Preserved Sheet Margulis Di Benevento

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Dec 3, 2016
Reaction score





  • Full Name: Margulis di Benevento
  • Race: Dressolini Ailor
    • Archon (Archblood, previously.)
  • Age: 28
  • Sex: Female
  • Sexuality: Undetermined
  • Eye Color: Violet

  • Belief
    • Margulis is an advocate for Dragon Worship, and is a follower of Rhaakhr. She isn't too open about this, however.
  • Identity
    • Margulis is an abstract take on a how an Archblood might behave after an untimely end, having to pick up the pieces of her life and find her own way to put them back together.

  • Point Allocation (14 Total)
    • Strength (+2)
      • Large Blades Pack (Knockback Sweep)
      • Flexible Weapon Pack (Leaping Charge)
    • Constitution (+1)
      • Physique Pack
    • Wisdom (+2)
      • Affliction Wisdom Pack
      • Morphing Alchemy Pack
    • Dexterity (+1)
      • Parkour Pack
    • Magic (+4)
      • Draconic Healing Pack (Healing Hands, Stable Protection, Mending Threads, Soul Sight)
      • Draconic Shielding Pack (Complete Barrier, Eternity Stasis, Life's Ending, Harm Deflection)
      • Draconic Cleansing Pack (Disable Cleanse, Infection Cleansing, Mind Sanctity, Soul Passover)
      • Draconic Adjudicator Pack (Leaping Pursuit, Scaled Descent, Ley-Map, Scaled Warden)
    • Charisma (+4)
      • West Linquist Pack
      • Dragonbeing Point Buy (Drakkar Physiology, Drakkar Elements, Drakkar Manifest, Drakkar Marken)
      • Dragonkin Point Buy (Dragonkin Defense, Dragonkin Aiding, Dragonkin Assist, Mount Exchange)
      • Dragonsoul Point Buy (Construct Bulwark, Archon Challenge, Archon Hands, Archon Aging)

  • Ailor Familiar
    • Ithanian Minque
  • Dark Empathy
  • Practiced Speech
    • Empire Linguist Pack
  • Seizing Destiny
  • Ailor Aesthetics
  • Draconic Attuned
  • Dragon Speech
  • Dragon Armor
  • Draconic Manifestation
  • Archon Aesthetics
    [*]Draconic Form
    • imageedit_2_9959073172.jpg

  • Common (Free)
  • Dressolini (Parent)

  • Margulis has a white sclera, glowing purple irises, and patches of purple scales on her neck, lower back and legs all due to her Archon Affliction.
  • Margulis is a willowy, tall woman. Her muscles, although not very large, are apparent on her abdomen and upper-arms. Her hair is long, and wavy and a deep, rich purple, that if noticed, looked like it may have been dyed to match the rest of her aesthetic in the rich purple and gilded gold. She didn't wear much jewelry, but wore some that rest particularly in her ear-lobes.

  • Childhood - Born to her father, Cibelli dei Benevento and her mother Leoni di Benevento, in a small town rather than some of the more notable cities familiar to the Dressolini Ailor, she was an only child, reasonably spoiled in her early years to match. No, it wasn't like her family was apart of the nobility, but they were both along a choice of stable careers as a guardsman and seamstress. Later in her childhood, her and her family would relocate to Regalia, in search of the rich economic span for such careers.
  • Adolescence - Margulis spent most of her early teenage years experimenting in all the various routes in the art-realm that her mother inspired her with, as well getting some light schooling for basic subjects, mostly involving reading and writing both common and the Dressolini tongue alike. She also, at this age, met her life-long friend. (TBT)
  • Adulthood - As she finally departed from home and began to make a name for herself, she dabbled in various career paths, helping mainly as a medic in various clinics, from Crookback to New Town. She found talent particularly in curing, however, and found that she could charge a bit more on that then she should have been. This is how she would function, for many years, until she met an untimely demise during a curing ceremony, and was reborn as an Archblood.
  • Regalia - Despite spending a majority of her living life in Regalia, as once an Archblood and now an Archon, she is finally trying to piece together her past, since a lot of it was lost to her when she was returned to life. She still is continuing her ditsy, dreamy outlook on life, however.



Last edited:
Rejected until further notice.
No need to be that way, I believe me expressing excitement here is fine. I'd appreciate you looking over my application, assuming that was why you originally responded here in the first place.
In the future please just tell me what you're wanting, I can't read past emojis.
Please state how you're calculating this -- According to how I've added it up, it should be 21, but I did it very quickly in my head.
@Acosmism I believe it's actually 20.5, rounded up to 21 though if I remember right yeah. I relooked at it and edited.