Preserved Sheet Margaret Henriche | Mother Of Mercy

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May 11, 2019
Reaction score


Basic Information
  • Common Name: Margaret Henriche​
  • Braggan Name: Margarida do Relicário​
  • D'Ithanie Name: Marguerite Henriette Aoûte Solaire Du Reliquaire​
  • Age: 64
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ithanian Archan Lineage Ailor (With heavy Bragacao Influences)
  • Sexuality: Strictly Celibate
  • Face Claim: Angela Lansbury
  • Theme: Ave Maria
Skill Information
Total Points: 60 points
  • +20 Union Blessings
  • +10 Culinary Arts (Hobby points)
  • +15 Linguistic Knowledge (Human Pack, Daendroquin, Elven Pack, Tolonessa, Alt-Regalisch)
  • +6 Society Knowledge (Unionist, Ailor)
  • +3 Historical Knowledge (Ailor)
  • +1 Diplomatic Case Skill
  • +6 Bodycare Training
  • +9 Unassigned

Body Shape
  • 0 Physical Stat

  • Sculpted Body Shape

  • Average Body Fat
  • Common
  • Braggan (learned from family)
  • D'Ithanie (learned from mother)
  • Tolonnesa (Linguistic Studies)
  • Daendroquin (Linguistic Studies)
  • Alt-Regalisch (Linguistic Studies)
  • Old Ceardian Dialect (Linguistic Studies)
  • Proto-Regalian (Linguistic Studies)
  • Proto-Daen (Linguistic Studies)
  • Elven Pack (Linguistic Studies)
  • Sanktist Script (Call of the Union)



Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Archan Lineage
    • Bastion of Faith
    • Unbreakable Devotion
    • Eternal Watch
  • Union Blessings
    • Call of the Union
    • Blessings of the Protector
    • Blessings of the Lady
    • Blessings of the Revered
    • Blessings of the Waywatcher
    • Blessings of the Avenger
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Greyish Green

  • Hair Color: Blond with hints of Silver

  • Hair Style: Cut Above the Ears in a Modest Style (see face reference)

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Clothing: Black Draping Robes with White Inner Robes underneath

  • Height: 5 feet 5 inches tall

Personality and Abilities
The Core List
  • Character Alignment: Lawful Good​
  • Personality Type: ENFP-A "The Campaigner"​
  • Religion: Unionism (10/10)
    • A syncretic mix of Priscelle and Sancella Unionism under the Church of Solidarity.


  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
Always happy to share a reassuring smile as evidenced by the smile lines around her eyes she is more than happy to vocalize her gratitude and joy. Though she does feel the need to insistently return a favor no matter how small. Due to the nature of her life, she finds most of her happiness in acts of service and helping others.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
Due to her complete lack of combat skill and peaceful lifestyle she has an almost immediate flight instinct running or calling upon the spirit to protect her. Margaret has quite the martyr complex though and will almost always attempt to help any victim putting their safety before her own.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
Margaret finds comfort in her prayers praying fervently for days at a time she attempts to "pray away" her fears or stress sometimes going so far as praying to the point of fainting. This being her preferred outlet of "stress relief" has only deepened her faith seeing her own happiness and all parts of her life as gifts from the Spirit.

  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
Margaret holds strictly to the laws of the Spirit and its teachings while this more than not conforms to state law as her mentors taught there is a distinction that must be maintained. Despite this she holds nothing but gratitude for those who serve in organizations such as the guards being more than happy to assist them if it conforms to her faith.

  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Margaret feels pity for those less than human due to the hatred they experience she personally feels that all races (Besides Kathar) should be treated with some level of dignity. She feels they can all contribute to the Great Way in an equal way believing all may enter into the Everwatch eventually. She treats all races as with a mother's compassion no matter if it is a Cro-Allar, Qadir, or Ailor. This entire thing does not include Kathar she feels a true sadness for them being cast out of the Spirit's plan but she feels they are beyond redemption and turns a blind eye to their fate.

  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
She feels Unionism is the one true faith and does not doubt the Spirit's existence even though she may disagree with the interpretations of her faith she believes in it wholeheartedly living and teaching by her own interpretations. She believes that the Spirit's most direct advocate in Aloria is the emperor Alexander and that the siblings and children of the emperor hold in each of them an aspect of the Spirit which makes them fit to rule the whole of humanum. She does not agree with the allowance of religions such as the Old Fayth and The Xenophane hoping to redeem those who have lost their way bringing them to the true faith. She dislikes the ideas of those "Rites" offered to other religions, seeing them as an imperfect impure attempt at bringing together the true faith with another completely false one. She detests the harsher religious punishments favoring a reform of heretics and other transgressors.

  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
She views the Void, Exist, and Arkens as things that prevent the Spirit's plans for a person hoping to dispel and remove them when possible though the creatures such as Silven and Phantasma/Archbloods do present an issue for this mindset. She detests killing and would never support killing an incurable aberrant (excluding incurable sanguine who she feels must be killed to allow for reincarnation and a purging of the Void taint) rather she relies on the hope of reform through prayer and service to such a degree that their soul is proven human.

  • How does your character feel towards their family?
Margaret was very close with her mother and father (though to a lesser extent with her father) both of whom shaped her views on the world and how people should act. Her mother supported her and her search for independence and meaning while she lived and instilled the many principles in Ithanians in her.

  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
Her service to others and her faith.

  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
The hope to reform all she can and bring her children to the Spirit's embrace.

  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
Her less than perfect ability to serve the Spirit she views even the smallest failure on her part as an affront to the Spirit and some form of ingratitude for all she has

  • What is your character's biggest fear?
Most of all she fears her death though she hopes she has done all she can she always worries if it will be enough.

Life Story

243 A.C.-Margaret is born to a Braggan merchant father and an Ithanian chef mother. Margaret is born under the name Margarida do Relicário named after a reliquary in her town in Alviteo which was believed to hold the finger bone of a minor Unionist heron and inspired much local pride though in all likelihood this fingerbone was just a mundane bone of some long-dead citizen of the town whose body was found by some ambitious reverend who wanted to increase tithes. Despite this locals took much pride in its existence and Margaret's family had long lived in the town so they took on the name.

243-262 A.C.-Margaret was raised in a strictly Unionist household though due to the influences of her mother's culture and its beliefs about the role of women had beliefs that were far more pro-women than those expressed by Sancella Unionism at the time. While this was the case each person in her family was still expected to work to better the family either acting as a merchant or some sort of producer of goods to trade. She was taught to cook by her mother learning a great deal about Ithanian cuisine from her. She studied her faith under the local reverend and prayed frequently at the local reliquary. She took quickly to her faith finding a passion for it as well as studying the many cultures of the world and the history of the Ailor. She learned sanktist ritualism from the local reverends and began memorizing the creeds. Margaret also learned basic medical techniques from an elder in the town. Later in her life, Margaret would expand upon those teachings through independent studies.

262-303 A.C.-Margaret follows the tradition of her family's women with her becoming a baker and her brothers serving as merchants and sailors to sell the family's many goods in the markets of other towns. Margaret quickly finds she is dissatisfied with life as a baker in Alviteo due to the cultural rift between herself and others in the region and her feelings of a lack of fulfillment only lasting 5 months as one. She instead takes a job under the local reverends assisting their services while she takes on a strict regimen of prayer and fasting during almost all of her free time. After about 5 years of this, her (more lenient and understanding) father dies causing great upheaval in the family as her totally Bragacao grandfather, the head of the household refuses to "put up with her nonsense any longer" demanding that she return to the family's business and line of work. In response to this Margaret takes a drastic and quite impulsive step forsaking her Braggan family in Alviteo instead claiming a greater calling for herself. She stated that she must work to bring a pure and more perfect faith to the people of the empire and during this time formed her more common name "Margaret Henriche" using the name of Emperor Henriche the Third because she believed she should mirror his work by bringing greater purity to the faith of the empire. This name would not be used often until her entry into the holy city where she used it more frequently to allow for easier use of her name. Upon doing this she moved to the Ithanian city-state of Piquere where she served as some sort of pseudo-reverend acting as a guide to the faithful and advocate for charity though her more ascetic anti-hedonist teachings were largely shunned making her rather unpopular with the local aristocracy though very appealing to the lower class citizens who could not afford such luxuries. She moved about the Ithanian city-states and Boisse-Alais (where she learned Tolonnesa and D'Ithanie) as some sort of missionary of her more ascetic spiritualist version of Unionism though she saw no major success in influencing the religious beliefs of any of these regions due to the complete incompatibility of her beliefs with the wants of the local peerage. In 301, Margaret responded to the creation of the sect of Priscelle Unionism by immediately travelling to the Ithanian sovereignty where she entered the Cathédrale d'Espoir in Priscelle. During her time in the Cathédrale d'Espoir, Margaret's beliefs were radically altered by Ithanian influences. In accordance with the Princois Notoise, Margaret came to believe that loud and luxurious expression of oneself when done properly was just as much an expression of one's devotion to the emperor and therefore the Spirit as the self-denial of asceticism. In accordance with the Princois Vilois, Margaret was also taught that many of the "backward and outdated" practices of the Synod which were perpetuated by New Regalian fanatics actively harmed the empire and Great Way. Despite this, while Margaret does hold some belief in the Princois Femesse, she simply believes that the caring and guiding role of women is superior to the more blunt rhetoric of men in the clergy and never truly came to believe that men should be totally expelled from the clergy. Over these six years at the grand cathedrale Margaret would become a cleric of Priscelle Unionism and would most importantly study the creeds in-depth looking for any points which justified the continued existence and acceptance of the Princessity of Priscelle. Margaret went so far as to even learn ancient Ailor languages such as Proto-Regalian the original language of the creeds to better interpret and understand them so she could argue for greater reforms in the clergy based on her understanding of the creeds. In addition to her study of ancient languages, Margaret also learned Daendroquin from a tutor during her time at the the Cathedrale so that she could better communicate during her travels.

307 A.C.-Seeing the more corrupt, backward, and inconsistent tendencies of the Synod Margaret decided that she must make her way to the holy city and help to guide it faithful towards a more perfect faith. There she initially found success with acting as a guide of the synod since many were tired of its very worldly political leanings. Despite this, a declaration of hers (where she took full and somewhat shocking advantage of her perceived right to expression outlined in the Princois Libresse) opposing the interference of the Synod in the Harhold-Rourke war drew the ire of the High Reverend Henri de la Riviere causing her to be declared "persona non grata" in the eyes of the Synod. Soon after this though the tenth creed was revealed by the Supreme Reverend causing Margaret to believe that her actions were just and the Spirit wishes for her to continue her crusade for the sanctity of the Unionist faith. She founded the Church of Solidarity with Reverend Wilhelm Hiberson and now serves as its Reverend Mother directing it with him. Margaret continues to work in the city to spread her syncretic mix of Priscelle Unionism adapted to Sancella beliefs and the freedom granted by the tenth creed.
Last edited:
Major character overhaul so I am requesting a new reviewer since that last one is no longer staff!
@KK134 Please include the new personality section to this current application. You may keep the original format as well but I ask that you add the new one to this. Other than that I see no further issues with this application. Make the additions and tag me.
@Anarchizm Updated to Archan lineage, moved some points around to linguistic knowledge and union blessings, and specified new proficiency caps. All changes in blue. Requesting Re-Review.
@Anarchizm Updated to move refunded points from the society and linguistics to bodycare.