Preserved Sheet Margot Anika Lorenz

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
Basic Information

Birth name, in full: Margot Anika Lorenz.
Current Identity: Elise Lucroy Carrell.
Age and Birth: 146, born April the 3rd, 160.
Gender: Female.
Race and Ethnicity: Alt-Regalian Ailor, Vampire.
Sexuality: Asexual.


Margot currently has no perminant residence in Regalia, after losing her covenant in Ithania and using her last bit of money to retreat to the Regalian Archipelago and its countryside. Margot lives in a deep cave hidden amongst the trees near a newly built castle, waiting to make her move and establish a new coven in Regalia.
Raised in Regalia during the Skagger Wars, Margot lived a fearful and closed life in the Holy City as her family stood as lesser nobility. This lead to her being unaware of the many threats in the world, only focusing on the surging Skagger forces and hence, was unaware what vampirism was when she was turned.
Alongside her ambitions to develop a covenant capable of surviving Regalia, Margot does have a goal to take control of the city by any means neccesary. She already knows what she can do and how to achieve it, it's now only a matter of time and luck on how she can complete it.
Skill Information

Margot has 60 available profiency points for disribution.
They've been spent in these catagories.
··· +30 to Rogue Training. (from Vampire Mutations)
··· +05 to History Knowledge. (from Age)
··· +10 to Siege Combat Skills.(from Points)
··· +05 to Underworld Knowledge (from Points)
··· +10 to Fast Blade Combat Skills (from Points)

Body Shape
  • Physical Stat is 20.
  • Toned Body Type.
  • Moderate Body Fat.
  • Proto-Regalian (learnt in childhood.)
  • Alternative-Regalian (learnt in teenagehood)
  • Common (Fluent by 170AC)
  • d'Ithanian (Fluent by 200AC)
  • Old Ceardian (Fluent by 240AC)
Vampiric Mutations
Suffering from the Vampirism illness for a variety of years, Margot has begun to retain mutations which have been listed below. (30 Rogue Training was made available for this above.)

  1. Vampire: Blood's Lust.
  2. Vampire: Feeding Delight.
  3. Vampire: Shadow Flight.
  4. Vampire: Disguise.
  5. Vampire: Shadow Mask.
  6. Vampire: Terror Panic.
  7. Vampire: Hidden Home.
  8. Vampire: Innocent Guise.
  9. Vampire: Shimmer Mask.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sapphire.
  • Hair Color: Jet Black.
  • Hair Style: Flipped Over Volume.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Dresses and jewelry which assume wealth.
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Body Build: Toned.


Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph,
Margot would usually have two different perspectives from those she met, those who followed her and the ambitions she presented should see her as a collective leader intent on a common goal while others may see her as a menace that should have been exterminated years ago. In the ideal world, she would be presented as a calm, confident and coordinated leader with ideals presented to further aid everyone inside her cause. Effectively, she is likely to be viewed as a ruthless and deceptive serial killer with the intent to profit off suffering but in turn, she is very good at doing such things and can do a lot of good if it was made mutually beneficial.

Second Paragraph,

Lost to a disease set to destroy the world, if time only provided. Margot has become aware of her current situation decades before, and has made sense of what she does won't help anyone but herself in the long-term and knows for certain, she'll suffer when her time finally ends but for the meanwhile, she does reconise the success of her age due to an extensive time suffering for an executible disease from some communities and has still prospered and made success with the advantages it has given her. In effect, Margot has come to peace with the negatives and positives of her personality and situation as a whole.

Third Paragraph,
Margot retains some parental ability in her covenant, which stands as the only thing she can care about besides herself. She believes strongly in the maintanence and protection of those under her charge but this will not be found anywhere else. Anything non-sanguine she sees as a weaker form, hence she isn't the greatest friend to those unaffected. If she could, she would likely be a mooch and be constantly onto what she wants to exploit. Her ideals and inspirations to a family would be an efficient team, with the capability to get the job done and get money and if they fail, they're no longer family.

Fourth Paragraph,
Twisted and warped by decades of sanguine interference, Margot has turned from the caring young Regalian intent of helping others to a ruthless killing machine intent to profit of every potential opportunity, even if it means a few people get hurt in the way. Her morality has slowly but surely dimmed from a positive outlook, and Margot wouldn't mind a few souls lost in the way of progress, even if it were her own crew. Everybody is replaceable. Probably not going to give you a great saves on a smoke as well, to be fair.

Fifth Paragraph,
Margot, having lived through years of watching the world tear itself apart and continue to fix the cracks, she has generated a depressing outlook of life. Unionism as a whole is a lie, changed across the generations to fit what bests then and doesn't follow the old ideals and silently holds a grudge against the modern unionist party for their straying and misbelief in obstructed words and ideals held by those in power. Margot does have a solution consisting of a final cleansing and finally, reach for power which revolves around the implementation of her gifts to society as a whole. Can't make an omelette if you don't break a few eggs.

Relationships (Optional)
Add Relationships to NPC and player characters. Write this list of relationships with a bullet point. Describe what their current relation to one another is, and how they originally met. If you want to, you can add flavor by @tagging the player behind the character next to the character name. Relationships are a great way to socialize with other players! Speculate on relations, ship characters and create lasting friendships and nemeses! This section, while optional, is especially recommended if you want to create a social feel to your Sheet.

Life Story (Required)

Memories of a former life, ( 160 AC - 193 AC )
Margot was born to Erik and Sabrina Lorenz, an Alt-Regalian lesser noble family during the early days of April, 160AC. She was born to a tormented Regalia, torn by warfare from the staggers for nearly a hundred years. She was kept closed off from the world throughout her childhood, living predominantly indoors until she was nearly ten. Taught by a tutor throughout her life, Margot had a very little understanding of the world outside and grew to the city of Regalia and the ideals it stood for. Years went by before her interest in discovery lead her to a job in a district butcher and hence, left her to the hands of her maker as she turned eighteen.

Confused about her circumstances after being bitten, she was quickly removed from the streets and inducted into Das Heiligtum by Viktor Pohl and quickly made to seem dead, stopping her parents from looking for her. Margot entered a life of silence for many years, as she began to succumb to the life she was chucked into. Through many struggles, Margot was brainwashed into the ideals by her covenant to protect the hierarchy at all costs. Fifteen years in, Margot narrowly escapes a coordinated siege on the covenants defense and eliminates the majority of members. Left without a goal, Margot wondered what her next move could be as she wondered the Regalian Countryside searching for a new home.

Scharlach Upbringing, ( 193 AC - 220 AC )
Having established her covenant in a small cave nearby what stands as Kronau, Margot ran a covenant which began to boom as wanderers explored the countryside which, unfortunately, began drawing attention from troops and guards alike. They survived a fair time, being created mostly of ferals and newly turned as blood began to thin out due to awareness being made of the danger. Eventually, by 199AC, they were collectively caught and hunted by military forces causing Margot to leave on a contacts ship for Ithania with a hope for a new beginning, left with a handful of her old covenant members.

Ithania brought new hope, as her mutations began to work with her into mixing into the crowd. She quickly assumed her shadow mask as she began blending in with nobility and eventually, secured a few jobs into a secretary and then finally, an advisor for a weaponry outfitter which had her looking into new and developing technology, getting her hands close with the original weaponry. She was slowly inducted into the handling of explosives and how to get the job done with certain payloads, hence her experience is old-school but still practical.

Hidden amongst the sheep, Margot coordinated a smuggling routine for contraband weaponry which helped fund her expensive dreams. Undetected from 200AC to 219AC, she was eventually discovered and subjugated to a rather quick death squad the town could throw up in short notice. Leaving with a vast amount of wealth, Margot assumed a new identity as Camille Rigal as she moved to what is now known as Old Ceardia to establish her new life.

Camille of House Rigal, Ithanian of course. ( 220 AC - 280 AC )
Margot slipt her way into the many social groups of Old Ceardia as she established her wealth as bought out businesses within the city of Silveredge as she slowly began attacking the citizens of the town. Keeping her head low and making use of her shimmer mask and terror panic to throw anyone who came close off her scene. She was raking in money as she helped the businesses she bought out to begin trading internationally to foreign organizations which helped her financially in a significant way, which began to lead rise to her covenant.

Maintaining strict adherence to her former pride, Margot formed the new Scharlach covenant and lived the life until 278AC when her age had made her move many times, finally settled into the town of Lukkardam under the name Katalina Degionera to leave to see how her covenant retained itself. While outside the town, she witnessed the beginning of the end of Old Ceardia as tendrils began to emerge. She was apart of a retreat to Regalia, which she spent very hard avoiding detection on such a ship.

Losing everyone once again, Margot began a small forgery which she acted as a fence for those of the underworld. Margot was selling everything from stolen Howlester Weaponry, homemade explosives and a number of undisclosed contraband. Becoming delusional for many years as a sanguine and after a sudden confusion of her own values, Margot was unfortunately unable to use her shadow mask without having some significant mental breakdown. She was quickly found and escaped capture through a variety of secret passages, tricks, and tactics which helped her survive another day.

Fiona Anne, Catherine Northgate and Kirsten Keyes. ( 280 AC - Current )
Margot liked to keep her head down as she slowly could start controlling herself, recluding to the tunnels as she began to fall into a feral nature. She began hunting the sewers as she was trapped in this state for nearly ten years, beginning to come back to her somewhat old sanguine self as she slowly was helped by a coven she had formerly helped decades ago. Scared of the changed world, Margot assumed new identities every three years and changed her entire style as she swapped places in the city, having her fill a number of roles and becoming extremely crafty at appearing human.

Margot has followed this standard, remaining hidden in plain sight as she prepares for her next move. She has ideas which can benefit this city in her eyes, many of which will definitely leave a mark for times to come. She has the capability to complete it, now all she needs is time and the manpower to have it finished.

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I am so sorry about the wait!

  • Your body math is incorrect. You have two combat proficiencies with +10, so her body stat would actually be +20.
  • I'd like you to expand on all of your personality paragraphs, especially the second and fourth. How does she view her vampirism outside of the compulsory "this is a gift"? How does her vampirism work into her morality?
Make these changes in a shade of blue and tag me when you're done!

I am so sorry about the wait!

  • Your body math is incorrect. You have two combat proficiencies with +10, so her body stat would actually be +20.
  • I'd like you to expand on all of your personality paragraphs, especially the second and fourth. How does she view her vampirism outside of the compulsory "this is a gift"? How does her vampirism work into her morality?
Make these changes in a shade of blue and tag me when you're done!

Sorry for the wait, all pieces have been redone and marked with a blue heading.