Archived Marking Faction-hoppers And Stealers

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Faction owners, we have all been there. We invite someone to our faction, and they steal. And they steal some more. Then, they leave. Some faction members grief. 'X player steal and griefs. Don't recruit him," we cry. But they still get recruited.

This is frustrating. You warn their new leader, but they never liston. I know we could shrug our shoulders, but I don't think we should have to.

I say that we should be able to report these player. They will not get banned. They won't be kicked or muted. No. Instead, they will have a red star by their name in the /seen menu. This will last for several months. If it is reported again, it s renewed. After about 3-6 months, the mark is removed.

You would need to take a screen shot and post it on the forums. The staff in game would then do /mark (player name). And then, future factions will have a good warning. If they ignore all warnings, then it's their fault.

Faction owners, we have all been here. If you haven't, you will eventually. We want our faction to be safe. And someone who steals is a bad way to do this.

But wait, there is more. Faction hoppers are annoying. What if you could only join a few factions in a short time period? If you join more then that number of factions, you can be reported and then marked.

This is just a suggestion. Please don't just dislike this because you are a faction hopper or thief. If you truly hate this idea, tell me why. But I'm sure those of you who have been there will love this.

Just a suggestion...
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Hey there. This seems like a good idea, but I have heard one sentence around that really bothers me: "If you have open chests in your faction, it's your problem if you got stolen."

I have heard it all over the server, mainly during the change from deadbolt to LWC. While this is true, it's bad for players that do no harm to the community. Having public areas is one thing I like in factions(like farms, animal pens, and faction vaults). Privating everything and leaving new members with little to no access to stuff is one of the main causes they quit after being arounf for only a little.

You can say something like this: "But you must be careful while recruiting. Also, you can't really trust everyone."

Recruiting is harder than it looks. Stealing, killing livestock and other minor offenses aren't considered a big deal by staff, and have no punishment. You can't really know the person you are recruiting, as even if you interview them, they can just simply lie about their past actions.

"I'm a mercenary, and I do it in every faction I'm in to become a popular robber. Deal with it." This is usually one of the answers you get when confronting the person who wronged in your faction. Well, this addition can help them become famous, can't it?

I'd propose something different though. Many players are noobs at the first moment. They only want to enter the server and have fun, leaving the rules for later. In my first week, I had no understanding of the factions plugin whatsoever, and stole from allies chests that were gone for more than 20 days. It wasn't actually a big deal, but I feel ashamed of what I did now.

Maybe instead of a single really scary sign, they can have an orange sign first, maybe for a week or a month. If their actions are wrong again during the time they have the orange sign, they will get the red one for three to six months as you said.

I think this would be a really great addition to the community, as it would make recruiting better, and make the community have a better trust in new players.
When someone griefs my faction, or steals, I make a post on the Player announcements section of the forums. I state their name, and what they have done. If a faction leader wants more info on the matter, they are free to contact me, and I can bring up whatever screenshots I took at the time.
I used to have a list on the old Faction Forums of griefers/stealers with screenshot references for em all, but its only updated to March of last year.
This idea is the **** and I think that faction owners do take the time to report faction hopping though I do not think that faction owners take the time to look at the forums all that much for xxx's name, I do before promoting them Ile do a search but having the star next to their /seen name is a great way to identify robers that have been caught and making it so admins/moderators have to tag them means that they must be pretty notorious to get the star in the first place.
The star would basically mean they are notoriously known on the server, and it might even be worn as a badge of honor and protect faction members at the same time.
The only problem is that there is no voting to it, like a ban/unban. It's simply "X amount of players reported player, now he/she is deemed a griefer/stealer/faction hopper, whether it be true or not" I don't want to have a red X next to my name just because I had a fall out with a former member/leader of a faction, and they now dislike me.

Overall, I'd say decent idea, but poorly thought out execution in the attempt the solve the problem. We already have the text about someone's ban/jails from the /seen. Faction leaders should then take it upon themselves to always check a player's /seen before inviting them to the faction. As well as check the forums for announcements about them posted by people like @Sevrish.
I like the idea but maybe the person has to be reported like 2-3 times and receive warnings of being reported so they have chance to change their ways
When a member goes and griefs or steals, I watch their faction activity for a day or two. I inform any factions they join that they are a known griefer/ stealer, and provide proof if they want it and are on the forums. Other than that, there are always going to be those idiots. Best bet is to prepare and take special precautions to prevent.
This should only apply to faction hoppers that steal, some people need to join multiple factions before finding the right one
I like this in moderation. andrewnicola's orange then red mark are more onto what I think would work.
Perhaps there should actually be a minor rule about it: It's unbannable, but will get you banned from joining factions for 'X amount of time', and you'll also have it in you /seen. (Only if it's proven, of course)

Regardless, I like the idea. Whenever I've tried to create my own faction, i get put-off from recruiting players purely for these reasons. There's not really a deterrent to them doing so, either.

I'm not really for or against this idea, to be honest. I think it could be useful... but then again, it could not be useful.
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