Preserved Sheet Marie De Ortiz

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texan (derogatory)
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score


Basic Information.
  • Full Name: Marie de Ortiz.
  • Age: 92.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Half Avanthar Half Altalar, now Al-Url.
  • Main Ambition: To rise above her roots and become a steady figure in this everchanging city.
    • Secondary Ambition: To not be seen as a beast anymore, and to glorify her name even further.

Skill Information.
Proficiencies - 60 Points.
  • +40 Proficiency in Unarmed Fighting (+20 from proficiency points, +20 from Url)
  • +20 Proficiency in Tracking (+20 from Url)
  • +40 in Improvised Weapons. (+40 from proficiency points)
Cultural - 60 Points.
  • +35 Proficiency in Ship Sailing (+30 from proficiency points, +5 from Daendroque Cultural Boost)
  • +10 Proficiency in Dancing (+10 from proficiency points)
  • +20 Proficiency in Poetry (+20 from proficiency points)
  • Daendroque- Illiterate. (14 years around, never learned to write it all.)
  • Lusitsian- Illiterate. (14 years around, never learned to write it at all.)
  • Common- Literate. (Spent 10 years over learning the language and how to write it.)
Visual Information.
  • Eye Color: Dark gray sclera, orange iris with red and yellow colorations.
  • Hair Color: Rust Brown, with chestnut fur expanding to her shoulders.
  • Skin Color: Tanned.
  • Clothing: Marie still covers herself in the appropriate places, but also let's enough space stay for free movement. That is, until she needs to be put in armor.
  • Height: 6'8, or 205.74 centimeters.
  • Body Build: Muscular.
  • Weapon of Choice: Her fists.
Personality and Abilities.
A tad more stoic than your usual stranger, Marie is often regarded as the strong silent type. Most nearly avoided for the sole purpose of having long twisted horns and the head of a bull, she gives off a strong feeling of 'go away' and reclusiveness, even if that is not the case. Marie is not used to this at all, and it greatly affects her emotional state. Strangers rarely approach her staggering figure, and rightfully so. Marie has never been the cuddly type of character, but she hasn't changed all that much from before.

Marie is deeply conflicted about her change from a relatively normal life to that of an Url- Her friends have seem to disappear regardless if they had promised to still love her. It's not like she should care about that, but now she has no one to drink with or talk to. She views the process of change as a challenge that she overcame, and is a tad prideful about it. Her ego has yet to go to her head, but she does generally view herself as a notch above the rest. Her newfound strength and height gives her a further boost in the happiness department where her friends did leave a gaping hole. Marie does, however, keep their insecurities bottled up. While being confident, Marie still can recognize her own faults. She just knows by experience to move past them and become better.

Near Her:
The few who stay by Marie's side through these tumultuous times are almost always rewarded with the loyalty (and piggy back rides for her little klein friends) and might that comes with Marie's newfound strength and stature. She often looks to these friends for advice and comfort when times are tough, but otherwise keeps to herself. Friends can still view Marie from a positive light, while the little family she had ditched her upon sight of it all. It leaves a distasteful impression in Marie's mind, but she has all but shrugged off the need for approval from certain people.

Marie is still very much a chaotic good. She will work in her own way to achieve so called 'justice' in her eyes, either by doing it with the Hightowers or on her lonesome in the slums. She is by every means necessary a vigilante. If it cannot be done by normal people, she will do it herself. This often leads to her getting in to more trouble than she can handle, though, in which case she finds herself overestimating her strength and becoming ashamed. While not truly reckless anymore (Marie almost always comes up with a plan), she still attracts trouble.

World View:
Marie isn't quite a devout unionist, but still worships the Emperor as if he was a god. Marie would follow this Empire to the ends of the Aloria to glorify the Crown City.

  • Edward "Eddie" Estelluanar - @Markisbeest - No longer a man so essential to her life, Marie would like to forget about him.
  • Sophie Perrot - @Patsie - An early friend of Marie's. She's a good drinking bud.
  • Ehrendil - @DrunkFailure - A sad love affair that never went anywhere.
  • Shane Marth - @DolittleGuy - Marie's favorite man to punch
Life Story.
  • The early years of Marie's life were marred with tragedy. From birth, her opportunities were limited. Her mother was a slave, auctioned off during pregnancy, and her father was the auctioneer. Thus, Marie was born on the shores of sunny Daendroc, far away from her ancestral homelands and far away from the hope of freedom.
  • She was raised more like an animal or a machine than a real human being. Her greatest joys were mealtimes, and the occasional romp with other slave children. At the tender age of six, she was put to work sorting, packing, and labeling crates. As monotonous a task as it seemed, it was the little elf's first forray into reading and writing. She enjoyed this relatively privileged position until the age of twelve, when she joined the workforce proper.
  • As soon as Marie seemed relatively able-bodied, she was put to work hauling and loading produce crates onto ships. The work was hard, and the sun was hot, oppressively beating down upon the workers. It was at this point Marie vowed to never live anywhere with such a miserable climate.
  • At sixteen, she was assigned to a new foreman. He was a cruel fellow, with no tolerance for sleepiness, hunger, or the hot struggles of his slaves. He regarded her with suspicion and contempt, frequently talking about the need for the hot-headed, sarcastic girl to be "broken in." After a month of mockery and unkind comments about her half-blind eye, he cornered her and put it out himself. His assumption was that this display would keep her in line. He was wrong.
  • She escaped not two weeks later by packing herself into a crate of oranges. Her closest friend, an older Avanthar slave, helped her execute this feat, knowing fully that he could be killed for doing so. To this day, Marie considers herself to be in his debt.
  • The vessel she was travelling upon was attacked by a small band of pirates. While not the original idea of freedom Marie thought of, she quickly bartered with them for her life. She began to work underneath them and found the pirate life simple and easy.
  • Once her body had developed into more of an adult, Marie used her well worked muscles more and more. She took less care of the ship and began to learn how to fight. Upon reaching a unique form of fighting between Unarmed and Cutlass, Marie received a Shortsword. She adopted it instead, and cut out the Cutlass from her life. She remained practicing the Unarmed style should she find herself without a weapon.
  • At one point, the band of pirates had grown notorious. Their numbers nearly tripled from when Marie joined through her mid thirties. In this time she was exposed to many different ways of fighting, but only adopted a few ideas like a spear and a crossbow. (One of them had stolen it from a Regalian Sailor, but had been unable to use it. They gave it to Marie since "the tanned pointy ears like bows".)
  • After fifty or so years of the pirate life, Marie wanted to quit. She set off from her elderly tutors, and went to Regalia to find a place to teach and to learn.
  • Once Marie arrived in Regalia, she began a fight club in the slums to teach others to defend themselves. She hopes to become a notable figure, and has already taken some steps forward to reach her goal, like joining a charter.
  • Another step toward achieving her goal was to become a powerful beast, otherwise known as an Url. Spurred on by the loss of a hand, Marie made the decision to become one after contemplating. She went through the process peacefully, but her life has been all but that afterwards.
  • A brief stint back home after a trip to Jorrhild cost her soul- Marie was outwitted by a Death Mage and turned into a slave of unholy proportions. Her personality and mind is completely voided.
  • Marie was cured, and now aims to return to Jorrhild.


  • sword flipped correctly.png
    sword flipped correctly.png
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hey can someone say P E E R R E V I E W ?
  • App is great. Mostly just nitpicks.
Source: Years of experience and many tutors. I would place the time at 50 years
  • Firstly, wouldn't 50 years place her at Expert? Secondly, you don't need to say "I would place the time", just say "50 years of experience with many different tutors.
  • What kind?
the hot-headed, sarcastic girl to be "broken in." After a month of mockery and unkind comments about her half-blind eye, he cornered her and put it out himself. His assumption was that this display would keep her in line. He was wrong.
  • What did you mean by "Put it out himself"? I assume he just beat the everliving crap out of her, though did he humiliate her in public? Toss citrus in her eye? Scream a lot?
Again, this app is lovely, just nitpicking here.
It seems my grasp of time is tenuous at best, my apologies @Goldifish

This is quite the pleasant character you're bringing into the city, a character with a good sheet to boot!

@Jonificus I'll be rewriting her personality again, and probably doing a major change for her backstory. Expect the following to change:

  • Marie will probably have a harder time dealing with her anger and be more stubborn than currently written.
  • I'm getting rid of the Ithanian part of her life story. While it was sweet, my original plan was for Marie to travel the world and to try freeing other slaves, but settled in Regalia to hide from the Daendroc law makers.

Marie has become an Url. All changes have been made in the necessary parts.

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