don't really need it for.
I don't like it. I think marriage should stay the way it is.
Plus, you say a mod has to preside over the ceremony, so now the mods will have to do more work.
No, I don't think this should be implemented.
Because I have not given real feedback yet...
I do not like this idea.
I currently like how it is used now, as then Mods won't have to do YET more work, and as is, current marriage is a much better usage.
The players have to do the wedding, the roleplay, they need to find the "Priest"...
A small bit like real life, it adds a decent effect to it.
I could easily see bad players coming to wreck the wedding. When things are broadcasted in the universe, how do you solve the problem of the party being crashed?

I'm I the only one that is a bit sad that there are now people that have never heard of the huge wedding Valyria crashed... Makes me feel old. :P
Supported! i think its a great idea and will enhance the RP of the server... however maybe not haveing to have a mod look over the cerimony but give any person the right to preform the marry command

And would you mind posting the link to this marriage plugin? If not, then this suggestion will probably be void as I don't think Cayorion wants to take his time making a plugin for something that we don't really need it for.
and as for you imboring, i think that cayorion would be able to code a lick this in about 2-3 min tops.
It has been turned down COUNTLESS times before, for the simple fact that you RP a marrage, and also, what if your character has more than one wife? (aka Blake) Its not really needed either. Theres nothing really RP-y about a world wide broad cast for a marrage, especially when some marrages are kept a secret in RP, like a noble marrying a pleb, or kidnapping a woman and forcing them to marry you at sword point, as the rest of the people who deffinately are not vampires and did not help me-SOMEONE, someone, kidnap said Athena Lov-STRANGER and live happily ever after eating children and slaughtering the innocent.
I am STRONGLY against this idea.
( robbiey3 Id probably throw up, and cut off my testicles, the only benefit to that scenario would be the fact that the kids would have beautiful hair from their parents.)

Waste of man hours, not necessary. RP it out.
Dude... What about gay couples...

On a serious note: This seems effort that isn't really needed.
Now now guys, calm yourself down. I will post the link here. And also this plugin only broadcasts the wedding alert to admins and mods. On the server I saw it on, only donators and admins could priest weddings, and also you couldn't be gay and couldn't have more than one wife/husband. And out of rp, you gain benifets as in when your by your wife/husbands side, you get regeneration, and you can share food by eating food, and it splits the hunger points with them.

Now now guys, calm yourself down. I will post the link here. And also this plugin only broadcasts the wedding alert to admins and mods. On the server I saw it on, only donators and admins could priest weddings, and also you couldn't be gay and couldn't have more than one wife/husband. And out of rp, you gain benifets as in when your by your wife/husbands side, you get regeneration, and you can share food by eating food, and it splits the hunger points with them.


You can't be gay? That alone cuts out a portion of the population and creates a divide that isn't all that fair. The only thing I could see being nice is the benefit you get from being by your partners side, but even then I still don't agree with dividing the population up like that.

Sorry, but I don't support this.
HEY...well I dont see alot of gay couples on massivecraft, god.
Like what spartan said, didn't think you would necro your own thread, but it's quite evident of gay couples on Massivecraft...
Some of the most well known characters are Gay or Bisexual, and just allowing it IG would SOMEWHAT be like medieval times, just depending upon Regalia's culture.
It also appears you are freaking out by being like "ohgawd geezus none exist" when they are pointing something out that is VERY much productive to if for some reason this were to be added.
HEY...well I dont see alot of gay couples on massivecraft, god.

You don't see a lot of gay couples because you never look up from harassing the next girl at the tavern to notice other people being interested in people who aren't you.

I do not agree with this idea, as I feel it would be abused and would only create another work load for the moderators. Just roleplay it out.
No, I don't support this. Mods have enough on their plate without having to marry people left and right. Besides, like someone already said, some people don't want their marriage broadcasted to the whole server. Marriage should stay as it is, with no plugins involved.
HEY...well I dont see alot of gay couples on massivecraft, god.

Massive has quite a significant lgbt populous, though since its medieval rp, homosexual relations is rp'ed on a down low since it was not acceptable to be anything but heterosexual in those times. (so same sex relations still happen, secret marriages/relationships etc.)
HEY...well I dont see alot of gay couples on massivecraft, god.

To be quite honest, I haven't seen much of you on Massive, RP wise. Get out more and maybe, I don't know, take a look at the tavern? The church? Other popular and populated areas? Not only that, read through some of the character introductions. There are plenty of homosexual/bisexual characters. Read more before you post something that could very easily offend others.
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