Preserved Sheet Marina Azarinra

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jayp's gayp
Jun 4, 2018
Reaction score
da Kratör
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Marina "Marusya" Talokonskiydom Azarinra Konstantinova.
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor, Woaden. | Vladno.
  • Sexuality: Unexplored.
  • Preferred Weapon: Paired Assena Daggers and an Arcol Recurve Bow.
Skill Information

Total Points: 30 by Age | 10 Talent & 10 Hobby.
  • 10 Dagger Combat | +10 from Points.
  • 10 Light Bow Combat | +5 from Points, +5 Racial Boost.
  • 10 Perception Training | +10 from Points.
  • 10 Stealth Rogue | +10 Talent
  • 10 Drawing Arts | +10 Hobby
  • 5 Bola Combat | +5 from Points.
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 20
  • Body Shape: Athletic.
  • Body Fat: Average.
  • Common | Convenience.
  • Mirnoye | Parental.
  • Etosian | Locale.
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Archblood
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Glowing Violet.
  • Hair Color: Chocolate Brown.
  • Hair Style: Disheveled Bun.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Rugged and roguelike, oft using darker or natural tones to try and blend in with her surroundings.
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Evil
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Logistician
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Undecided | Marina once held a devout belief in the sanctity of the Spirit, and the tenets of Unionism, though following a period shortly after her revival as a Witchblood found her belief waning, if only due to the vile treatment she endured in the earlier years post-'Death' for her eyes. Recent years have seen her willing to embrace the concept of faith again, though a guarded disposition keeps her generally shy of actually doing so.

Life Story
Etosil is a place where many feel dissatisfied. One such example of general unsureness is Marina Konstantinova, daughter of a career conman and his often forgotten wife. As is natural for women of her culture, she is routinely treated poorly, and generally finds her conditions never worth any envy. She inherits a few sleazy tactics from her father, ever avoiding taxes and trouble while simultaneously yoinking everything in sight. This is mostly relevant through her early years, as a quick tongue manages to get her out of quite a few nasty situations.

During her teenage years, her father is arrested for improper conduct involving his latest narcotics scheme, and Marina thieves his gathered wealth to flee Etosil entirely. By the time they get into contact again, Marina's father is surprisingly proud of this action; as his own daughter swindles him better than any other lowborn scoundrel. Her destination is "wherever this boat'll take me", a place that ends up being Waldmark, in the Archipelago. Hardly speaking a lick of common, she's taken in, half-starved, by a single mercenary. Her name is Madde, and it was her own guilt from a life full of sin that influenced her to pluck some voiceless teenager off the roads.

After being taught Common at a remarkably fast rate, Marina is given the option of attending the nearby Linvail Keep; with a warning that she's likely to lose more than she'll gain. Considering how the only influence Marina listened to was her own pockets, she was too blinded by the possibility of coin to heed the words of her friend. Enrolling in Linvail with the last of her father's coin, she's matched with a fledgling band and placed in harsh conditions.

The members of her band become her greatest allies, each just as sneaky and dastardly as her, albeit with their own redeeming traits. Marina feels more at home in the Keep than she ever did in Etosil, regardless of the blood coating the walls. Upon their graduation, the group sticks together, engaging in their first and last mission mere months after: the assassination of a local lord. Marina, though hardly a tactician, concocts their strategy. They slip past estate walls and knock out guards, only to each individually be caught at different points of their plan. By the time Marina's final gambit should've come to place, the entire group is either captured or slain. As the last one standing, Marina can hardly put up a fight before she's pierced in the chest and left for dead.

Yet, unlike her comrades, she does not die.

A month passes. Marina remembers nearly none of it. She's helped by the townsfolk, but the help feels absent. Everything feels absent. The haze lifts one day in spring, only to be replaced with some monstrous rage. She strangles one of the nearby villagers- an aberration. Ashamed of the act, she finishes off the gasping medic before hiding the body. Whilst she leaves, she struggles with the recognition that her once brown eyes had turned a violent lime.

Years pass. Marina's silver tongue erodes, as does her optimism. She struggles past job after job, never working with another band. This quickly fades when her affliction finally gifts her something. Her eyes turn purple in the middle of a job, and when she sleeps the next night she is handed on a silver platter, a purpose.

To serve the Dragons. To fight evil… albeit, that last part was more improvised than spelled out.

Recognizing the Holy City as the place where the Imperial Dragon resides, she hops onto a boat for Regalia. Prepped to fight yet again, but this time, with a reason greater than coin.