Preserved Sheet Marianne Vauclain

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Marianne Elise Vauclain
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human - Ailor - Alt-Anglian/Ithanian
  • Main Ambition: She wishes for her family to become popular via wine and medicine.
Basic Information Expansion
  • Describe your character's position in Regalia.
    • Marianne came to Regalia a total of ten years ago when she was 19, mainly coming there with her family in hopes of reaching high in nobility as well as selling more and more wine. She also began to show off the want to do more medical and alchemical practices.
  • Describe your character's upbringing.
    • Mari was born into nobility and began to learn the ways of nobility from the moment she was born it seems.
    • She is the eldest of four siblings, her twin is only younger than her by a few minutes, her younger brother is rather close to her, and her youngest sister Julie is someone she enjoys however finds her quite problematic.
  • Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have.
    • She wants her family to be successful in life and wants them to be able to continue to be high nobility.

Skill Information
  • School: Turall Fighting
  • Level: Fighter
  • Source Taught by her family members who attended a Turall school.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Dark Forest Green
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Rather long and curly falling down her back.
  • Skin Color: White - Light Tan
  • Clothing: She is usually found wearing rather comfortable dresses that allows easy movement for her. She also tends to wear something in her hair like some sort of hat or hairpiece.
  • Height: 5'6
  • Body Build: Femmefatale
  • Weapon of Choice: Usually a dagger or any alchemical supplies she can get ahold of.
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Describe the Character's facial features.
    • Marianne has rather defined features, she has a rather rounded oval like face with high cheekbones. Also, she has rather soft looking features very much a motherly look to her but that hides a devious and cunning side that she has.
  • Describe the Character's body.
    • Marianne tends to be one of the shorter ones in the family, however being at 5'6 and at 132 pounds is quite the healthy weight in this time. She also has a rather hourglass figure having been regulated certain meals and such to be made into a women made for marriage deals. However that changed when she became the one to get the matriarchy and family titles.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories.
    • Usually found wearing rather expensive clothing, mainly from the fact that she was born into a wealthy family. She tends to wear silk and comfortable fabrics, wearing her family's color's which is purple, white, and gold.
    • Most of the time, if not she has some sort of hairpiece or jewlery in her hair used to keep her hair out of her face.
  • Describe the character's voice.
    • Mari has a rather soft voice when she speaks in a calm or normal manner however that changes immediately once someone begins to talk to her in a way she doesn't like. In situations where she is annoyed, upset or something like that her voice raises only a little bit and has a sharp snap like a viper.



Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Polite:
    • Marianne was taught as a young child to always be polite to others as part of her mother's training on making her into a lady. As well as to always tell people 'Salut' or 'Bonjour' when greeting them and then always saying please and thank you for certain things. Her mother was very stern with her about always acting like a lady and such, so being polite is a big part of it as well as only being rude in certain situations if need be unfortunately or to lower people such as kleins. So when meeting her don't be surprised by a polite yet friendly greeting from her as well as a kind smile.
  • Motherly:
    • Marianne has a soft spot for young children and people younger than herself causing her to be quite motherly towards them and treats them as her own. She always ends up smiling meeting young children or are childish in that aspect and is willing to do anything for them. However her worried side comes out more if the child is alone and has no adult around and usually would watch them until their parent shows up. Also from this, it causes her to want a child later on in life when she is ready for that responsibility.
  • Serious:
    • Since Marianne took on such an important job at the youngest age possible she has turned from a really happy go lucky to a more serious girl. She tends to always be in a focused mindset, tending to take things more seriously. Because of this she tends to be rather harsh towards people who just want to play around and have fun. She also takes her work quite seriously, showing her caring side a tiny bit to her patients as well as her still serious attitude.
  • Dogmatic:
    • Unfortunately, Marianne is quite dogmatic meaning she is rather opinionated at times. She tends to speak with her own opinion on things despite if she shouldn't. This usually causes tensions with most people she meets because she has no regrets if she states her opinion believing that she is right and the other is wrong. This tends to cause her to butt heads with others who have strong opinions of their own.
  • Narrow-Minded:
    • Another trait that seemed to be inherited from her Alt-Anglian roots is the fact that she is rather narrow-minded. She isn't much on doing things that are rather new to her, finding it irritating and just a pain to do. She tends to try and keep to a strict schedule at times because of it however she tends to get pulled out of it constantly. Usually she is able to salvage it a little bit but ends up being dragged into several situations she doesn't like.
  • Cunning:
    • After spending years being in such a serious mindset she ends up getting a rather cunning nature at some point. This came out in the Lo arc greatly, having figured a way to show off this fact. She ended up using her intelligence and cunning ability to cause things to go wrong for someone she despised. Because of this, she now has a rather cunning nature and is willing to use that nature to get where she wants.
  • Medical/Alchemical Knowledge
    • After spending some time within the clinics of her mother along with some light mages and nurses she began to take an interest in medicine. Starting from a young age she began to learn more about medicine including alchemy that mainly consists of healing tonics. After spending her younger years learning more and more about medicine it began to give her ideas and she began to study more and more into medicines.
  • Intelligence:
    • She has a tendency to overthink things which can be a burden but also works well in some situations and picks things up easily. Despite her closed off nature she is quite smart about how others act and do causing her to be able to pick things up quickly. She also has a lot of knowledge on different places, people, events, and other useful things causing her to be a great asset. As a young girl she found her only friends to be books which lead to her extensive knowledge on certain things as well as the reason for her closed off nature.
  • Observant:
    • When she was a child she enjoyed reading which caused her to become more observant in what she does and doesn't do causing her to notice more things than others do. However this could also be useful in seeing if someone has good intentions or not. This helps her in sensing what's about to come and if she is in danger or not. She also is able to read people's body languages more easily than others and is careful to see what their true intentions really are.
  • Impatient:
    • She, having been through quite a lot as the eldest sibling and the one chosen to be the family head. Because of these she's gotten a rather impatient nature to her. She easily gets bored of waiting or if she is stuck talking in long periods of time. She tends to try and hurry along people and tries to finish things as quickly as she can.
  • Chronic Headaches:
    • From falling out of a tree at a rather young age and the fact that she was still growing, it caused problems later on in life. She tends to have a hard time with loud noises that trigger headaches. She tends to get crippled easily because of a headache if she has a headache for to long. Mari also usually ends up getting frustrated more easily when she has a headache. Whenever she is hit in the head it triggers a rather nasty migraine causing her to be crippled for a bit because of it.
  • Judgemental:
    • Marianne grew up in a rather strict household at times causing her to begin to write out her opinions in different ways. However along with her opinion being rather strong she tends to be rather judgemental around people. Most of the time she tends to be overly judgemental towards others that she doesn't like that causes some arguements to occur.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks.
    • Twitching of the hands.
      • This is a common thing that appears whenever she is getting either impatient or whenever she is rather happy.
    • Playing with her hair.
      • This occurs whenever she is feeling down or if she needs something to do whenever she is bored and is clearly not in the mood to deal with anything.
    • Humming.
      • Mari tends to hum whenever she is dealing with family members, like general amusement with them or if she is feeling content as well.
    • Narrowing of the eyes.
      • Whenever she gets really irritated, insulted, or upset, you can tell by the narrowing of her eyes.
    • Lip twitching.
      • Lip twitching is something that she does whenever she is trying to hide her laughter or general amusement.
  • Describe your character's skills;
    • Healing Alchemy skills.
      • After spending at least 10 years studying pure healing alchemy, she's gotten quite good at it.
    • Medical knowledge.
      • Very similar to alchemy knowledge, she knows what she's doing when it comes down to it and is very limited knowing how to do surgery but will do it if needed.
    • Wine knowledge.
      • Her family's main trade, if she didn't know about it, it would be an insult to the family.
    • Small amount of political knowledge.
      • Having been mainly raised doing her own things, she tends to still be learning the political noble game at times but she tries to do what she can whenever possible.
  • Describe your character's talents,
    • Piano
      • Having picked up the piano when she was in her teen years, she still plays it from time to time to pass the time whenever she grows bored.
    • Tea Making and cookings.
      • Despite having servants work for her to make her own food, she still enjoys making her own food from time to time just as a moment of relaxation.
  • Wine.
  • Learning.
  • Her Family.
  • Her cat.
  • Being told what to do.
  • Having to repeat things multiple times.
  • Rude behavior.
  • People who are mean to her family.
Played Characters-
  • Darcie Vauclain - Twin Sister - @WalnutNinja - "My dearest, loveliest twin." One of the closest people to Mari, she adores her sister however she does end up arguing and bantering with her quite a bit despite the fact that they are twins they tend to act nothing alike.
  • Juliette Vauclain - Younger Sister - @AtticCat - "A young child, an annoying sister but I still love her like family." Julie is one of her youngest siblings, despite tending to clash with her a lot she just tends to wave it off the best she can and try and assist her sister.
  • Jocelyn Vauclain - Cousin - @Dekuras - "A brilliant cousin and a good healer for that matter." Jocelyn is one of the few in her family that she picks on, mainly that is her way to show her affection to him. She absolutely adores her cousin despite having met him in the recent years.
  • Leonzio Vanetti - Love Interest - @Timisc - The recent love of her life, she absolutely loves the man and he's begun to rub off on her in some ways. She is trying to make sure her family gets along with him as well, having been proposed to by him.
  • Credence - Pure white cat - Mari's pet that she had recently found during the Lo arc as a kitten. This cat tends to fight for her attention and seems to only like her, giving her family some trouble whenever they try to get close to the cat and it seems that the cat has some vendetta against her twin sister, Darcie.

Life Story
  • She was born within her family's home on January 4th, in Anglia to her mother and father, Eloise and Eadmund.
  • She has a younger twin sister and is the eldest of four other siblings including her twin.
  • She is the one who got the matriarchy position of the Vaugrenard family
  • Around the age of 8 she had begun to read and write in both common and Alt-Anglian and soon going on to study more languages throughout her childhood and teen years.
  • During her studying time she was brought between her family's wine land in Ithania and her family's home in Anglia.
  • Once her mother began to work in clinics around the time she was 10 she began to study medicine on top of her language studies.
  • At the age of 12, she began to learn alchemy through a mentor however she wasn't able to do any experiments herself until she was the appropriate age.
Teenage Years
  • Around the age of 14 she began to learn more medical practices as well as master both common and Alt-Anglian as well as begin her studies in Alt-Regalish.
  • She began to learn more about alchemy around the age of 15 so she could reach new levels to helping within clinics.
  • She worked in learning as much as she could around clinics until she was sent to the sun isles to learn more about wine.
  • She looked into her family's wine buisness as well, learning how to bargain and such between others to sell wine.
  • At the age of 18 she moved back to her family's home in Anglia, being handed over the matriarchy around this time.
  • Throughout the years she moved between Ithania and Anglia to learn turall fighting from the older men in the family, however she only reached fighter level.
Recent Years
  • At the age of 19 she decided to move her family to Regalia in hopes of expanding her family's wine business along with the intent to bringing more medicine to Regalia.
  • Once she was 20 she had fallen in love with Jamie Rosendahl and eventually married him and had a child with him.
  • During the time she had the child she still did her studying and soon found herself rather knowledgeable with both medicine and healing alchemy.
  • Around her current age she recently left her husband Jamie, during the Lo arc she met another man named Leonzio Vanetti and fell in love with him.
  • She now knows Common, Alt-Anglian, Alt-Regalish, and D'Ithanie after studying for quite a long time into her adult years.
Current Days
  • Marianne has recently married Leonzio Vanetti, and has joined several groups to help get her family known.
Update Logs
[ Added chronic headaches instead of knee injury and added turall fighting into her backstory. ]
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Update Logs
- Added chronic headaches.
- Removed knee injury
- Added turall fighting into her backstory
- Edits made February 21, 2017

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Peer Review Quicky bc I'm at work

You list Cunning Nature as a personality trait as well as a weakness, I would replace it in one of the categories with something else. I would question Cunning as a weakness, but ultimately I leave the decision to you.

That's all that stands out myself. Other than that I think your application looks very well.
Hello there @Nesstro! It's always pleasant to sit down and review your applications because they're always formatted and detailed lovely. I've got a few points for you to consider but then we can have this re-approved for you in no time.

  • 'Becoming popular via wine and medicine' is a bit of a misleading way to describe her main ambition. Does she want her wine and medicine to be famous or does she want to be popular by giving people wine and medicine? The latter makes a little less sense but I'd just reword that. :P

  • Cunning nature is already listed as a personality trait and doesn't really fit as a weakness as it has both its positives and negatives. I'd replace it with a different weakness.

  • Opinionated is also very similar to dogmatic which is already listed in her personality traits section. I also don't think it's quite valid as a weakness because, like her cunning weakness, the line between whether opinionated is a good or bad behaviour is ambiguous, which is why is suits as a personality trait better. I'd replace it with another weakness as well. If you're having trouble coming up with replacement weaknesses, I would suggest maybe looking into any fears your character has. Try and choose things that are really debilitating, or things that can't be flipped over and used as strengths either.

Other than that, that's it! Please highlight any changes you make in green and @tag me when you're done!
Hello! I've made the edits and I hope that they are good enough! Also I had to change the name again because I'm a mess.
Changes have been made that edit the character a bit.
- Added Turall Fighter
- Removed; Knee injury weakness
- Added; Chronic headaches weakness
- Added skill area for turall fighter
The headaches isn't a real combat hindrance like a bum leg would be. Either add some sort of combat trigger (like blows to the head triggering headaches or something) or bring back the hurt leg.


I added a combat trigger with the headache because having a bad leg would literally hinder her fighting abilities seeing as turall is based around agility.

I have made the edits and I put in some more pictures of Mari so the tag has changed by accident.
Bumping this because it got down to the second page.