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Played Character Margast

This character is actively played.


Bottomless Pit Supervisor
Staff member
May 9, 2018
Reaction score

Character Information

  • Full Name: Joruna Margast
  • Heritage: Ailor (Sarnan)
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Religion: Sarna
  • Occult: Mundane
  • Character Occupation: Blacksmith

Appearance Information

  • Eye Color: Brown-Green
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Hair: Ginger, silver reflective streak
  • Height: 6'4" / 193cm
  • Body Type: Muscular

Skill Information

  • Hobbies and Talents: Hiking, Gardening, Baking
  • Languages: Lëtz, Wirtem, d'Ithanie, Common (Passable), Sarnan (Broken)


  • Joruna is from the Margast family of Sarnan-heritage blacksmiths. Many of her family members are employed across the petty Baronial and Count courts of the Archipelago, but as the oldest of her generation, she has expectations to perform highly. She is the most skilled in heavy armour and weapon crafting, but has some skill for Sarnan traditional crossbow making, and can make workman's tools and general goods like horseshoes to make money. Jewelry and very fine crafts are almost always a no-go for her. She does not know how.
  • Margast is mysteriously educated for a blacksmith. She can read and write, and has a good education in literature of the Wirtem cultural sphere (Calemberg, Waldmark, Leutz lands, etc.). While this is nothing special in a metropolis like Regalia, it is deeply unusual that someone of her stature and origin has been allowed to open a book, much less attend university.
  • Margast considers herself more Sarnan than Leutz. However, this is an unprofitable cultural opinion to just express, and so most people are left to wonder why the woman from the Leutz lands dresses more similar to a Velheim northerner than what is expected of a Leutz local. She has reasons for holding her tongue, however (See In-Character Goal Spoiler).
  • Margast is a member of the Iron Duke's Court, existing on the periphery as a blacksmith who serves the needs of other courtiers. She is a voice of reason amongst a large number of Godborn and Arkenborn, and a tamer of flights of fancy. No one really understands why she is there or what she wants, which is how she likes it. Nonetheless, she is helpful enough to keep around.

The Great Task

Margast considers herself more Sarnan than Leutz. As a worshiper of the old Pine Father, her educated status has given her the world-view necessary to aggressively plot to both restore the God Sarna and his people into the world, doubtlessly at the expense of others. However, major roadblocks are in her way. This is what she perceives them to be.
  • The last native, first-language Sarnan speaker died out around 150 years ago. Secondary-language Sarnan speakers were mostly dead by 80 years ago. Despite being theoretically one of the most proficient Sarnan speakers alive, Margast cannot form full sentences. She can name a one-handed mace, but not a two-handed one. She can name oak and rowan, but not yew. She can sing a few folk songs, but only knows 20% of what they mean, at best. Culture propagates from language. Sarnan needs to be reconstructed; this can be done both through seeking old records, and researching similar ancestor languages and Leutz loanwords to derive a full lexicon.
  • Margast is aware of the ethical bounds of Sarnan purism and religious principle, but does not know the detailed stories, and has nothing even approaching a holy book. Her worship is as stubborn as it is blind. To evolve Sarna into a belief capable of standing on its two legs, she will need to recover old records for a better idea of what used to exist.
  • Sarna is dead, slain by the Dark Gods. Even with a vague understanding of which one, and a simultaneous stubborn belief that Sarna is not all dead, the fact remains that he is not what he used to be, and probably needs her help. Margast feels that the issue of his resurrection is so stupefying as to be unapproachable. However, time in Regalia may enlighten her to potential approaches to fix this. When she is confident, she will pursue.
  • To be competitive, the Sarnan would need to modernize. Sarnan cultural techniques, words, and habits were outdated even when they were colonized. Doubly so in the divine sense, in the modern world Gods rarely stand alone, and even in the pipe-dream realm of his resurrection, an independent Sarna seems to her extremely unlikely. Who to turn to, then? The Unionists? The Fornoss worshipers? She is much too early on to seriously think about this, but IC interactions had early may push her in a direction later.
  • All of this theory-crafting is well and good, but it is nothing without propagation. Eventually, if she achieves even fifty percent success in these affairs, Margast is going to attempt to use her connections in the Iron Duke's Court to spread a native Sarnan cultural and pagan revivalist movement in the Leutz lands and take up the banner against the local powers in the hopes of re-proclaiming Sarnan regions with Sarnan rulers within the Empire.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: None
Defense Stat: Constitution
Proficiency Points:
  • Constitution: 7
    • Breather (Free, Ailor)
    • Status Endure (Free, Ailor)
    • Shield Bunker
    • Shield Taunt
    • Tank Charge
    • Tank Slam
    • Shield Cover (Free, Shielding)
    • Shield Block
    • Tank Rush
    • Tank Tremor
  • Intelligence:1
    • Adapt Safeguard
  • Wisdom: 2
    • Chem Hyperfocus
    • Chem Bang
  • Faith: 4
    • Kneeling Prayer
    • Disrupt Prayer
    • Unseen Prayer
    • Safety Prayer
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