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Played Character Barivoc Salvatore

This character is actively played.


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Barivoc Ice-Tusk
  • Heritage / Culture: Dwarf
  • Age: 40
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male

Core Concept
Malek is a Dwarven arms merchant who decided to become a figure in Regalia's Undercity. He was born in Ellador and lightly maintains his Fornoss faith, though ultimately being more concerned with himself.

Appearance Information
Malek stands at 4'8" with dark tan skin, sandstone eyes, and brown hair. He often wears suits and fine robes to give the impression of wealth, appealing to customers.

Attack and Defense Stat
  • Attack: Dexterity
  • Defense: Intelligence

Hobbies and Talents
  • Technology Hobby

  • Strength: 0
    • Steady Body (Free; Dwarf)
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 7
    • Tech Exchange
    • Tech Resist
    • Tech Assimilate
    • Tech Auto
    • Tech Livewire
    • Tech Exhaust
    • Tech Charge
    • Techghost (Free; Tech Point Buy)
    • Hook Shot (Free; Dwarf)
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Deadeye Barrage
    • Deadeye Puffshot
    • Deadeye Doubletap
    • Deadeye Venom
    • Deadeye Overwatch
    • Deadeye Focus
    • Deadeye Crit
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0

  • Common
  • Barrudh
  • Dasigyl
  • Dressalo

Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Barivoc is willing to sell his weaponry to almost anybody, even the enemies of the Undercity. Money is money, and the Salvatores do not take sides.
  • Barivoc despises the Ordial-empowered Gods for helping destroy his people, though also holds a grudge against the Draconists for their ancient conflict against the Dwarves. While trying to maintain Salvatore pragmatism, his ancestral hatred burns on.
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