Preserved Sheet Marcus Blackbourne

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Apr 4, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Marcus Blackbourne
  • Race: Ailor
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Magenta glowing eyes
Core Concept
  • Born from the Evintarian Unionism God, Amandaros the Mask, Marcus strongly believes in the Evintarian Unionism faith. He inherits life lust and happiness like Amandaros, especially towards anything mechanical and medical. He is willing to defend his faith and others.
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 4
    • Resilience Pack
    • Bruteforce Pack
    • Ironheart Pack
    • Metallurgy Craft pack
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Technician: Stimboost Pack
    • Technician: Mechwalker Pack
    • Technician: Protech Pack
    • Technician: MindBlock Pack
    • Technician: Mending Pack
    • Artificer: Barricade Pack
    • Artificer: Scrapper Pack
      • Hallowtech
      • Steamtech
        • Medical Patent
        • Common Patent
        • Servo-golem Patent
        • Biotic Patent
        • Addiotic Patent
        • Appliance Patent
        • Momentum Patent
        • Lifegiver Patent
        • Lifecreator Patent
        • Hacking Patent
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Parkour Pack
    • Sleight of Hand
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 1
    • Stupid Luck Pack
  • Ailor
  • Godborn Amandaros the Mask
  • Common
Appearance Information
  • An ailor with dark reddish hair. Rarely at times would they be seen with horns and void-like skin patterns around his body. Like many children of Amandaros, he would have glowing magenta eyes.
  • Steamtech Mechwalker (ACTIVE) (Code Name: Atlas)
    • The Steamtech Mechwalker is rather large and bulky in appearance, the reasoning behind this is due to the mass intake of water to generate steam into energy to power the mech and its components. The inner mechanics of the suit would have a built-in water-to-steam system almost resembling/acting like a circulatory system. The Mech would function sufficiently until after 2-3 hours as it needs a refill on the water to start the conversion into steam backup.
  • Hallowtech Mechwalker (WILL BE BUILT IN FUTURE RP) (Code Name: Sowilo)
    • The Hallowtech Mechwalker is an upgrade to the Steamtech Mechwalker, being still rather large but slimmer and compact. The Hallowtech suit would still be sufficient as the Steamtech mech walker but can last much longer in energy, and no need to worry about time and water intake.
Life Story
  • Born as a child of Amandaros, he was raised under a couple who were faithful towards the Evintarian Unionism and who used the mask of Amandraos to imbue his presence on one of them. His mortal father worked as a blacksmith in Etosil, while his mortal mother worked as a nurse in the Temple of Birth.
  • Growing up would be rather interesting for Marcus, as both his parents would have an influence in a way, with the extra strict influences of the Evintarian Unionism faithfuls. With this, Marcus had a life lust for experiencing things and had a keen interest in mechanical things, with medicine specialties coming from his parents. Though while growing up he was strictly enforced by the Evintarian Unionism priests and other faithful as he had to keep an image to be faithful. So while growing up he trained his body and mind to handle this stress and to help live his life.
  • During his young adult years, Marcus would volunteer at the Temple of Birth as he learned the practice of medicine and the knowledge to perform surgeries. Though when he is not volunteering he would tend to work near his mortal father's workshop engineering machines to sell or to help people. When he has free time he tends to explore areas learning how to do slight parkour or just simply playing a game of cards, which luckily got good at with hand coordination being able to use sleight of hand at times.
  • Currently, Marcus is ready to explore further towards Regalia, knowing that there could be anyone who will harm him he brings his Steamtech mech-walker in case of emergency. For now, his main intention is to explore and live in Regalia
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App looks good, though the only comment from my end would be that your characters name is a bit too similar to the Umbrella Academy character Marcus Hargreeves, just checking in to see if you're aware of this. Adjust this in some way and you'll be set, make sure to @tag me. @OneDinoBOI
@ChapterDeath My bad I was completely unaware of that and it was completely unintentional that I did that, either way I change the surname.
Hey, I just slightly changed my proficiency, replacing Mechsuit Pack with the Mindblock Pack, since I haven't used the ability in RP.