Preserved Sheet Marko Edisin

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Right Proper Bastard
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Marko Edisin
  • Nickname(s): Marked
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Exeiiya Cielothar
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Sorcery/Element Control 5

1 to 10 Regals. A patchwork doll. A kitchen knife.

Skill Information
  • Sorcery: 15 (+15 Points)
  • Needlwork Art: 2 (+2 Points)
  • Hunting Art: 5 (+5 Hobby Points)
  • Gardening Art: 5 (+5 Hobby Points)
  • Fist Combat: 6 (+6 Points)
  • Arcanology: 3 (+3 Points)
  • Roguery: 9 (+9 Points)
  • Husbandry Art: 5 (+5 Points)
  • Unspent: 10 (+10 Points)

Body Shape

Physical Stat: 6 (Fist Combat +6)
Body Shape: Slim
Body Fat: Low

  • Common (Learned during Childhood)

Visual Information:

Eye Color: Right Dark Green/Left Missing

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Messy and Unkempt (Sometimes there are leaves and twigs in it)

Skin Color: Light Tan with various scars running across it

Height: 5'2"

Mutations: Fleshy tail and blackened claws.


Alignment: True Neutral
Personality Type: Entertainer
Religion: Void (5/10)

  • Blood
  • Meat
  • Dark and Small Spaces
  • Dolls

  • Insults to 'Mother'
  • Large Crowds
  • Bright Light

  • Racials:
    • Age Control 1
    • Spirit Familiar 2
    • Element Control 2
    • Empath Sense 6
    • Spirit Curse 1
    • Vile Vine 1
    • Home Enchant 6
  • Sorcery (V0id):
    • Sorcery: Darkness 3
    • Sorcery: True Path 1
    • Sorcery: Element Control 4
    • Sorcery: Element Control 5
    • Sorcery: Super Self 1
  • Roguery:
    • Rogue Gift 4
    • Rogue Gift 5
    • Wall Climb 3
  • Arcanology:
    • Volacorum Knowledge
Familiar: Black Rat with Red Eyes

Childhood: Marko was born to a family in dire straights. Poor and starving, they made a choice that struck them deeply; to give up their child to an individual who claimed that they would offer them food and money in exchange for their baby. The deal was made and Marko was given to this shadey character in exchange for his parents' own survival. He was raised by a woman who he was told to only call Mama, Mother or Mom. And as far as Marko was aware this was his mother.

He grew up in a hostile environment. Mother worshipped the Void and would occasionally include her new son in these activities, experimenting on him and using him for ritualistic purposes. As he grew up his body was slowly covered in scars, stitches and strange mutations. But he didn't mind... Mother told him it was good. Marko wanted Mother to be happy.

In his free time without Mother, Marko liked to draw. And he even tried stitching like Mother, though he wasn't very good at it he eventually stitched together his own doll from cloth scraps and hay.

Teenage: Marko was introduced to a society that he was not given the name of. But within this society they followed darkness as a way of life and blood as a purpose. Mother had Marko take part in sports most foul. Hunting of people, utilizing his natural ability to track a person by blood to chase them in mazes and forcing him to fight in an arena of sorts. Mother taught him some of her voidal knowledge for him to use in their games, magic of a shady nature. During these 'games', Marko lost his left eye. It made him sad to lose his eye, but Mother told him he was being very good, so he was fine with it. He was taught to track and hunt, to be a beast in their blood sports. Though eventually this all ended, everything ablaze one night and metal clad figures stormed the societies hiding place. Everyone ran away, so Marko did too. He was too fast for the metal men to catch so he ended up getting away. Now he wanders a new place, the city of Regalia. Sticking to less populated areas and hiding in the dark.

Young Adulthood: Just started.
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